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The Fans Problem With Madonna


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Hard Candy has good songs and is a solid album

Thank you :thumbsup::kissy:




but I don't know if there's anything that's completely outstanding in it.

She´s not me is outstanding to me. Love that she collaborated with Wendy Melvoin, that was perfect and the structure of the song is very unique especially towards the end, plus the composition is very good. For me of course, for my taste :wink:



Still love that album but that's because I love her and it was a year of great memories for me.

yes, fantastic memories, especially with the super bowl and the tour :heart:

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Thank you [emoji106] :kissy:



She´s not me is outstanding to me. Love that she collaborated with Wendy Melvoin, that was perfect and the structure of the song is very unique especially towards the end, plus the composition is very good. For me of course, for my taste :wink:



yes, fantastic memories, especially with the super bowl and the tour [emoji813]



I love Gaga, but Gaga's career was just starting at the time that album was Released IMAGINE HOW ICONIC THAT VIDEO COULD HAVE BEEN IF SHE DRAGGED HER!

I say this as a Monster, I say this as someone who has Gaga lyrics permanently chiseled into my right arm.


Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

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The other evening I was listening to Madonna (her music shuffled on my Iphone) and "Superstar" came on.  As listening, I was thinking what a great "bop" this is and also recalled reading and hearing from some fans throughout the last few years who dislike this song.  For me, I can't understand because this is the type of music she's been making all along.  Of course, I'm not saying this is the only type of music she's been making all along.  I'm just saying since the beginning, she's been recording fun sugary pop songs like this.  Certainly some have much better messages to them. I agree. But some are just about having fun, etc.  I don't take them so seriously, and I've always felt that Madonna has always offered a healthy balance of serious music as well as fun and even goofy fun tracks.  I perceive MDNA more dark and serious, so it is puzzling to me for someone to say there's too much of GMAYL tracks when that's hardly true. But again, GMAYL, GGW, TUTR, and Birthday Song, go in line with older tracks where she's just having fun.  I personally love how she's able to offer tracks like this.  Honestly, when Madonna first started out, I couldn't really say that I thought of her as a serious writer at first. I felt like she offered a lot of fun "feel good" songs at first, and again I feel like that's what she's done all along.  I welcome it on all her albums because most casual listeners of music really are listening to escape or just listen to something fun.  GMAYL is one of those type of songs.  So is "Birthday Song". 

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Technically, Hard Candy was the birth of the new Madonna. This was the period where Madonna started acting hip to appeal to the younger generation. Before that, we saw a very mature Madonna doing Confessions, American Life, Music and Ray Of Light. In fact, bits of the new Madonna had started to come out half way through Confessions but it wasn't until Hard Candy when the whole thing was unleashed. I see Rebel Heart as like a nod to her Confessions/Ray Of Light days while keeping elements of Hard Candy Madonna in there.

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Ok here is my problem with Madonna. That's not a Music. 

I really enjoy her recent albums and music.

But Real problem is her lack of enthusiasm about making great Music video.


I get that MTV is no more playing Music videos. But MTV doesn't playing Music video mean is NOT New generation is no more interesting about Music video!


This is Internet and Youtube era for Music industry. Great and interesting music video get the peoples attention.

But her lack of interest about making good Music video is hurt album and single sales.




I still clearly remember when I heard Vogue for the first time.

At that time we don't have Internet. So we have to listen the new music mostly from Radio for the first time.

And of course We couldn't hear full leaked demo version. LOL

And I'm not a American so the best way I could listen new American pop music was listen to US Army radio channel at that time! LOL


When I turn up the radio they played Vogue and I heard Vogue from the middle of song.

So I have no Idea Who the hell singing this song and what is the song name.

The first thought of in my mind is "Hmmm Another Madonna wanna be? But her voice is too light."

you know why I think that "her" voice is too light?

Because at that time I was falling in love with Madonna's Papa don't preach, express yourself style vocal.

Low and very powerful and tough and rock style vocal.

For me Vogue is more like cherish and LAV type of vocal style song. 


And then I realized i really enjoy this music (i mean Vogue) and when she sing that famous unique rap part all I though is "Oh, I wish Madonna sing this song! if she sing this song then this song would be much much powerful and better!!"


Then after few days later I learn that it is actually Madonna's new song Vogue.

And I kind of diappointed. "Wow her voice is too light. I really want Express your style powerful voice!!"


And then later I saw the Vogue music video clip for the first time from ET which on air in US Army channel.. And I just shocked!!

That Music video make a song perfect. And when I saw the music video and that song became 100% different song!!!

I thought that her voice is too light but after I saw the Music video that idea is blown away.



That is Music video's power!! And Madonna used to know about it. I mean she is the Master of Music videos!

But now.. it seems like She just lost interesting making great music video and that result into New generation and old fans getting lost interesting about Madonna.



That's the only thing I have problem with Madonna in nowadays.


I mean I know that she still can if she want.

for example look at that Iconic intro video from Reble heart tour.

That was good music video.


And I really think that she need Director which have ball to saying to her "Do it again. I need another cut!"

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I'm afraid 'She's Not Me' would flop more miserably than 'Miles Away'. If I were to pick a fourth single from "Hard Candy", I would go with the much more melodic 'Candy Shop' or 'Voices', not sure if they would succeed though. I would also say 'Devil Wouldn't Recognize You' but then people would point out how similar it is to 'Cry Me a River' by Justin, and rightfully so.


