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Unapologetic Bitches
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    Jascka reacted to skyfitswim in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    nothing wrong that some fans are only interested in her music , she does not even need to preform or go on tour for me haha 
    just listening to her new music would be so great and i'm glad she is still making new music and feels passionate about making it 
  2. Haha
    Jascka reacted to gafuller in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    She was probably like, "Gosh I look better than I remember!"
  3. Like
    Jascka reacted to Madame Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Are you serious? Not just her jaw Even her left boob are photoshpped for little bit bigger and pointed so her left arm's shape also changed.
    Oh wait!! i just realized that you are the one insist a just mosaic for her nipples for newspaper as heavily photospped by troll.
    Ok No more conversation with you. Just open your eyes bigger and check this photo by yourself.

  4. Like
    Jascka reacted to Enrico in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Of course I know that it's not the same, but it's M who used the words "art" and "legacy", which to me seem a little disrespectful to her music achievements. I know that she can do what she wants and she is not a puppet in the hands of her fans, and I also know that music is an industry too, aimed at making money, but still I'd rather use the word "art" for a song that inspire people and can even save a life, rather than a cream or a spray. Still I don't think that Liz Taylor would have called her perfume "art". I also hope that at least all these strange teasers and SK pictures finally get to something more defined.
    PS Am I right or have the fan comment and her reply been cancelled?
  5. Like
    Jascka reacted to Enrico in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Despite her great reply, I have to confess that I am not totally ready to perceive her skin line as art. And I'd love her to care more about her musical legacy and her back catalogue, hoping she'll be remembered for the wannabes and LAP and Truth or Dare more than the reinvention cream...
  6. Haha
    Jascka reacted to LivingForLove94 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Our girl is working too much she doesn't even remember the face she had in her 20's. 
  7. Like
    Jascka reacted to Madame Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    We all know that steven klein is not just a photographer, he is one of Madonna's good friend now. We all get it. But I really wish that No more work with SK. seriously.
    I really hope that Madonna gonna work with new photographer which have some genius new ideas and fresh talent.
  8. Haha
    Jascka reacted to Madame Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    LOL She just did exactly what just you said! 
  9. Thanks
    Jascka got a reaction from Madame Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Sorry but I think I'll made some use of the ignore button for the first time. 
    Please, Liam, don't put an attitude I don't have on me. So if you are not interested, its been about time you click on the "ignore user" button and you won't see my posts again.
    So, and what's what I said? Did you read my post? To sum up: it has just been suggested that she went too far with the plastic surgery on her face and I showed my concern. Yes! It worries me, because I'm a fan. And a fan can show both excitement and content and disappointment at the same time. Deal with that Liam, the sooner the better.  That's not negative, that's reality.
    Read again what I post, please, don't twist what I say either. By the way, you only focus on the "negative" things I may post (or some of us), but never on the positive, which I say, and many.
    So when things are not working in many aspects of her career/the image she gives of herself/etc., I'll be critic (call it negative or whatever you prefer), but when things are going well and her team is working hard for her, I'll be the first to applaud and cheer too.
    Thank you Fighter for keeping it nice and calm! 
  10. Like
    Jascka reacted to Fighter in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I may not agree with them but I don't think they're trolls and their opinions however wrong are genuine opinions. And we get nowhere by saying those things. Some people just don't seem to get over the whole plastic surgery thing, hopefully they will on time. I agree that they should think twice about what they say and where it's coming from with this issue.
  11. Like
    Jascka got a reaction from Madame Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    If you really think I've only moaned in this forum, you couldn't be more wrong. You're so unfair and biased when you say that I only complain.
    Well, you should accept that criticism too, because behind that criticism and disappointment, there has been excitement before.
    For some time now there's a feeling of excessive sensitivity towards any type of complaining in this forum, on Instagram, etc., that is making many of us to think twice wether to post something or not, because of this sensitivity with the "negative comments" (which are not other thing but reality on many, many occasions).
    Thank you. 
  12. Like
    Jascka got a reaction from Madame Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Yeah! I can't wait for the new album, I'm sure she will surprise us positively and with her voice in top shape. I'm sure the album will include some power ballads! 
    Ok, let the FRESH and new era begin!!

