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    kshn1blk reacted to Roy in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   

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    kshn1blk reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Yes, I would be happy if she looked old, tired, and wrinkly. It would be authentic and she’d come off much less insecure.
  3. Like
    A CD sounds horrible unless you play it through a decent system. A vinyl looks more impressive with its large artwork.
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    kshn1blk reacted to moloko in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    wtf is this? she posted 

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    kshn1blk reacted to MadameX in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    You wrote a very long essay but the biggest problem with this long essay is that you wrote it not for real people but for imaginary enemies you created in your head.
    The reason why so many fans, including myself, hate this video is not because we are conservative.
    I don't care if Madonna perform naked on stage right now. If Madonna does it right.
    Your fight will be as easy as black and white if you create an imagination of conservative imaginary humans in your head. 
    But reality is This is not a matter of conservative vs progressive
    It's a matter of Good quality vs Bad quality and a matter of done it right VS done it wrong.
    That's the real problem here.
  7. Like
    kshn1blk reacted to steady75 in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    Also the undermining portion of that argument is that she is not being overtly sexual with anyone of her own age. Thereby only reaffirming the fact that she herself sees age as ugly and  something to be run from. If she was tonguing other sixty four year olds and they all had their bits out and we’re doing drugs and showing thier ass in the back of a truck no one would be shouting yass louder than me. Because that would be truly groundbreaking. Sure there would be some people that hate it but those that applaud it and support her would at least feel there was some sustained conviction in her stance. That’s art, that’s change and that’s what I have come to expect from her. She’s rejecting herself in many ways and that seems so un-Madonna. 
    It’s all about optics. Madonna was a master of it. Now she misses the central point and undermines her wider message. It’s inauthentic and THATS what people don’t like. 
    By way of exclusion she’s telling people of her own age and more importantly the people that have supported her career and have grown with her.. actually you’re not valid. Optics matter especially from a person who built a career on them. 
  8. Like
    kshn1blk reacted to Drownedboy in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    Another post pretending that this video is modern and progresist and that she is still the groundbreaking queen of all time. 
    Ok, she was expected to do amazing job, that´s we expected, knowing her stellar and unique in history carreer. And so far, it´s lazy, underehearsed, ugly, and speedly done, and messy..things Madonna was never linked to. I don´t know if she is having fun. I don´t know if a person who needs to hide her age and do strange things in order to change her face constantly is actually having any fun. i would say she is more terrified than any other thing.
    On the one hand, If you need to tell me I´m conservative,  i really don´t give a damn, call me what you will. I think you are in a stage of denial, on the other hand.
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    kshn1blk reacted to Lucas B. in Erotica Picture Disc Reissue - October 21, 2022   
    I'm super excited to get the picture disc, but I would die for a boxset like this:

    For more details: https://www.behance.net/gallery/104612089/Madonna-Erotica-Expanded-Box-Set?locale=pt_BR
  10. Like
    kshn1blk reacted to steady75 in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    The music industry is based around youth culture. Any one over 30 is largely irrelevant. Of course Madonna is irrelevant to that market. it's not even particularly ageist as such. It's just that demographic is largely only really interested in what their peers are creating for the most part. Always has been always will. What on earth would a woman in their 60's have to interest them. The other and potent revenue income is nostalgia and classic albums. Just look at the top 100 albums there's more old classic records than ever before. She's at a point now where she is commercially spent in terms of new product really, which is why it's a good job the reissues are coming. 
  11. Like
    kshn1blk reacted to Bionic in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    They absolutely don't and you know it, how can you lie to yourself like this?
    The bathtub 'the great equalizer' clip and Eurovision alone have been enough to seriously put massive cracks into her image and legacy. You're forgetting that people who are not her fans don't get regular exposure to her, those antics and messy performances are pretty much the only signs of life they notice from her while occasionally hearing her OLDER songs on the radio.
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    kshn1blk reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    All the endless comments about us  who don't like it being "too old" are hilarious 
    Sorry, but I'm 29 and think this is absolute trash, as do most of my friends who used to like her. If that's considered "too old" to appreciate this Madonna....sorry, but WHO is she trying to appeal to? 18 year olds? You fans who are lauding her for this SERIOUSLY think that teenagers are going to see her wearing grillz and smoking weed and want to check out her catalog? 
    This has *nothing* to do with her age, so good God, please stop with the "you're an ageist!" attacks towards fans who loathe what she has become. "Trashy", "Cheap", "Messy", "Boring", "Embarrasing" are never words I would have ever associated with Madonna, and yet here we are. She's become antithetical to absolutely everything she used to stand for, and it's so depressing to witness as a fan of 20+ years. 
    She's really acting Michael Jackson-levels of weird nowadays, and it's painful to watch her bookend her career like this. The signs were there of things getting weird during the Madame X era, but something cracked during COVID and I'm still convinced something is seriously off behind the scenes. 
    Anyone who thinks Madonna is still capable of bringing in mass audiences for a future stadium greatest hits tour is delusional. She's become an absolute laughing stock, as would anyone of any age who was putting out music and looks that were this tacky and bad. 
  13. Like
    kshn1blk reacted to Bionic in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    How is Mick Jagger showing off his body? I saw the Stones in concert two months ago and I can tell you Mick didn't flaunt it but he was as energetic as ever and gave an amazing performance just like Madonna did when I saw her in the same stadium ten years ago (which is why her performance at Maluma's concert earlier this year had me baffled in how bad it was, like is this even the same person??). Does he have a ridiculous fake ass that makes him look disfigured and like a midget? Do you see him constantly grinding on people who are a third of his age and looking drugged up? Was Elvis happy and a free spirit later in his life, did he get to perform outside of North America like he always wanted to?
    She's not pushing the envelope whatsoever with this, please stop with the excuses.
  14. Like
    kshn1blk reacted to 50ft Queenie in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    So just because men have been doing this for ages that means you can't observe strange behavior from Madonna just because she is a woman? sounds to me like you are the one being sexist, I literally compared her worrying behavior to Michael Jackson and Prince who are both men. Playing the sexism card to deflect my criticism wont work.
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    kshn1blk reacted to Pootz333 in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    What 64 year old male celebrity is making reggaeton and trap tracks where they make out with and grind on everybody 40 years younger in the video? I'm asking genuinely because I can't find one. And none of that bothers me at all. I have zero problem with any of it. I just don't connect to it.
    She has certainly dealt with sexism all along the way. But it's become this go to excuse for a lot of fans who can't accept any criticism. 
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    kshn1blk reacted to 50ft Queenie in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    Pulled her career out of the grave? you make it sound like her efforts with these minor artists have been big smashes. Frozen trend had nothing to do with Madonna seeking out a collaboration, neither did Material Girl, whatever attention her remixes got was because she was riding on the coat tails of a trend not because everyone was thrilled by the brilliance of the collaborations. Remind me again what the success of FEL had anything to do with collaborations? Also, one does not have to be in her shoes in order to observe worrying behavior that has similarities to her peers. 
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    kshn1blk reacted to MattyMads in Madonna & Tokischa - Hung Up Remix Music Video   
    Because I’m a sucker who hopes she’ll actually embrace her legacy and respect it the way it should be. Tbh I couldn’t give a flying fig over new music because if she’s gonna continue to cater for herself and people who are not interested the new music will never get the recognition she so craves 
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    Mariah only cares about Xmas, she's defrosting right now as we speak
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