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Rod Erick

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    Rod Erick reacted to groovyguy in Le Grand Journal - 2nd March (France)   
    Madonna And Antoine DeCaunes ! â€ª#‎LeGrandJournal‬

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    Rod Erick reacted to Frank in Your thoughts on the Promo this era!   
    A dream come true. Brilliant. Perfect.
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    Rod Erick reacted to Yung Rapunxel in Interview for Pitchfork   
    There’s an approximate 100% probability that any living human over the age of, say, 25 has some sort of specific Madonna-related memory. Perhaps you slow danced to “Crazy for You†at a high school prom, memorized the “Vogue†choreography in your dorm room, warbled out “Express Yourself†at a bachelorette party, had a dancefloor epiphany to “Ray of Lightâ€, or fumbled through some sexual experimentation with Erotica throbbing in the background. Perhaps, like me, you grew up worshipping at the altar of “Into the Grooveâ€-era Madonna and quietly contemplated your own burgeoning sexuality after obsessively viewing Truth or Dare around five million times. Even if you aren’t a super fan—or even a fan at all—there’s no escaping Madonna. She is everywhere.
    It is not hyperbole to say that Madonna profoundly influenced the ways in which an entire generation of young people thought about music, fashion, and—in particular—sex. She was one of the first celebrities of her time to advocate on behalf of gay people and speak openly about AIDS. She was a provocateur of the highest order, even when it wasn’t necessarily in her best interest. (Go back and watch some of the now quaint-seeming news coverage regarding the release of her 1992 Sex book just to have a laugh at how radically the cultural landscape has—and hasn’t—changed). She has also sold over 300 million records. These are all good reasons to talk about Madonna, but they still aren’t the most important reason: She essentially built the house that everyone else—Britney, Beyoncé, Nicki, Gaga, Sky, Rihanna, Katy, Ariana, even Kanye—all now get to call home. She devised the archetype of pop stardom as we know and understand it today. And, with the exception of Michael Jackson—the King of Pop to her Queen—Madonna’s enduring impact on popular culture remains pretty much unequaled.
    But what does Madonna mean in 2015? And what does being Madonna mean in 2015? It’s not an easy subject to unpack. It’s also a question that Madonna herself seems to struggle with. On her forthcoming 13th studio album, Rebel Heart, the 56-year-old pop paragon chooses to re-examine rather than simply reinvent. As a result, the 19-track opus is, in many ways, the entire Madonna mythology writ large—a record that vacillates between empowerment anthems, romantic missives, and the now-requisite assertions of complete and total dominance (see: “Bitch I’m Madonnaâ€), with stops along the way to revisit her lifelong obsessions with sex and Catholicism.
    As usual, Madonna’s knack for choosing of-the-moment collaborators remains in full-effect, and this time around the long list includes Diplo, Kanye, Avicii, DJ Dahi, Blood Diamonds, Ryan Tedder, Ariel Rechtshaid, Nicki Minaj, Nas, Chance the Rapper, and Mike Tyson. While this roster of talent makes for what is arguably the most all-over-the-place thing Madonna has ever released, it doesn’t stop her from also getting surprisingly personal. Tracks like “Joan of Arcâ€â€”in which she examines just how much being Madonna has cost her—and the title track are some of the most vulnerable self-examinations she has ever committed to record. Elsewhere, she swaps life stories with Nas on “Veni Vidi Viciâ€â€”a song in which she recalls her time as a “baby on the street†running wild on New York City's Lower East Side in the early ‘80s. For a record that is trying so hard to sound of-the-moment, Rebel Heart’s most interesting moments tend to be the ones where she drops the braggadocio and sex talk, and pauses to examine her own identity. For Madonna—an artist who has famously thrived on radical evolution—perhaps the most radical thing she can be at this point is herself.
    Given her experience as one of the world’s most talked about human beings for the past 30 years or so, Madonna is—as one might imagine—a formidable interview subject. Sitting down to chat with her on a cold recent Friday night in Midtown Manhattan is both intimidating and surreal. It’s also really fun. Corseted, camera ready, and sporting a bejeweled Chanel whistle around her neck, Madonna is both friendly and forthcoming—just as happy to talk about art and poets like Anne Sexton and Mary Oliver as she is to talk about pop music. One might imagine that a sit-down with a celebrity of Madonna’s stature would involve a lot of preemptive stipulations, but the only real caveat I’m given regarding our discussion comes from Madonna herself. “If you ask me a question I think is stupid then you have to take a shot of this tequila,†she says, producing a bottle. “And if you ask me an amazing question, something that really sets me on fire, then I have to take a shot of tequila. Don’t worry though, this is really good tequila.†In the end, we both drink.
