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Would You Like To Try

Unapologetic Bitches
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Would You Like To Try last won the day on June 27 2023

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    Unapologetic, existing
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    Finally Enough Love

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  1. Can we get the tracklist for Die Another day this week or the another one so we can rant about missing mixes (if it happens) early before the songs are already ready to put out? Please and thanks!
  2. I have a horrendous allergy today, it's not like it's important just wanted to say 

  3. That's literally the same face she had in 2015! Ageless queen
  4. Die another day might he postponed due to Christopher's death but I doubt it because I don't think that has happened before, the single is the least of priority for her label, team and herself mainly and it's still copyrighted Has there ever been a connection in Madonna's personal life to these releases apart of the last year event?
  5. May he rest in peace now that its confirmed..rest in paradise
  6. No but dazedmadonna is a very reliable source in this forum
  7. Exactly! I am hoping we get a reason with explanation on the announcement explaining exactly why it was because he was so young!
  8. This reddit comment says he died of prostate cancer, maybe this is true, I don't know and I don't want to speculate but just sharing this in case
  9. His Wikipedia page is currently in a fight of people who are removing the "was" and changing it to "is" and removing the "1960 - 2024" things https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Ciccone
  10. I really pray they both ended in good terms before his death
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