However, the performance of 'She's Not Me' on Sticky and Sweet Tour is very clever. I wish they had dressed even more dancers, even the male ones! Looks from 'Hung Up', 'Music', 'Frozen', 'Express Yourself' or 'Human Nature' music videos + "Evita" would have been hilarious!

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I have to disagree with the notion that Madonna lacks "enthusiasm" or interest in making music videos.  I feel she put a lot of heart and soul in the videos from MDNA and REBEL HEART.  Whatever you think of GMAYL, that video is fantastic.  I also feel the same for "Bitch, I'm Madonna" and "Girl Gone Wild".  And "Ghosttown" is just hauntingly beautiful.  But of course, a lot of this is simply subjective.  But again, I don't believe she lacks enthusiasm at all. I think she still puts her heart and soul in making videos.  The difference these days is that her videos no longer make the impact they used to.  Why?  Because she's done it all.  Think about it?  Who today are making music videos that grab people like when MTV first came around.  Certainly, I am not saying there aren't a few great artist videos still being produced, but I certainly really don't hear much talk about videos in general like back in the day.  Honestly, I feel a video like "Bitch, I'm Madonna" was quite appropriate for such a song. It's a party song.  While many are trying to get her to cool her heals and act more "respectably" (as society does), she's still bucking the system and doing it her way.  To me, I just feel like many are just trying to make excuses for her decline by putting it all on her. Certainly, I do see the fact she's pouring more and more time into her family.  After all these years of working so hard, she deserves it.  She seems happier than ever.  Most people are starting to wind down at her age, but I don't see her really doing that, other than spending more and more time with her family. Yet, I don't really believe she's lacking any effort in music videos or even her music.  I just think people are less and less interested in her because she's done it all.  She's an older artist.  History has proven that older entertainers  get the shaft even when they are still on their game.  Madonna's been around for such a long time now, that the mystique she used to always have is wearing off.  I don't blame Madonna for that. I blame society because people want more and more and more of someone and when enough is enough, they throw them under the bus.  Our society loves to build people up, only to try to quickly tear them back down. The thing is, Madonna refuses to be taken down. Considering her personal life, with children and family, I still think when it comes to her career, she's still putting all her heart into her work.  It's just more split than it used to be.  The interesting fact. The height of living a family life, the most productive she was as an entertainer.  While she was having children and building a family (including a marriage), she went on more tours than she had ever before her family.  So again, I don't see Madonna lacking anything.  I just think some are just looking to make excuses or blame Madonna for her lack of commercial success when the truth is, her age plays the huge factor here. People are just less accepting of pop stars of her age, and still trying to play the game.  And when she does, she gets the usual "Oh, she's so desperate for attention" or "She's trying too hard".   Yeah, whatever!  Madonna's just being Madonna, still today, but people want her to be this image that society has built up, and she refuses to succumb to such.  If I wanted to see someone "act their age" or "act respectable", I'd tune into someone like Barbara Streisand.  Certainly, nothing is wrong with that, but to me, that's just boring!!

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But Real problem is her lack of enthusiasm about making great Music video.



I have to agree.

It does feel like her interest in making music and videos really has faded with time. Perhaps it's also about having a smaller budget for videos altogether. 

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Rebel Heart was where I felt she seemed interested in making more adventurous videos again.


She could only dance in front of a wall so many times before it's tired.

But all the MDNA videos weren't of her dancing in front of a wall?  In fact, TUTR was an "on location" filmed video.  I understand some still didn't like the video, but I personally enjoyed that video compared to a video like "Living For Love" which was indeed recorded in a studio with a backdrop and some very heavy editing.  That said, I still thought the video for LFL was great, but if I was to be honest, it's fun seeing Madonna filming videos out in public or providing story driven videos with the right song. :wink:

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^^ Not once did I say all MDNA videos.  :Madonna033: 
GGW (some shots)

It may not be every video but it's apparent she reignited more story driven videos with RH rather than throwaway glamour closeups/dancing in front of walls/live montage videos she's been doing since Confessions mid era.

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^^ Not once did I say all MDNA videos.  :Madonna033: 




GGW (some shots)


It may not be every video but it's apparent she reignited more story driven videos with RH rather than throwaway glamour closeups/dancing in front of walls/live montage videos she's been doing since Confessions mid era.

LOL... the majority of her videos from the beginning of her career have been quite glamorous, with her dancing  up against a backdrop or a wall... with many close-ups.  Even story driven videos like Papa Don't Preach and Like a Prayer.  Then there is Vogue.  The list goes on.  Some of her best videos such as Live To Tell have been quite simplistic, yet usually glamorous with a lot of close ups.

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i wish she did a video album :-)  video's shot from everywhere 

I must admit back in the 80's when Michael and Janet and a few other artists were making long form feature film videos, I had wished Madonna to do the same. In fact, I was a bit shocked she didn't since she was pretty big on "vision" back then and throughout her career.  I can only think; she just didn't want to come off like a copy cat, and I suspect she's pretty tight with her money and didn't want to spend the money.  And she really didn't need to, especially for the first 15 to 20 years of her career.   That said; again being how she's into FILMS,  and has pretty much been rejected as an actress, I'm surprised she hasn't turned her videos in little films written and directed by her.  It definitely could satisfy her need to act, direct and write, meanwhile keep her fans happy with the music.

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