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Amazing Audience Shot Footage of the S&S DVD Filming

Future Lover

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Visit this YouTuber's profile for more videos of the show. This is amazing audience shot footage of the DVD filming. I love this because it shows the POWER of the crowd in Buenos Aires and just how amazing her performance was! I am including the video of the opening, but make sure to visit this person's profile for more videos of the DVD filming. Really proves SA is the concert place. 


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I still can't understand why she hasn't filmed any of her shows in Brazil.

If I remember correctly, after the shoot in Paris didn't go well, she planned to shoot The MDNA Tour film in Sao Paulo, but it fell through because the team she wanted to do it wouldn't be available. That's why the shoot went last minute to Miami. 


EDIT: Turns out it was Columbia not Brazil. My bad lol

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