    “When I think about popular culture now, I can’t help but think that we’re living in the age of loneliness. There’s this illusion that we all have instant access to each other, but we actually have no real connection.â€
      Pitchfork: You have worked in lots of different mediums—acting, directing, theater, philanthropy—but always come back to pop music as your primary means of expression.
    Madonna: Yes, my home base—pop music and the Catholic Church.
    Pitchfork: And sex.
    M: [laughs] Yes. Why not? All three together, if possible.
    Pitchfork: What makes pop music such a powerful medium for you?
    M: It’s very primal. It’s also like poetry, when it’s good. I like that you have four minutes to zero in on something and evoke a specific feeling and take people on some sort of journey. When I discovered that I could write music, it felt like the most natural way for me to connect with people and tell my stories. I’ve always thought of that as what I do: I tell stories.
    Pitchfork: I was really surprised by this new record.  To be honest, I was also kind of relieved…
    M: That you didn’t hate it? [laughs]
    Pitchfork: Yes, actually. I mean, you never know…
    M: Totally. That’s to be expected.
    Pitchfork: This is your 13th studio album. Do you tend to go into the making of a record with a sense of what you want the record to be, or does that reveal itself as things unfold?
    M: Generally I start by choosing producers to work with, which determines the direction the overall sound is going to go in. But this time around, my goal from the very beginning was just to write good songs that don’t require any production to be felt or understood. I wanted to be able to sit in a room with a guitar and play the song from beginning to end and have it be as impactful as if you heard the studio version with all the bells and whistles. In the beginning I was writing songs with Avicii, whom everyone associates with EDM, but I worked with his team of writers and everything was very simple—vocals and piano, vocals and guitar. It almost had a folk feeling to it.
    It wasn’t until I got about halfway through the album that I started thinking about sounds, and that’s where Diplo came in. He started adding these monster beats and punch-you-in-the-stomach bass sounds and 808s like you’ve never heard before, and that pushed me in a certain direction. Then I looked at the songs I had that still didn’t have producers and started asking around for people I thought it would be fun to work with.
    I wanted to work with a hip-hop producer, but not a conventional hip-hop producer, and DJ Dahi had worked on a Kendrick Lamar record that I really liked. Then [Diplo] brought Blood Diamonds into the picture, and I’d never heard of him before. It was like a train that started moving: Along the way, new people would get on while other people would get off for a while only to return again later. So not only was I the primary songwriter, but I was also the schedule keeper trying to manage the comings and goings of crazy DJs who all have ADD. [laughs]
    Pitchfork: When I was listening to the record I started to make a division between the “party†songs and the “personal†songs—the party versus the personal…
    M: Party versus funeral. [laughs]
    Pitchfork: I found myself much more drawn to the personal songs.
    M: Which song in particular?
    Pitchfork: “Joan of Arcâ€, for example. Maybe it’s just because…
    M: You feel like a martyred saint? [laughs]
    Pitchfork: I was gonna say because I’m a 40-something gay dude—same thing. I was just drawn to the songs that seem to deal with getting older, making sense of things.
    M: I can understand that. 
    Pitchfork: You’ve never been afraid to put yourself out there in terms of talking about provocative topics like sex or religion, but is it somehow scarier to talk about your personal, intimate feelings? 
    M: Hm. I think “scary†is probably the wrong word. You just have to be ready. You know, I just don’t ever want to sound like a victim, or like a person that is feeling sorry for themselves. However, I did want to share some aspects of my life experiences that were painful that I think people can relate to—especially in this age of social media where people can hide behind the Internet to say a lot of disparaging, hateful, discriminatory things to other people. It’s not that people got crazier or more hateful, it’s just that now people have the courage to say stuff without any fear. As much good as it does, social media can also encourage stupidity and degradation.
