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Youtuber Sisley reacts to Madonna's first album!


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I will say this... this girl knows her shit.  She totally gets the album and the music of the time. It's interesting to see how intuitive she is of the album and music of that time.  I like how she has discovered the album is about being carefree, dancing and just having fun.  She totally understands that it's not an album of complicated and meaningful lyrics.  I will be interested on her take on Madonna's follow up albums to see if she recognizes Madonna's evolution in sound and lyrics, especially with "Like A Prayer".   


It's hard for me to imagine there are younger generations out there that don't know Madonna's imprint and impact on music culture. It's unfathomable to me to think these youngsters haven't heard or realized she's tied to so many classic hits that helped shaped the 80's and women in music.  Unfortunately, as time goes by this will get worse because most kids do not explore too far back from their own music they grew up listening to.  The appreciation will not be there like previous generations who either experienced her from the beginning or jumped in while Madonna was still dominating the charts and music industry. 

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^until she dies then everyone will kiss her ass and appreciate

Not to get into this too deeply regarding her death, but I think it depends on when she does die.  I think if she lives on to a ripe age of late 80's or 90's or older, her death won't have the impact than if she died unexpectedly or tragically at a younger age.  She's already reaching her 60's.  So the impact of her death wouldn't be so great as if she died like 10 years ago. Certainly, the initial death might spark some appreciation or respect, but the longer she lives (which I hope she lives for a long time to come) the less impact she's going to have on the world when she finally leaves this world.  

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She'll be respected once she dies because people will never give her the credit she deserves. She's always been a brilliant marketer, businesswoman but always given a backhanded compliment about how weak her voice is, how she's all bells and whistles and "used her body to get to the top."

Once she dies, everyone always want to proclaim from the highest mountaintops how big of a fan they were, how they were always a fan and always respected. I want Madonna to live a very long life and once she passes, I hope she leaves a cheeky message or video to those who vilified her throughout her life and are now giving her credit. "Should have kissed my ass when I was alive, not dead."

People today are always going off on what's on the radio, what goes viral, what plays in clubs, bars etc. Most of the gay bars I visited almost never played M unless I or someone requested it. During the RH campaign, they didn't play any of the singles including "Bitch I'm Madonna" until I asked for it and they seemed surprised she was still making songs. They did play the WAOM demo at another bar for my birthday since I knew the DJ at the time and he said he loved it (didn't like the album version he told me after) Unfortunately unless she's in a huge movie, ad campaign or something tragic (god forbid) I don't see any of this kids looking her up unless they're looking up music on their own accord. Everyone's so concerned with the latest stuff even pop giants like Katy, Gaga, Kesha are all underperforming lately.

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People today are always going off on... what goes viral.


That's the point.


Madonna's death would and will be something viral, insanely talked about, and globally impactful like that of Michael Jackson's so expect many many many people basking in the moment (for lack of a better phrase) and self-proclaiming how they loved Madonna, how Madonna is a legend, how Madonna is one of the best, this and that... when half of them has probably had something hateful to say about her when she was alive. Commoners and celebrities alike will do so.  


It's always about what the great general public does and thinks that gets people into doing and saying things -- even if it's momentary.


This will be the same for Madonna.


Although I hope there will be more genuine praise and credit-giving rather than just bandwagoners when she passes (in 675 years) 



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The thing we have to keep in mind, Madonna was part of that once.  She was the "it girl" back in the day. She was the trend everyone was following. Though some see these younger stars now and think, "everyone just follows what is popular or viral".  Well, it was the same back in the day. The difference is; Madonna didn't have the internet in her early days. However, she did have the press which were like hound dogs back in the day.  It wasn't as "instant".  But she still had the same perks as the new girls today regarding getting played, etc. while detractors put her down, like some do of the current stars of today. For me, I see it a continual cycle.  The youngest and hippest entertainer will always get the attention over an older entertainer.  


The plus is that Madonna has impacted and continues to impact the music world, that she's not going away.  But of course, anything she does will never receive the commercial success she once had, but she will always be on the tip of many tongues for years to come.  Though, I do feel the longer she's around, the less appreciation will be paid to her when she unfortunately passes.  Many older celebrities who pass away rarely receive the appreciation they deserve than if they died tragically or died much younger.

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She'll be respected once she dies because people will never give her the credit she deserves. She's always been a brilliant marketer, businesswoman but always given a backhanded compliment about how weak her voice is, how she's all bells and whistles and "used her body to get to the top."


Once she dies, everyone always want to proclaim from the highest mountaintops how big of a fan they were, how they were always a fan and always respected. I want Madonna to live a very long life and once she passes, I hope she leaves a cheeky message or video to those who vilified her throughout her life and are now giving her credit. "Should have kissed my ass when I was alive, not dead."


People today are always going off on what's on the radio, what goes viral, what plays in clubs, bars etc. Most of the gay bars I visited almost never played M unless I or someone requested it. During the RH campaign, they didn't play any of the singles including "Bitch I'm Madonna" until I asked for it and they seemed surprised she was still making songs. They did play the WAOM demo at another bar for my birthday since I knew the DJ at the time and he said he loved it (didn't like the album version he told me after) Unfortunately unless she's in a huge movie, ad campaign or something tragic (god forbid) I don't see any of this kids looking her up unless they're looking up music on their own accord. Everyone's so concerned with the latest stuff even pop giants like Katy, Gaga, Kesha are all underperforming lately.

