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The saddest Madonna song


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In This Life

I Can't Forget

Bad Girl

Paradise (Not For Me)

Drowned World/ Substitute For Love/No Substitute For Love

Time Stood Still

One More Chance

Has To Be

Something To Remember

I Want You

Oh Father

Falling Free

Wash All Over Me

Take A Bow

Don't Cry For Me Argentina

Like A Flower

Little Girl

Promise To Try




Love Spent

What Can You Lose

You Must Love Me




Forgive me for posting so many but it's difficult for me to leave songs out because I feel sadness listening to them for different reasons. I excluded some songs because some had an undertone of anger in them, some were just more sentimental to me and some had too much of a balance of intellect and emotion to be truly sad for me.


The first song I listed, "In This Life" does have an undertone of anger but it's just so incredibly sad and nothing takes away from the sadness felt listening to it. So I consider this to be her saddest song.


I have listed songs that have made me cry and I have listed songs where I felt Madonna has let go quite a bit. In a lot of Madonna's songs I think she tries to guard the sadness with a more philosophical tone which is why I added the demo "No Substitute For Love" to Drowned World. I am sure there are many other examples in Madonna's discography. I can sense the sadness in songs I have not listed but she doesn't truly reveal that sadness In them. In No Substitute For Love Madonna openly sings about searching for things to replace the love she doesn't feel she receives or is able to give. That is what I believe is ultimately going on in Drowned World but it is made more philosophical and complex.


Just to get off topic for one second...I think what makes the Ray Of Light album amazing is it's beautiful balance of true emotion and intellect. One does not overpower the other so it's a great album to listen to when depressed and when one is overanalyzing and critical.


From the list I posted it seems to me that Madonna was more open to expressing sadness between the very late 80's to the early 00's. Not to the point that I would have liked her to (a couple of the songs I listed from that time were not released) but she was definitely more open. What's interesting in MDNA and Rebel Heart is that she has songs that touch on sadness but she hasn't allowed them to truly stand out opting for more escapist, rebellious, even toned songs. Kind of explains to me her "Tears Of A Clown" performances. I think she has many emotions unresolved and new ones that might be too much for her and she feels more comfortable in this role.

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Love Tried to Welcome Me is one of the saddest ones only because of its helplessness. There are many sad songs in Madonna's discography but one must be able to differentiate their tone as some of them sound like a relief and others are just love songs. Of course there are depressing ones like In This Life which deals with death, and Promise to Try which is about her dead mother. 

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Love Tried To Welcome Me

To Have And Not To Hold - it's so beautifully haunting!

This Used To Be My Playground - they played this during a farewell video when I was in 8th grade and I always associate it with that.


Madge needs to write more songs like these. I'll always remain a fan but *sigh* I want some soul put into her songs again. 

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Candy Shop, It makes me cry about how bad it is. :cry:


Gosh I cried out laughing at this!!


Anyway, I'll go with 'One More Chance'. This song finds Madonna at her most vulnerable, which I hate. Even in her other saddest songs, she assumes a "strong and cool" attitude whereas she begs for "one more chance" in this one. Would be fine for Celine or Mariah, but not for M.


Already mentioned 'Promise to Try' is also so sad and personal. I do not hate this one as much as I hate 'One More Chance' though.

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