    Do you know [‘60s poet] Anne Sexton? I worship her. She came up in a tough time, and she definitely wasn’t encouraged to be a poet or to speak her mind or reveal anything personal. When I made Truth or Dare, I got so much shit from people for everything, for allowing cameras to follow me around all the time. Can you imagine, in this day and age? 
    Pitchfork: Now everyone has a camera following them at all times.
    M: When that movie came out I was constantly referencing this Anne Sexton poem called “For John, Who Begs Me Not to Enquire Furtherâ€. She was given so much shit for being too personal in her work, but that poem is her way of saying, “Look, I don’t know how to do anything else.†That poem always gave me solace, especially at a time when everyone told me I was being crazy. 
    Pitchfork: I’ve talked to pop artists, like Miley or Sky Ferreira, who have clearly benefited from the doors that you opened during your career. But I’m always amazed by how many of the same battles you fought are still being fought by women in the music industry, whether it’s the shaming women receive from talking about their sexuality, or the lengths that critics will go to in order to not give women credit for their own work.
    M: Sexism; you can’t be sexy and intelligent. It’s not allowed. Nothing has changed. I mean, it’s fine if you just wanna go out there and twerk, but the landscape is limited. If you try to embody too many different human aspects in your work, or if you have too many references, people get confused. I see a lot of people getting really pissed off at Miley because she kind of just acts like a dude—but if she were a dude, no one would say anything.
    Pitchfork: The language people use is fascinating. For example, when people talk about your knack for collaborating with people at just the right time, it’s almost always described as "vampiric" or "calculated". But if you were a man, they would just describe it is as "savvy."
    M: Oh yes. But if I were a man… oh, if I were a man. [laughs]
    Pitchfork: “Veni Vidi Viciâ€â€”the new track with Nas—is also one of the most self-referential things you’ve recorded. How did that come to be?
    M: Diplo was like, “You’ve had such a long career, you’ve been around so many decades, you should kind of do a rap—but not really rap—and talk about all of the things that you’ve done.†So I was like, “OK, good idea! I’ll try that.†Then I wanted to have a guest on the song, and I’ve always been a fan of Nas. I feel like he’s had a super interesting journey. Obviously, we have very different backgrounds—I’m from Michigan and he’s from Queens—but he’s survived a lot, too. I also just love the sound of his voice.
    He was incredibly gracious when I asked him to do it. He just turned up one day all by himself—no bodyguards, no assistants, nothing—and listened to the track before saying, “Yes, I’m in. I’ll do it.†And now we’re friends and I really like him. He also came up at a time when I felt like rap music was peaking, back when the bulk of rappers were still talking about their real lives and reflecting on what was going on in society.
    Pitchfork: It’s cool to hear you talk about your days in New York City in the early ‘80s on that song. I was thinking about you and that era when I saw a recent show of artist Greer Lankton’s work here in the city and there were these photos of people like David Wojnarowicz and Keith Haring, all of these major downtown people.
    M: All of whom are no longer with us. [sighs] Don’t even get me started…
    Pitchfork: It’s interesting to see how often you pop up as part of that scene—in Danceteria flyers, in David Wojnarowicz’s biography, photos of you and Keith. Do you feel nostalgia for that time?
    M: Yes, I do, especially now. I think about Keith coming over and saying, “I heard you are doing a show at the Paradise Garage, I want to paint a costume for you. What are you wearing? Can I just paint on it?†And I’m like “Yes! For sure!†Or then to have Basquiat and Warhol come to the show and then everyone goes out afterwards and just talks about art. Or to go to Basquiat’s gallery and see his work and talk about it. I can’t even explain what an amazing time that was for all of us. We were all excited about each other’s work and jealous of each other’s work and cheering each other on. It was the beginning of something truly amazing—and then suddenly everyone died. All these amazing people just wiped out almost all at once.
    Now I think about how artists come up and, well, there is no community, really. There’s social networking, but it’s not real connection between people. It just feels like pop culture is very separate from the art world now, whereas before they used to be one and the same.
    Pitchfork: You don’t strike me as someone who trades in nostalgia.
    M: No, but it feels like the right time to look back. You know, I got to hang out with William Burroughs. It’s crazy. I got to meet some amazing people, and those kinds of characters—that kind of art—just don’t exist anymore. Well, I’m sure it does, but it just doesn’t seem to be a part of youth culture. When I think about popular culture now, I can’t help but think that we’re living in the age of loneliness. There’s this illusion that we all have instant access to each other, but we actually have no real connection. You’re just…
    Pitchfork: …alone at home staring at your phone.
