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She Has Nothing To Prove


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She has nothing to prove. That is a common excuse by Madonna fans. 


It is true. She achieved so many things. Many other female artists, who sold a lot of albums, don't have critically acclaimed albums like Madonna. She has everything. She did everything.


However, we all have been witnesses of her latest eras. She was a mess at some times, made mistakes and there were many missed opportunities... But she was also great at some times. Saying she has nothing to prove to justify her messy moments has become silly. Just because she has nothing to prove doesn't mean she should deliver anything. Quality and creativity still matter.


Some fans say she wants to have fun and make something fun, but hasn't Madonna been doing that all the time? If Madonna was bored while making Ray of Light or Bedtime Stories, she wouldn't have made them. Fact.


At this point it is very important what she does. If she continues to deliver albums with flaws and bad singles, then general public and fans will always point out that they want the old Madonna. In other words, Madonna will become a nostalgia act. We all know Madonna doesn't want that and she still has many things to say and to do. So, quality and creativity are important. 



A critically acclaimed album is necessary. A flawless and timeless album with right singles choices and epic videos. She needs to show the power of Madonna. Perfection of every detail should be a rule.

I don't care about success and charts, but I secretly hope she will have that "Cher" moment. 



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Guest ArthurBadin


She has nothing to prove. That is a common excuse by Madonna fans. 


It is true. She achieved so many things. Many other female artists, who sold a lot of albums, don't have critically acclaimed albums like Madonna. She has everything. She did everything.


However, we all have been witnesses of her latest eras. She was a mess at some times, made mistakes and there were many missed opportunities... But she was also great at some times. Saying she has nothing to prove to justify her messy moments has become silly. Just because she has nothing to prove doesn't mean she should deliver anything. Quality and creativity still matter.


Some fans say she wants to have fun and make something fun, but hasn't Madonna been doing that all the time? If Madonna was bored while making Ray of Light or Bedtime Stories, she wouldn't have made them. Fact.


At this point it is very important what she does. If she continues to deliver albums with flaws and bad singles, then general public and fans will always point out that they want the old Madonna. In other words, Madonna will become a nostalgia act. We all know Madonna doesn't want that and she still has many things to say and to do. So, quality and creativity are important. 



A critically acclaimed album is necessary. A flawless and timeless album with right singles choices and epic videos. She needs to show the power of Madonna. Perfection of every detail should be a rule.

I don't care about success and charts, but I secretly hope she will have that "Cher" moment. 


Totally agree with your explanation, but I have a thing in mind. To me, she's already gained that "nostalgia act" status, since Celebration release, to be sure. Everything she's been done since 2009 is nothing but revival acts (some couls say since 2005, it's also worthy of referring, but I don't go too far, given from 2005 to 2008 she was still able to score a hit or two even with recycling ideas).

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Believe was in a different era ? it was before the internet for a start so it was only heard on the radio and played on MTV ? I cant see her ever having a huge hit now but i would love to proved wrong ? i think all we can expect is another movie that will no doubt be trashed by all( i still think W.E- despite the disjointed stories was a beautiful film and Andrea Riseborough was superb and should have been nominated for an Oscar) and maybe another album if she can be bothered and of course i dont think her touring days are over ? She has always said she loves it and is a gypsy at heart ? I think her new daughters are her priority now


And no she doesnt have to prove anything ? She is and always will be the queen of pop ?

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Is it so hard for her to put together a decent album the best songs she can come up with? I was extremely disappointed with the last few albums, one or two good songs here and there but lacking the skilled touch of a mature producer. I guess that's what it comes down to, working with producers who know how to prioritize and focus and not lose the friggin multitracks along the way or upload them to unsecure servers.

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Timeless Album would be the right thing. Only her Fans care about her now, so at least we could be happy, why she cant make real and meaningful music now that she should be more grown up than ever is beyound my understanding, and that has nothing to do with ageism. I miss Patrick leonard, STR,... no more DJs minajs and co please, I miss the untouchable larger than life M that didnt have to show us how shes in the bathroom or take a bath...guy oseary has to move finally please. I really miss who she was til coadf. Guy wanting pharrell to come back says it all, pharrell for me was the first big step in the wrong direction, he told her she cant sing, well be cant produce, that one hit Wonder, how I loved her voice till that idiot crossed her way. Now its so many times too high or they don't remember how to Record it the right way. No Wonder Orbit was pissed.