  13. Like
    Jascka got a reaction from Madame Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    For allusions, there are many things and threads and positive things I do love about Madonna... 
    It's not true at all that all my comments, for example, are "negative". If you visit the "Madonna @ MET Gala 2018" thread, you'll see I didn't write a single negative comment about the repertoire (because I really like it and I find her voice in great condition).  I were beyond excitement and I showed it in my post, despite the dress/swollen face. I know some of you will call me "negative/reductive" but I don't care, we're here to express our opinions about her.
    Let me tell you that people who spends loads of money on Madonna stuff year after year, since years, cannot be what some of you called or suggested "untrue fans/reductive/not real fans", they could be called whatever you want except that. These fans are people who support Madonna buying whatever things related to her. So... ok. You can call me negative, say that I complain about Madonna's career at some point or whatever, but not accuse me of not being a true fan just because I don't say what you would like to read (not you, but in general, Liam).
    And I think anaglyphx says it with no disrespect, it's his opinion. BTW, that's what a forum is about, excitement when it comes and also disappointment when it has to be shown too. Things are not white or black all the time, there are grays too. Welcome!
    I suggest that you just stop being oversensitive about every single critic we say here about her (and especially the plastic surgery), and accept that other fans can opine about what was obvious, as long as we're doing it respectfully, as we are.
  14. Like
    Jascka reacted to gafuller in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Meh, I hate when she messes with her face, but most do. We don't because we usually counting change when we deciding on buying ice cream we don't technically need (probably because we spent too much money on music/Madonna, lol). If we had money like someone like Madonna, there'd be a lot of stupid stuff we'd spend it on, and looking young as possible would be one of them, let's be honest. It's easy to say no while you still look good. Not so much when the age actually starts catching up.
  15. Haha
    Jascka reacted to Madame Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    well If you inject fat Injection then it takes 3 month for settle down. So after 3 month it's gonna be looking natural and beautiful.
    so Maybe this mean is her new single and album coming out after 3 month?
    I'm just saying. lol
  16. Like
    Jascka got a reaction from xrhaul in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    She looked beautiful in this "press conference"/'We' premiere & Golden Globes... 

    She looks way better and much more "natural" (hehe) with this face!  
    Her surgery is more evident now than ever before, to say the least. 
    Anyway (changing the subject), whatever she's doing, I hope she tours next year! I just hope she meets the expectations and comes with a good reason to do a new tour and offer something different. 
  17. Like
    Jascka reacted to NowRadiate in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    i feel horrible for saying this but...i can really do without her showing her kids. bores me to death.
    what is she repeating herself with? the haters?
  18. Like
    Jascka got a reaction from Madame Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I agree!
    Holy f***! Crying too!     

    Thank god.
    We go hard or we go home Bitch...
    How she spoils us!   
  19. Like
    Jascka reacted to Madame Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    OMG Crying and shaking!!  
    Thank God!! 
    Madonna is working out again!!     
      Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!! go girl!!! You need it!!!!! go girl! go! go!! Yees!!
    This is The Madonna who I love and adore!!!
    No excuses! Go hard and get healthy body! no pain and no gain! Yes go girl! That's my girl!
  20. Like
    Jascka reacted to medonner in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    i do not want to pay madonna the money for this one song though. i don't believe it's worth the cost.
    if they provide it at a reasonable price i would
    until then i will illegally down it 
  21. Like
    Jascka reacted to Andymad in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    This is why Madonna makes me angry. Stupid region-specific exclusive. Bullshit.
  22. Like
    Jascka reacted to o_g_c_x in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    Well I will buy it when it's on sale for 5 euros...
  23. Like
    Jascka reacted to dylanlioncourt in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    Is this person just repeating the same doubt about the Showtime cut/DVD cut?

    If by some reason, they air a longer version on a different channel, it'd be a miracle but it's bound to be the already broadcasted version with some minor cuts if more commercials are needed by the channel. 

    She's saving the full show (not the Showtime cut) for the physical release. I don't know how many times fans have answered the same question yet you've asked if M and her team are going to cheat fans and release the Showtime broadcast as the final product. Short answer, no.
  24. Like
    Jascka reacted to Bat-Fan in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    assuming the DVD will be any different than the showtime version.
  25. Like
    Jascka reacted to Andymad in Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere   
    It most definitely won't be the DVD. It will be the showtime broadcast. Madonna isn't giving up a physical release that easy.
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