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Madonna again in studio with Pharrell?


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I am glad he posted this pick because the amount of feedback he has gotten speaks volumes to the lack of touch he has as a manager. He is not in synch with the fans at all and is only interested in grabbing the youth market...you've lost them. Let them go. Focus on the fans you've had from the beginning.


Ditch Oseary. He has brought nothing but nonsense. Isn't he the one who forced U2s album onto everyones phone?

He deleted my comments from Instagram, small mercy seeing as Madonna blocked me years ago. Still haven't gotten over it!

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Nothing wrong with reaching for a wide market, executives just do it in such a pushy way that it leaves your head spinning.. Sadly its whats wrong with the industry, they dont invest long term or do things organically, its just extreme corporate stuff...and ironically art consumers are the most weary and critical of that



Hopefully theyve learned their lessons and will do things more chill in the future and more creatively... Honestly asking her to drop her management doesnt help things, they just become more closed off to fan comments and feedback.


Anyway this is kinda off topic since I dont think working with Pharrell is about the young market really, hes not that young or what the kids are into

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I really hope not. He's a great artist and producer, but his work with Madonna has been pretty lacklustre to say the least.... and not really the artistic direction in which she should remain if she wants to actually sell records and have a hit this time round.

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I really think she's doing good as far as selling records. i just miss the music she did on her own. I can say though Ghost town is one song i can't stop listening too. Love it.  I just really miss her publicist Liz Rosenberg wishing she would get a manager like her.


Possibly, though her last few releases are her lowest sellers in her entire career. Rebel Heart is still clinging onto just over a million in sales since it's release, being her lowest selling album in her entire career...and with MDNA not faring much better. I know the RH leaks had their own negative impact upon it all, but the blame cannot really be placed on those solely, it really is down to quality of the final product. Even though released over multiple formats, RH still sold so poorly... that is very sad to see from an artist of her calibre. And I know some will interject with the excuse that "records just don't sell like they used to", and there is a little truth to that, but when we see artists like Adele, Ed Sheeran, Beyonce, Rihanna, et al selling albums by the tens of millions, one must sit back and reassess the situation and see just where an long established artist like Madonna is going wrong. I feel a mature and more genuine artistic direction would have fared a lot better for her. Creating forgettable and throwaway tunes by collaborating with flavour-of-the-moment artists and producers just to attempt to appeal to current trends is not so productive, and this way, she will further alienate her more established fanbase. Madonna is an artist and a trailblazer.... its time for her to return to the fold.

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For me, its not a problem, I only hope they dont make another hip-hop/RnB album like Hard Candy.

I love Hard Candy but I want a brand new album, with new song stylle...something different and unique, in the way that only Madonna does! 

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I'm really wanting a new album but new sound  with madonna only IMO And really wishing she would get a new manager then guy Oseary. 


I wish she would stop relying on Guy Oseary's taste (or her children's, for that matter).

He can manage all he wants but I would steer clear of artistic decisions if I were him. Sorry, he comes across like he knows NOTHING about art.


Pharrell's stuff is not even lukewarm anymore. He keeps imitating old tracks in a very superficial and fast-food kind of way. Not original at all.

And the melodies are all shite cause he CANNOT SING.

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