NONE of the gay bars you went to played Madonna and yet EVERY single she puts out goes to #1 on Billboard's Dance Club Play Charts even ballads like Ghosttown


That chart is based solely on DJ's club play lists.



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NONE of the gay bars you went to played Madonna and yet EVERY single she puts out goes to #1 on Billboard's Dance Club Play Charts even ballads like Ghosttown


That chart is based solely on DJ's club play lists.




Nope, none at all. They sure play every SINGLE Beyonce song known to man which gets old very fast.  :nope:

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Nope, none at all. They sure play every SINGLE Beyonce song known to man which gets old very fast. :nope:

What country do you live in?


Obviously if Madonna gets nonstop #1's in the US on the dance club play charts then clubs,gay clubs in particular, are playing her new stuff a lot

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What country do you live in?


Obviously if Madonna gets nonstop #1's in the US on the dance club play charts then clubs,gay clubs in particular, are playing her new stuff a lot


I live in the US. When I go out to bars and clubs, you mostly hit the top 100 hits and some retro hits but I hardly have ever seen Madonna except perhaps around the Superbowl/MDNA hype. After that, I hardly have heard her stuff in places unless I've actually had to request it and it usually serves as a segue to another track but all of Beyonce's Lemonade and some of her self titled tracks get played to death.


Even Britney aside from perhaps Till The World Ends or Work Bitch, nothing of hers gets played.

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Her dance club chart positions are obviously based on a few big city clubs.  I don't expect her songs especially more lately to be played in clubs. Those big clubs which Billboard only cares about, only play her songs right at release for the most part.

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Her dance club chart positions are obviously based on a few big city clubs. I don't expect her songs especially more lately to be played in clubs. Those big clubs which Billboard only cares about, only play her songs right at release for the most part.

I heard Get Together back in October at a gay club in Philly


Madonna gets a lot of play on non radio places


My gym, LA Fitness plays her to death and there are some days where I hear 3 or 4 Madonna songs at various places.


The McDonald's I go to plays her like crazy too


The Billboard Dance Club Play chart is based on monitoring of HUNDREDS of clubs across the US


The point I was trying to make was that her new stuff still gets play in clubs across the US UPON release, probably not much after that with a few exceptions


I heard 4 Minutes at an NHL Flyers hockey game last year

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She's also going to do her other albums! As far as I know, this is the first time a youtuber is reacting to her albums...



Check it out! ;)

Thank you so much for this, 

this warms my jaded heart.

She has so much joy on her face and gives my hope to the kids of today.

She knows here stuff too, smart kid. She's awesome and funny.


So much happiness watching this. There is an entire generation WAITING to discover M.

Thank you!

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I heard Get Together back in October at a gay club in Philly


Madonna gets a lot of play on non radio places


My gym, LA Fitness plays her to death and there are some days where I hear 3 or 4 Madonna songs at various places.


The McDonald's I go to plays her like crazy too


The Billboard Dance Club Play chart is based on monitoring of HUNDREDS of clubs across the US


The point I was trying to make was that her new stuff still gets play in clubs across the US UPON release, probably not much after that with a few exceptions


I heard 4 Minutes at an NHL Flyers hockey game last year

I hear Madonna at my local grocery store a lot.  But those places you mentioned or my grocery store isn't going to get her to chart.  And yes, the Dance Club chart is based on many clubs across the US, but obviously it's limited to these specific clubs that most fans here don't go to.  The real point is; whether we hear her songs at the convenient gas station or don't hear it at a local club we frequent, doesn't mean anything to how it impacts the charts. I never said that her songs aren't played at clubs.  Others in this thread are claiming that.  But I also don't expect her stuff to be played as much as she used to be played.  Most people who go to clubs aren't eager to hear a 60 year old granny's song on the dancefloor.  LOL!

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^Madonna became a granny? Was it Lola or Rocco's?


Her 80s and some of her 90s hits STILL get TONS of play at US radio and other places.


I know people who claim to HATE Madonna but loose their shit when Into The Groove or Music is played.


Regardless of the OBVIOUS ageism towards her recent material


By comparison, I dont go to clubs much but I never hear Beyonce on radio or in stores or at the gym even.

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Firstly I said clubs here in my area, I didn't generalize the entire United States club scene.  :03: 

The last time I can recall a Madonna song played here in these clubs was around the initial MDNA launch (GMAYL, GGW, TUTR, even a dub of Gang Bang) however, her stuff isn't played in most clubs I've gone to unless requested by someone.

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^Madonna became a granny? Was it Lola or Rocco's?


Her 80s and some of her 90s hits STILL get TONS of play at US radio and other places.


I know people who claim to HATE Madonna but loose their shit when Into The Groove or Music is played.


Regardless of the OBVIOUS ageism towards her recent material


By comparison, I dont go to clubs much but I never hear Beyonce on radio or in stores or at the gym even.

Of course, I was being facetious.  But I'm not too far off in what many people think of her these days.  The music industry caters to the youth, so yes Madonna is considered a "Granny" in the music business. LOL!

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