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Well I guess she wants to prove ageism can't stop her which is great and I admire that. That's the main reason I would like her to succeed. And also true artists like her never feel content resting on their laurels. People saying things like "she has nothing to prove" are dismissing her as a current artist without realising. 


If I'm not wrong she has admitted that sometimes she's made songs based on "vibe" alone, but honestly some songs in the last 10 years have been poor melodically for her standards and with production that's not exactly groundbreaking. For an artist like her melody is very important, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry can make a good hook, so can Madonna obviously, but she focuses too much on vibe sometimes, and thus she puts tuneless songs like Veni Vidi Vici on albums, or songs that rely entirely on production like 4 Minutes.


Now I don't have a problem with songs like Bitch I'm Madonna because I realise it's not to be taken seriously at all and it's a fun track if you're into that sort of thing. I feel like other fans are too close minded and take it waaay too seriously. It's a decent track and if it's lacking in any way, the fun compensates for it.


Obviously not everything she does is gonna be to everybody's liking... I think it's crazy that some fans don't admit Confessions is greatly composed and produced but it is what it is. Some fans just don't like some genres.


I don't think only her fans care about her, even though the potential for casual fans has diminished in the last 10 years because of poor releases (for her standards), there's still potential. She's not Queen Of Pop because of her established fanbase, she's Queen because she has attracted casual fans every time she's released an awesome album.


It's very risky for her to leave the traditional album behind, even though the industry feels it's the past, because that's the thing she's best at. Look at successful albums like 1989 or Lemonade, they're entities of their own like albums have always been. 


She still gets buzz in the pop world in general when she's making an album, but then bad things (some out of her control) happen and it kinda ruins things. Eras that start with negativity (or look sloppy in some ways) are not very inviting to casuals. 

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I totally get the original point here and I would love her to make another amazing, coherent album. Having said that, I've used that phrase "she's got nothing to prove" myself and what I mean by that is that there simply hasn't been a career as long lasting and as successful as hers. She's achieved more than anyone could've dreamt of, both commercially and critically (in the music realm at least), so it almost seems greedy and unrealistic to expect her to deliver another "Like A Prayer" or "Ray of Light". I'd be thrilled if something like that happened but I'm not counting on that personally.

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I think she has realised there isn't any point in releasing great albums, they sell less and less with every release, nobody is interested in buying her singles anymore, radio doesn't play them, her fans don't stream, they like CD's but she don't release CD singles anymore, if I was her, I wouldn't bother and relish in the fact at what I have achieved and the legacy I have left

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I totally get the original point here and I would love her to make another amazing, coherent album. Having said that, I've used that phrase "she's got nothing to prove" myself and what I mean by that is that there simply hasn't been a career as long lasting and as successful as hers. She's achieved more than anyone could've dreamt of, both commercially and critically (in the music realm at least), so it almost seems greedy and unrealistic to expect her to deliver another "Like A Prayer" or "Ray of Light". I'd be thrilled if something like that happened but I'm not counting on that personally.


It's more of wanting her to be the best she can be now. She doesn't fulfill her potential to the fullest lately... too many distractions I guess, or misdirections. 


Honestly the beginning of the Rebel Heart era showed a lot of missed potential and messiness, but once she launched Ghosttown that really showed how much better things can be, and then with Bitch I'm Madonna the same. Pity the era had to end so quickly after that. The way those 2 singles were done was an improvement over HC/MDNA/Celebration/LFL... the performances and videos were great, could be even better still tho.

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Madonna is very smart, which is why she is where she is today. I think what comes first is an artistic vision, and then second is a business decision. If the fans had their way we would have had an elaborate Quinten Tarantino video for Gang Bang. It would have been amazing!!! It probably would have cost a pretty penny. Madonna liked the idea but her response was..... If Quinten would do it for free it could happen". That statement right there should show you her business mindset. She's not going to waste money on a video when the return would be nothing. She's also not going to do every single radio and talk show just to promote an album. She makes smart business moves so she doesn't have to travel the world 5 times to sell an album. Do the Super Bowl. Do Ellen for a week. The Grammy's. Then build the best tour known to man with her identity stamp on it and make that money. 


She's probably not going to have another #1 single. But she also doesn't need it. And it also doesn't say anything about her as an artist. What was Prince's last top ten hit? Did anyone question his stance as music royalty when he stopped charting? What about Michael? Does Radiohead ever chart? TBH in a musical environment like the one we have, I'd be a little embarrassed to chart cuz Im not too impressed. 