    M: Yes! Just think about a time when you actually had to leave your house and go get on the train and see somebody in person to interact with them. You had to go to their studio. You had these visceral experiences with people that actually involved a certain amount of planning and physical interaction, and those interactions have so much to do with the building of one’s character. I fear that we are getting further and further away from that. Also, I have teenaged children and I’m really seeing the world throu their eyes. I’m thinking, “What a drag that they don’t really get to experience that.â€
      Pitchfork: What has inspired you recently in the realm of pop music?
    M: To be honest, pop music isn’t exciting me too much right now. I mean, do you consider James Blake pop music? I love his music, some of his songs just kill me. He’s a great songwriter. It’s the kind of thing that makes me jealous, like, “Oh! I wish I’d made that!â€
    Pitchfork: You've talked about how having kids is like the best A&R, because they keep you up to date on what’s happening in the world.
    M: Oh yeah, they’ve certainly turned me on to lots of great music. 
    Pitchfork: Are they harsh critics as well?
    M: Yes. They’re like, “Please, Mom, no. Please stop. Oh, here she goes again…†And then I say, “Shut up, this is paying the bills!†[laughs]
    Pitchfork: Two of your children are from Malawi, and I think it’s important to acknowledge the work you continue to do there.
    M: Yes. My work there gives me a sense of purpose that I never really had before—it gives me a lot of joy, and it would be wonderful to invite other people to get involved. You witness extreme suffering but also extreme joy. I know it’s a cliche, but it really puts everything else in perspective. You just have to pour yourself a great big glass of “shut the fuck up†because you realize that you literally can’t complain about anything.
    I love taking my kids there because not only does it stop them from ever complaining, it lets them become adults and takes them out of their comfort zone and they get to do this amazing work to help people. Being able to step outside of yourself in order to help someone else is why we’re all here, it’s what we should all be doing if we can. I don’t talk about this too much because I’m not in it so people can pat me on the back. Even when the former president there was trying to run me out of the country when we were trying to build schools and hospitals, it never stopped me, because I do this for love. It’s as important as anything I have ever done. 
    Pitchfork: You also really advocated for gay people—and talked openly about AIDS—at a time when not a lot of people were willing to do so.
    M: Absolutely.
    Pitchfork: I appreciate that you’ve been so supportive of my people.
    M: [laughs] Your people? My people.
    Pitchfork: Are you surprised by how radically things have changed, particularly in respect to things like gay marriage? 
    M: Well, it’s about time. I’m not surprised really. There are too many powerful, intelligent voices in the gay community for things not to change. So, I’m happy and I’m relieved. I feel vindicated.
    Watch a performance of "Vogue" from the 1990 VMAs:
    Pitchfork: In preparation for this interview, I spent a lot of time watching lots of YouTube videos of your past performances…
    M: Oh god, you must be so sick of me.
    Pitchfork: Are you still excited about being on stage in front of people?
    M: Yeah. I like coming up with these spectacular extravaganzas that will, hopefully, totally blow people away. But I also like the intimacy of stopping it all and sitting at the edge of the stage and connecting with individual people in the audience. Actually, I quite like the idea doing a different kind of tour—and don’t get any ideas because this is not gonna happen right now—where I would sing songs and play guitar and just have maybe one other musician out there with me; it’s just me and a guitar and a good bottle of wine. I could talk in between each song and tell stories, or do some of my stand-up comedy, which I’m actually quite good at. I love it when I see a stand-up comedian have some amazing back-and-forth dealing with a heckler in the audience. I could really have a field day with something like that. I don’t think you understand how funny I am—I mean, maybe not right now, but in general. I do some of my best stand-up comedy during sound checks.
    Pitchfork: I always thought it might be frustrating how big stadium shows don’t allow for much spontaneity.
    M: I actually always try to have a moment in my show where I can just lay down on stage and talk to people for a little while. Also, I like to fuck with people sometimes. [laughs] I might be responsible for as many gay marriages as I am for heterosexual divorces, because there have been circumstances where see couples in the audience and there is a husband sitting there with his arms crossed, looking bored out of his brain, while his wife is up on her feet dancing and having such a good time. I’ll stop the show and point them out and say, “Who’s that guy sitting down right now?†And she’ll reply, “Oh, he’s my husband.†And I say, “Divorce him—right now.†And then they do! Just kidding. I hope they don’t, really. 
