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    thehorrors reacted to RUADJAI in MEGARATE: Hard Candy era [Results Show - Recap on first page]   
    What the heck is happening in here?
  2. Like
    thehorrors reacted to RUADJAI in MEGARATE: Hard Candy era [Results Show - Recap on first page]   
    I love Spanish Lesson. It's so tongue in cheek and cute and has a great dance break down. 
  3. Like
    thehorrors got a reaction from Curtains in MEGARATE: Hard Candy era [Results Show - Recap on first page]   
    My lips are sealed 
  4. Like
    thehorrors reacted to Fontainebleau in MEGARATE: Hard Candy era [Results Show - Recap on first page]   
    Voted! And I do like Hard Candy. For me it's her last good, cohesive album.
  5. Like
    thehorrors got a reaction from Curtains in MEGARATE: Hard Candy era [Results Show - Recap on first page]   
    I can think of at least two better candidates for last place. 
  6. Like
    thehorrors got a reaction from spinningaround in MEGARATE: Hard Candy era [Results Show - Recap on first page]   
    I can think of at least two better candidates for last place. 
  7. Haha
    thehorrors reacted to MattyMads in Celebration 2009 vs. 2022 - Re-evaluating M's most divisive compilation   
    I felt robbed lol over the bonus scenes we were supposed to get for Justify my love that never happened😭
    maybe the censored tits were the bonus footage? 
  8. Like
    thehorrors got a reaction from DoneGone in Celebration 2009 vs. 2022 - Re-evaluating M's most divisive compilation   
    I really liked the non-chronological track-listing for Celebration. When an artist has such a long pop career it's quite effective to mix up the old and the new so that no single era is favoured. Pet Shop Boys did something similar on PopArt and it was a refreshing change from the linear Old to New that is usual for a singles compilation.
    The mastering was sodding awful though.
  9. Like
    thehorrors got a reaction from Ivan Z in Celebration 2009 vs. 2022 - Re-evaluating M's most divisive compilation   
    I really liked the non-chronological track-listing for Celebration. When an artist has such a long pop career it's quite effective to mix up the old and the new so that no single era is favoured. Pet Shop Boys did something similar on PopArt and it was a refreshing change from the linear Old to New that is usual for a singles compilation.
    The mastering was sodding awful though.
  10. Like
    thehorrors got a reaction from Roy in Celebration 2009 vs. 2022 - Re-evaluating M's most divisive compilation   
    I really liked the non-chronological track-listing for Celebration. When an artist has such a long pop career it's quite effective to mix up the old and the new so that no single era is favoured. Pet Shop Boys did something similar on PopArt and it was a refreshing change from the linear Old to New that is usual for a singles compilation.
    The mastering was sodding awful though.
  11. Like
    thehorrors reacted to moloko in Madame X Revisited   
    book about Madame x album and also 264 pages? 

  12. Like
    thehorrors reacted to steady75 in Warner/Interscope/GuyO/Gomest blaming   
    I suppose no one is looking at the products and roll out that hard when the numbers and chart positions keep coming in. Warners made plenty of questionable choices in their time managing Madonna’s releases. 
    Lack of videos for Angel / Rescue Me 
    Where’s The Party not being a 6th single of her biggest album ever after La Isla Bonita was a worldwide smash even as 5th single. (Truly her lost great single)
    Spotlight not being an official single was so so so odd. 
    Sooner Or Later should have been a single. Oscar winner. 

    Agreeing to tie up Blond Ambition concert with a shit format that stopped a wide release.
    lack of full releases for American Pie / Beautiful Stranger in the US failing to chart. 
    Time Stood Still being left on the shelf despite being one her her best ballads of all time. 
    Some really lazy single covers where the last video still made the next single cover… completely incoherent. 
    Take A Bow Uk cd release with lack of buying incentive ruining her top ten run. 

    Dress You Up really should have been on Immaculate. There’s arguments for True Blue and Who’s That Girl too but they decide opinion. Dress You Up not being there is just wrong. 
    GHV2 being 15 tracks with no new material. Dumb. Time Stood Still was right there. Warner UK rereleased so many of her singles during the 80’s and 90’s and we just had Oh Father and Love Don’t Live Here Anymore rereleased not five years earlier. Weird weird weird. 
    I think Warner were right not to release Impressive Instant as a single. Radio would have run a mile… “where is the chorus etc” . I love it but It’s just not single material but a double A would have worked as 4th single. However Amazing was completely the wrong choice. Gone was right there. 
    We can’t underestimate the power of the soundtrack singles Madonna had during the Warner years and I wonder if their affiliation with the film industry really helped Madonna land those deals. The reach and omnipresence those songs gave her career cannot be underestimated. 
    I have to say Warner picked the right singles 100% they were utterly flawless bar a couple that should have been released. Things really did go wobbly at American Life tho. The anti Madonna album. 

