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  1. Haha
    Veronica-Electronica reacted to PedroNNA in Should „I'm Breathless“ be considered a studio album?   
    Is tomato a fruit or a vegetable? 
    Is avocado a fruit or a vegetable?

  2. Haha
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from ADONNA in Should „I'm Breathless“ be considered a studio album?   
    I guess the simple answer is that the copyright holder of the IP gets to decide its classification. Warner could classify it as a vegetable if they want to. 
  3. Thanks
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from ADONNA in Should „I'm Breathless“ be considered a studio album?   
    Totally. I think if it had sounded more like a traditional Madonna album we wouldn’t be having this discussion 30 years on. 
  4. Thanks
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from PedroNNA in Should „I'm Breathless“ be considered a studio album?   
    Totally. I think if it had sounded more like a traditional Madonna album we wouldn’t be having this discussion 30 years on. 
  5. Like
    Veronica-Electronica reacted to Debord in Should „I'm Breathless“ be considered a studio album?   
    Well indeed. And I'm sure they just pushed it as such because it wasn't like anything she'd done before, unlike the Prince records, and they were hedging their bets in case it bombed.
  6. Haha
    Veronica-Electronica reacted to Dita in Madonna On Social Media   
    lol at the “BLAM!” as a crotch makes itself known. 
  7. Like
  8. Like
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in Madonna On Social Media   
    Thankyou for sharing this. Love her sense of humour. 
  9. Like
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from Salida in Madonna On Social Media   
    Thankyou for sharing this. Love her sense of humour. 
  10. Like
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna On Social Media   
    Thankyou for sharing this. Love her sense of humour. 
  11. Like
  12. Like
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from ADONNA in Should „I'm Breathless“ be considered a studio album?   
    Same here, I have no horse in the race. It makes no difference to me what it’s classified as. It’s possible for something to be neither thing and both things simultaneously. 
    And as other have said here previously, it’s classification by Madonna and her team has changed throughout the years and I wouldn’t be surprised if they reclassify it as an album again in the future. 
    Anyway, I’m off to stream “I’m Going Bananas”. 🍌 
  13. Like
    Veronica-Electronica reacted to ADONNA in Should „I'm Breathless“ be considered a studio album?   
    Watch out for the enraged few who will come after you for continuing to find proof Madonna's called it a "soundtrack", yet insist it's a "studio". 
    Personally, I think the on going argument is hilarious.  It's obviously not a typical soundtrack nor a typical studio album.  I think as some of us who have met in the middle of this, are pretty correct by stating it's a "concept" album which is inspired and a companion to the film.  Studio/Soundtrack... it's definitely both in a sense, yet not.  She most likely considered it a soundtrack at the time because it seems she was under the impression the songs she submited for the film would be used. When that didn't happened, she expanded on the soundtrack idea and just made an album that was conceptually inspired by the film.
  14. Haha
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in New Music confirmed with Stuart Price! from her latest IG post   
    omg this is wild I can’t 

  15. Haha
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in New Music confirmed with Stuart Price! from her latest IG post   
  16. Haha
    Veronica-Electronica reacted to Bjonkers in Madonna On Social Media   
    "I was sad to leave because I love being in a place where there is no garbage"
  17. Like
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in New Music confirmed with Stuart Price! from her latest IG post   
    If you’re looking for Madonna-specific AI art, this account is a great place to start:
    While I don’t know of any accounts with the specific aesthetic of the video you shared, here are a few accounts who’s aesthetics I appreciate:
  18. Like
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in New Music confirmed with Stuart Price! from her latest IG post   
    I share a lot of your reservations about AI, but I’m not sure Madonna does. 
    She was somewhat of an early adopter I guess with her AI “art” NFTs (lol remember when everyone thought NFTs were a good investment for five minutes?)
    Then she allowed Sevdaliza & Grimes to use an AI version of her in their music video for Nothing Lasts Forever.
    Even her filtered photos on Instagram are essentially a form of AI avatar. Hell, 10 years ago she shared that bizzare photo of her oversized head photoshopped onto a young girl’s body wearing a Joy Division t shirt. As recently as December she shared AI images of her hugging the pope to her Instagram stories.
    Gone are the days when record companies were happy to dole out endless cash for visionary designers/photographers/directors for album campaigns and music videos as freely as they used to, especially for “legacy” artists like Madonna. Just look at a selection of Madonna’s cover art for singles over the last 15 or so years, there is very little effort gone into a lot of them as they’re essentially just little pixels on streaming services now. 
    Going even further, I wouldn’t be surprised if Madonna one day becomes the first AI avatar pop star, using technology like ABBA used for their Voyage concerts and having completely digital, non-physical presence. She’s already performed live on stage with the Gorillaz holographic avatars 16 years before ABBA’s avatars launched.
    Maybe I’ve just watched too much Black Mirror and Westworld. 
  19. Like
    Veronica-Electronica reacted to Drownedboy in Rolling Stone names Music by Madonna the 88th best album of the 21st century   
    I prefer many songs on Music but at as whole Coadf flowed better and the tour was amazing. But the brilliant eras, no need to compare.
  20. Like
    Veronica-Electronica reacted to PedroNNA in Madonna On Social Media   

  21. Haha
    Veronica-Electronica reacted to PedroNNA in Madonna On Social Media   
    This is fantastic 
  22. Haha
    Veronica-Electronica reacted to zephyr in the sky at night in Madonna On Social Media   
    The tone-deaf comment 😂
  23. Like
    Veronica-Electronica reacted to DanM in Madonna On Social Media   
    I wonder how this was not posted here, I was howling at her commentary 😂
  24. Haha
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from Voguerista in Rolling Stone names Music by Madonna the 88th best album of the 21st century   
    Tell me you haven’t listened to Music by Madonna without telling me you haven’t listened to Music by Madonna...
  25. Haha
    Veronica-Electronica got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in Most shocking SEX book moments for you?   
    The Prince song “Sister” is 🤮 😆 
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