    Pitchfork: Could you imagine a time when you wouldn’t want to tour or make records anymore?
    M: This might be verging on a stupid question. [laughs] You might need to take a drink for that one. You know what, I’ll have a drink too. [pours tequila shots] Cheers! Here’s to a stupid question!
    Pitchfork: Here’s to apparently never retiring!
    M: Here’s to never retiring!
  4. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to groovyguy in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    ^ That's life but we keep Living for Love
  5. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to groovyguy in Living For Love - Single Thread   
    Madonna Scores Historic 71st Top 40 U.K. Single
    Madonna extends her own record for the most top 40 singles in the U.K. by a woman.
    Madonna scores her 71st top 40 single on the Official U.K. Singles Chart, as "Living For Love" debuts at No. 26 on the list dated March 1.
    The achievement extends her own record for the most top 40 hits by a woman in U.K. chart history.
    As earlier reported, "Living For Love" was commercially issued in the U.K. on the same day as she took the stage on the Brit Awards (Feb. 25). On the show, the diva took a tumble after a wardrobe malfunction sent her falling backwards down a set of steps. She recently told talk show host Jonathan Ross that it was a "nightmare" and she suffered a "little bit of whiplash."
    The song's arrival on the U.K. chart was powered by only three full days of sales, as the tracking week ends at midnight on Saturday.
    Madonna last visited the top 40 with 2012's "Give Me All Your Luvin," featuring Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. Madonna's first top 40 hit was "Holiday," in 1984.
    Madonna also returns to the top 40 of the Official U.K. Albums Chart with her Celebration greatest hits album, re-entering at No. 38.
  6. Like
    Rod Erick got a reaction from THEWANDERINGSOFTHOMAS in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    Same here. For me this is now my favorite M album overtaking Like A Prayer. 
  7. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to groovyguy in Rebel Heart Reviews   
    the reviewer just answered a fan that he gave it a 4/5 which will be published in the prints.
  8. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to mass21 in Brit Awards 2015   
    The Voguing and Bull Fighting parts... AHH! I wanna DIE. How awesome is that?!? 
  9. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to groovyguy in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    Madonna's music has been the soundtrack to my life for years. Luving this era despite everything that has gone wrong for her and for now Rebel Heart is my favorite Madonna album. I find it hard to really compare her albums cos' they are different eras with different sound and lyrical message. But really my favorite M album changes all the time depending on what I'm going through and what is happening in my life.
  10. Like
    Rod Erick got a reaction from groovyguy in Brit Awards 2015   
    I saw the Sniffles dance popularized by the japanese duo Aya and Bambi (Madonna's back-up dancers at the Brit's who are also...I heard...engaged or married) in YouTube. So Madonna did the Sniffles which is quite similar to voguing (during the dance break). Nice one M. You continue to introduce to us underground dance moves and thanks for continuing to support the LGBT community.   
  11. Like
    Rod Erick got a reaction from Fighter in Brit Awards 2015   
    I saw the Sniffles dance popularized by the japanese duo Aya and Bambi (Madonna's back-up dancers at the Brit's who are also...I heard...engaged or married) in YouTube. So Madonna did the Sniffles which is quite similar to voguing (during the dance break). Nice one M. You continue to introduce to us underground dance moves and thanks for continuing to support the LGBT community.   
  12. Like
  13. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to stfan97 in Brit Awards 2015   
    J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling Â· 16m16 minutes ago Are you the sort of person who gloats when they see a woman fall, or the kind that celebrates a magnificent recovery? #TeamMadonna
  14. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to stfan97 in Brit Awards 2015   
    Minnie Driver â€@driverminnie  3 hours ago Madonna is superhuman http://gu.com/p/4668p/stw  ...we can't even say 'women like Madonna' because, there is none like her.
  15. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to Esteban in Rebel Heart Reviews   
    'Rebel Heart' review: Madonna's latest is intensely personal
    New York Daily News (Jim Farber)
    Imagine a world where Madonna hates being photographed, where she considers quitting her career and admits to suffering haunting demands that she “act like the other girls.â€
    It’s the same world where pigs fly and figure skaters crowd the deepest recesses of hell.