ANYWAY.... To sum it all up. I think her perspective of the music industry has changed and changes all the time and we should recognize it and be aware that things are different. However we shouldn't count her out of the game. Weather she charts or not she still chooses the best people to collaborate with.(Your opinion doesn't matter) She still looks fucking amazing. She still speaks her mind like the fucking badass she is without regrets or hesitation. She still sells out tours. She's still inspired and creating and is not letting her age dictate what she should do or how she should do it. 


Take a look at any of her contemporaries from the eighties and see if anyone else can do it better.....


Paula Abdul?

Janet Jackson?

Michael Jackson?


Belinda Carlile?

Billy Idol?

Cyndi Lauper?

Whitney Houston?




Britney Spears?

Christina Aguilera?

Justin Timberlake?

Spice Girls?

Mariah Carey?


I mean..... 



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Madonna is very smart, which is why she is where she is today. I think what comes first is an artistic vision, and then second is a business decision. If the fans had their way we would have had an elaborate Quinten Tarantino video for Gang Bang. It would have been amazing!!! It probably would have cost a pretty penny. Madonna liked the idea but her response was..... If Quinten would do it for free it could happen". That statement right there should show you her business mindset. She's not going to waste money on a video when the return would be nothing. She's also not going to do every single radio and talk show just to promote an album. She makes smart business moves so she doesn't have to travel the world 5 times to sell an album. Do the Super Bowl. Do Ellen for a week. The Grammy's. Then build the best tour known to man with her identity stamp on it and make that money.



You are partially right, but she did also go to the UK, Italy and France for Rebel Heart promo though. And it wasn't that effective. iHeart and Jimmy Fallon had more impact than most of the other promo. iHeart alone should've shown her young people aren't going to throw tomatoes at her if she shows up to music awards. Taylor wasn't needed (although she was a nice touch).


You are wrong in that investment is only smart if you get a short term/immediate return, which is my main problem with the music industry these days...

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Maybe a better way to say it is the money isn't there to spend on these things. Labels aren't paying millions for music videos and M isn't going to spend her own money to do it.  



You are partially right, but she did also go to the UK, Italy and France for Rebel Heart promo though. And it wasn't that effective. iHeart and Jimmy Fallon had more impact than most of the other promo. iHeart alone should've shown her young people aren't going to throw tomatoes at her if she shows up to music awards. Taylor wasn't needed (although she was a nice touch).


You are wrong in that investment is only smart if you get a short term/immediate return, which is my main problem with the music industry these days...

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Maybe a better way to say it is the money isn't there to spend on these things. Labels aren't paying millions for music videos and M isn't going to spend her own money to do it.  



Yes perhaps you're right, but if there's gonna be ANY sort of revolution in music, then it's gotta start there... but honestly i don't think more money = more creativity. It's more about effort and sometimes there's not enough effort put into some things.


Plus visual stuff is easier in the digital era with digital equipment and I assume cheaper too... 


Didn't she put some of her money on secretproject? I'm not sure but that was a great investment... broke the mold of what to expect from her which was seriously needed at that point.

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In other words, Madonna will become a nostalgia act.


This already happened, just look at her most recent tour with the usual songs and themes or her last 4 albums littered with self-references. Or her singing Borderline at a talk show just for the sake of it.


Then again when you realize there is more to life than caring about whether people you don't know listen to or pay for the music you like...

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There is a point in making a new coherent album, if not for money and chart position, for art. Because she is an artist and still has something to say. Well then go and say it M, but don't be fooled by trends and find a mature producer. And of course this is important if she doesn't want to become only a nostalgia act. We all love to have a little Bitch I'm Madonna moment, have fun and relax, but it's Live to tell or Like a prayer that makes you immortal, 4 Minutes only lasts... four minutes.

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Yeah charts are not important but to think that Rihanna may end up having more no. 1 singles than Madonna makes me sick!!


And yes all the other Eighties stars are gone, but Cyndi Lauper for instance has a solid reputation. She was the first woman to win a Tony for music, well done! Kinky Boots has fabulous songs. Her albums are praised by critics. Saw her in Rome with her small stage but great band and her voice is awesome, especially when she delivered When you were mine by Prince. Intimate crowd, with many other nostalgic Eighties lovers, all expecting to hear her hits: which she does all the time, because she has to, because she wants to, because it's good, and this is no a crime but something people want to hear, so don't blame M for the RHT setlist (you can blame her for all these songs with the word Madonna in the lyrics, though).


If M can't have another hit record well then I hope she works on her reputation as a solid musician!

Which means more Patrick Leonard than Drake or Pharrell..

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