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  1. Sadly, it is time to face the truth. Sit youself down while your kindly Uncle tells you. It ain't happening. Live album version of Who's that Girl tour, BAT, Girlie Show, Drowned World and Reinvention. Ain't gonna happen. Blu-ray of above. Ain't gonna happen. Yes, the Remix edits and extended versions (eg Gambler) and B-sides (eg Ain't no Big Deal) are WELL , WELL (as in 15 years) overdue and are very welcome. But as for Burning Up (4'48), Live to Tell single, Dress You Up single, Let Down your Guard, actual versions of Borderline edit (etc) and especially OYH single (remix edit).... Ain't gonna happen. All the Erotica outtakes, demos, versions etc that are freely available on Youtube (and are a JOY to listen to).... Ain't gonna happen. Boxed-set of ANYTHING. Let alone new photographs, liner notes, personal reflections (ie what THE REST OF THE WORLD IS DOING) A'int gonna happen. Re-mastered (decently and sympathetically, to enhance the magic rather than frustrate the listener) anything other than post-Confessions. A'int gonna happen. We would all sell our first born, our mammas, and our One Great Love, to even have a sniff of the above before it was cruelly snatched away from us, and still- STILL- here we are with 2024 drawing to a close... and NOTHING. Bitch has spent 40 years telling us that she doesn't stop, don't tell her to stop (because she can keep going long after everyone else has stopped) yet even though her Music makes the people come together, the feeling that we have to be GRATEFUL to finally own CAC digitally or to be able to stream it, is humiliation rather than joy. Bitch was THE FIRST to release a single digitally (HUp) yet WE STILL WAITING. I'm in my fifties now yet I was 12 when CAC was a thing. It is clear, dear listener, to anyone that has kept up, that.... it Ain't gonna happen. So, maybe, they kindness would be to just release a statement that clarifies what "they/she" is doing and if legacy releases are cancelled while the Bitch plans her next Art installation. Then, we can all get on with our lives. There. Someone had to say it. Don't shoot the messenger. I been spending more dollas on Her Madgesty than I have even spent on myself over the last 40 years. So the Bitch needs to made to understand that repayment of four decades of loyalty (and keeping her in the lifestyle...) wouldn't go amiss in the form of a a deluge of decent Music releases with all the works. Have you read the Mary Gabriel book? I have made it to the release of WE and I have learned ONE thing: our heroine is one controlling Narcissist. Ya'll wouldn't tolerate any of this from that Taylor Swift, now. ...but DO enjoy the True Blue artwork when the digital single is released #SOON Lord, the younger me would NEVER, EVER have believed such cruelty. The older me is FLABBERGASTED at such non-sensically poor business sense!!! (The world: "We need to raise BILLIONS to fight prejudice, disease, social inequality and injustice, AIDS, the effects of climate change and the impact of War in the Ukraine and and the Middle East." Madonna: "Release the Super-deluxe Like a Virgin box set." Charities the world over: "Ker-ching!) Peace, out. The ..
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