    Yet, somehow, that’s the world occupying significant parts of Madonna’s revelatory new album, “Rebel Heart.â€
    More credibly than any previous work, Madonna’s latest pulls back the curtain on her life, letting us see her hurt and yearning.
    It also finds her licking her wounds over a breakup with a far less powerful boy toy — presumably the decades-her-junior dancer Brahim Zaibat, who she saw for three years, ending in 2013.
    Maddy has said that she chose the album’s title to express two sides of her character: the defiant warrior and the aching lover.
    While a decent portion of harder, bitchier odes do turn up, the album as a whole presents the softest, most sincere portrait of the star we’ve ever had. In the process, “Rebel Heart†coheres, offering a swift rebuke to whoever prematurely dribbled out its tracks in a dizzying variety of leaks.
    Along the way, the long, 19-song album offers its share of groaners, missteps and songs more indebted to trendy production than solid craft. But its best moments boast some of the most finely structured pop melodies of Madonna’s 32-year career.
    The slam-dunk opener, “Living for Love,†stands with her great gospel-soul songs of the past: “Like a Prayer†and “Express Yourself.†Of the ballads, “Ghosttown†rates with her best: “Live to Tell†and “Crazy for You.â€
    The way the producers recorded Madonna both bolsters the melodies and lends her depth. They’ve honeyed her voice: Madonna hasn’t sounded this rich since the sumptuous “Evita†soundtrack. In “Ghosttown,†her deep tone has some of the autumnal ache of Karen Carpenter.
    All this isn’t to say Madonna doesn’t chirp, sneer and bray in places. In “Holy Water,†she’s in late-period Joan Crawford mode, putting down all comers with an unseemly pride. Then, in “Bitch I’m Madonna,†she nicks a slogan from someone far beneath her, referencing Ms. Spears’ old “It’s Britney, Bitch†line.
    Madonna’s harder side finds a focus in “Unapologetic Bitch,†where she plays a spurned sugar mama. She revels in banishing an entitled young stud back to his impoverished past, a mirror, most likely, of the breakup with Zaibat.
    The same scenario reels through two other songs: “HeartBreakCity†and “Living for Love,†though in the latter, the loss becomes a spur to celebrate a love that may yet come.
    The music in “Living for Love†implicitly references the past, but in other passages Madonna invokes it directly. The lyrics to “Veni Vidi Vici†offer a virtual career retrospective. The title track brings an even broader life assessment — looking back at her attempts to fit in as a youth, as well as her years of acting out with provocative gestures for their own sake. Never before has Madonna copped to the latter motivation in a song. In the end, she accepts the consequences, and embraces the bravery, of her character fully enough to create her own answer to “My Way.â€
    The beauty of the song’s melody helps ease its self-involvement. As a lyricist, Madonna has always had trouble making her personal songs universal.
    On the other hand, her persona has such cultural resonance at this point, it has become part of all pop fans. Her name is a metaphor for strength and endurance. That makes her potent enough to admit where she’s weak in “Joan Of Arc.†Here, she says that each critique drives her to private tears. In “Wash All Over Me,†she ponders either running from, or accepting the end of, her career.
    It’s hard to imagine Madonna expressing things like this before, let alone making them ring true. That’s “Rebel Heart’s†peak feature: It presents a 56-year-old woman who, in the best possible sense, sounds her age.
  16. Like
    Rod Erick got a reaction from Frank in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    Same here. For me this is now my favorite M album overtaking Like A Prayer. 
  17. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to stickyandhissy in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    Can Ijust say how I adore this album?!It gets better and better with every listen.There is sass, there is class.There's rebellion, and heartbreak; attitude and sensitivity; intelligence and emotion.Madonna gets it. She just gets it.Too bad not everyone does.They will though. In the endPeople appreciated Erotica 20 years after its release.Thank you for another brilliant album!
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    Rod Erick reacted to groovyguy in Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]   
    Ghosttown is the second single from Rebel Heart
      Hardly a news, as the album stickers we showed you a few weeks ago were certainly a strong hint and we were also among those who were told, and reported that the beautiful Ghosttown was strongly considered as the follow-up to Living For Love in the new era.