    It’s also worth mentioning that a record company has never showed more faith in an artists ever than they did with Madonna around Erotica. It’s actually unbelievable that a huge corporation like Warner signed up to the entire project. Did they put her through the ringer afterwards? No doubt…but the faith they showed in the first place is unparalleled. We should never forget that. And they still delivered six singles and five amazing videos and my favourite tour ever. Hell of a flop era.  
    All of this after the controversy and underperforming Like A Prayer album sales comparative to True Blues sales too. 
    Reinvention Tour suffering the same fate as Blond Ambition. 
    The abridged live albums. Why? And some of the tracks included! Weird. 
    Hard Candy album cover. Weird. 
    Miles Away…….The whole campaign. 
    Celebartion … mess.
    I could go on and some are personal opinions obviously but while the chart positions were still coming in most of us were beaming. 
    as someone pointed out though the money metric changed and streaming put so many artists in the museum. Madonnas team had nailed the formula for the market for 25 years. They couldn’t navigate the world changing sadly. 
    Interscope handled Gaga and they were doing an amazing game so the future looked bright but sadly the fit was shit and I think the yes men moved in. 
  13. Like
    thehorrors got a reaction from Curtains in MEGARATE: Hard Candy era [Results Show - Recap on first page]   
    Votes cast.
  14. Like
    thehorrors reacted to BradleyPratt in I made an Immaculate Collection 30th Anniversary box set   
    Madonna - The Immaculate Collection 30th Anniversary
    Hey gang - long-time reader/lurker, infrequent poster 
    Like everyone else, I'm frustrated at the lack of any anniversary/expanded/box-set/celebratory anythings from Madonna.
    For The Immaculate Collection's 30th anniversary this year, I knew we weren't likely to get anything nice, so I designed something myself and put it out in the universe to see what would happen. Tadaaaa.
    Click here to check it out
  15. Like
    thehorrors reacted to steady75 in 2022: Madonna's Comeback?   
    I think it would be wise to let go of any chart dreams for Madonna. 
    Whilst her fight against ageism is noble and right, what 12-30 year old really has any interest in that?
     When you are in the throws of youth do you really care that a 64 yr old pop star who's had everything has an issue with being overlooked for younger more relevant artists?
    I'm not saying it's right or wrong I'm just saying that's the way it is.
    She comes across as either wildly immature on socials or has an axe to grind about something. There's very little in between a lot of the time. Yes there's been some highly edited serves picture wise but aside from being a fascinating insight to the latter days of the worlds biggest star, she's sadly nothing more than a curio for the majority of the record buying / streaming public. They just....don't have an opinion on her cause she really holds no relevance to them.
    Her last sizeable solo hit in truth was Hung Up when todays 30 year old would have been what? 12/ 13 just as that generation would have been becoming financially valid in terms of music buying / engagement then she's largely  faded into the background or seen as the older woman who came for Gaga. 
    As for 30-40 they're in the work years busy living their lives and having kids (outside of the gays)..and when you're grinding hard to make ends meet in some of the toughest economic times in recent history (the last 15 years have been economically disastrous), one of the richest women in the world bemoaning on her socials or flaunting her extreme wealth, doesn't go down too well. 
    40+ers will generally  remember her nostalgically but wonder "what the hell has she done to herself". I can't tell you how many people who I know who have loved her and who are sane reasonable people with a libertarian view, say this. They will want a slice of nostalgia but wouldn't be able to hum a bar of anything past 2005 and will likely only remember the last 15 years of her career for The Brits fall, Eurovision, Her ever morphing body and the Gaga comments. 
    Most 60+ ers will see a peer to whom they can no longer relate. 
    I'm just not sure who Madonna thinks her audience is anymore. There will always be pockets of girls and gays who shout "go on girl" " good for you" "live your best life" "yass queen" and a bunch of people who respect her choices and the voice she has given gay people, the AIDS crisis and female empowerment...but let's be honest. Madonna has started playing to the hardcore fans who buy multiple tickets in the front rows of many of her concerts...and that..isn't the general public. Whilst I have no judgement on that crowd at all..free world, you do you etc...that type of engagement will never transpose in to hitting the wider GP's pockets and hearts.
    Her socials are nothing short of damaging to her career at this point and while I personally love and adore her and will ALWAYS support and follow her til the end, I am under no illusions. The general view of her is far far far from my own. More often she is simply passed on as uninteresting and "not for me" or "ugh she's at it again"
    While she is on the right side of history for many many many reasons her commercial viability is......sort of lost in the wilderness a little. Bands like The Bee Gees / ABBA / Queen / Elton / Cher / Fleetwood Mac, some of whom who are still commercially active, have a great like-ability factor and the focus is largely on their past endeavours. 
    I think the biopic really is her last chance to turn a tidal wave of public opinion around and in truth that's the only way to commercial success. Were in an era of like-ability more than ever....and if you don't LIKE or LOVE or FOLLOW someone..you simply don't appear in the world (socials) therefore you don't exist. 
    The world has changed and I think most of the next chapters are just for us until her reappraisal happens and the bowler hat hits the stage floor for the last time.  
  16. Haha
    thehorrors reacted to Starchild in 2022: Madonna's Comeback?   
    You mean Madonna's become too tacky for Glastonbury?
  17. Like
    thehorrors reacted to o_g_c_x in Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones   
    Anyone that hates Causing a commotion has to leave
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