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Unapologetic Bitches
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About Burroughs

  • Birthday 01/11/2001

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Causing A Commotion

Causing A Commotion (20/89)



  1. You'll See wasn't ditched. The song was supposed to be an Something to Remember exclusive. The real problem with GHV2 is that it lacks a new song plus they slapped all Music singles on it which makes me mad. No balance at all. Glad the Immaculate Collection stands up to its name.
  2. I'd like to have unmixed Confessions like I've said this before.
  3. Thank you, I was thinking the same thing over time
  4. I love that performance. These lovely ladies are willing to lick the alphabet for you this evening, with their tongues.
  5. The secret was all about the new M's album That was the "secret". And of course it was a word play on Bedtime Stories lead single. That's all.
  6. She probably hates him, like any other child from a different relationship. A common fenomena. I experinced that.
  7. I'd like to have unmixed Confessions CD. This is pain in the ass the whole album being continuous.
  8. I was thinking. Maybe the "secret" is a new album she just teased recently? And we are talking bout something Bedtime Stories releated
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