    At the taping of the Madonna special episode last night Jonathan Ross gavethe heartfelt ballad co-penned by his guest together with Jason Evigan, Sean Douglas and Evan Bogart the official seal when he announced it as the second single from the Rebel Heart album.
    And speaking of single, MadonnaTribe can exclusively report that Ghosttown is going receive a video treatment, but the clip won’t probably be ready before the beginning of the month of April. On the other hand, chances are that the song will impact radio much sooner than that!
  19. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to momosfantasy in Rebel Heart Reviews   
    I don't understand why so many of these reviews treat "Holy Water" and "S.E.X." as being done to be "shocking". It seems pretty evident to me that both of these songs are meant to be more fun and sassy (ala " Body Shop") than an attempt to scandalize suburban mothers. Not every song she does needs to be a Serious Artistic Statement. Can't the lady just be silly and have some fun? That, to me, is the point of the "Rebel" aspect of the album. I appreciate the ballads and the serious side of her too, but personally I've bounced around to and enjoy these two songs more than the title track or "Messiah" ( don't kill me, I like that song too). But I like upbeat music, and both these songs are just FUN to me. Life's too short to take everything so seriously all the time. I guess I just don't see why so few reviewers are willing to see the humor and frivolity in so much of her work.
  20. Like
    Rod Erick got a reaction from Fighter in The Fall   
    "I have a plan..." Of course what happened at the Brits was not THAT plan. It was unfortunate that it had to happen...but it happened and it showed us how we should handle things like this one.
    I admire her for just about everything (I'm stanning here forgive me) and this will be included in a file that can be retrieved in the future to serve as proof why she deserves to be called THE Queen and described as LEGENDARY.   
    Right now...she will be ridiculed...of course. She's Madonna. How can a hater's FB, InstaG, Twitter account get the self-esteem-boosting likes if one will not make fun of her and this incident? 
    How they react will be a reflection of their personality, not Madonna's. Madonna chose to get up and continued performing (which blended well with the song's narrative). Fight or Flight? Fight! So should we.    
  21. Like
    Rod Erick got a reaction from Jipie in The Fall   
    Yes @playpause. I'm over it. I have to show my support to her first before I shrug it off. I'm not going to pretend that it didn't happen and that I was not shaken the first time I saw it. 
  22. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to groovyguy in Brit Awards 2015   
    Kathie Lee and Hoda supported MADONNA
    They applauded how she got right back up and continued like a pro.
    They read MADONNA's full statement from Instagram.
    Kathie Lee said "don't say her age.....they always say a woman's age before they talk about her...they never do that to a man"
    She also said "Madonna was singing her latest HIT "living for love"
    They also quoted Cher and Liza....
  23. Like
    Rod Erick got a reaction from James19709 in The Fall   
    Yes @playpause. I'm over it. I have to show my support to her first before I shrug it off. I'm not going to pretend that it didn't happen and that I was not shaken the first time I saw it. 
  24. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to groovyguy in Brit Awards 2015   
    Whoopie Goldberg [The View] said to the haters about her age 
    "If you can't do what she does then shut up." 
    Whoopie also made it clear that Madonna was Pulled back and that she did not fall because of a misstep etc. 
    They all told the haters to SHUT UP!!!
    That she can wear and do whatever she wants!!! she is MADONNA!
    If they had a body like MADONNA they would be naked everywhere!

  25. Like
    Rod Erick reacted to groovyguy in Brit Awards 2015   
    This is why I luv Cher:
      [*] Cher â€@cher  6h6 hours ago Heard Madonna Fell On Stage This is Something WE ALL DREAD â€œMADGE, I GIVE U PROPS,U R a CHAMP 4 FINISHING YOUR SONGI HOPE U R UNHURT
    0 replies2,421 retweets3,446 favorites  Reply  Retweeted2.4K  Favorited3.4K More   [*] Sicario â€@emmdee22  6h6 hours ago @cher Luckily, she was wearing her Life Alert Bracelet and help arrived within minutes.
    0 replies39 retweets42 favorites  Reply  Retweet39  Favorite42 More   [*]  Madonna Nation retweeted Cher â€@cher  6h6 hours ago @emmdee22 FUNNY,BUT MEAN WORST PART…IM AT LEAST 100 YRS OLDER THAN MADGE

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