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American Life Rap. why did people hate it?

Madame Madonna

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For me, the rap was the first part I’d heard leaked (after waiting an age for dial up internet, and getting Madonna’s voice “what the fuck do you think you’re doing†several times). It just didn’t sound right, and was not a great omen for the whole era. Imagine just hearing that rap, and nothing else. For weeks. That’s why I hate it so much.

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I found the rap ironic and priceless! I love to try rapping it myself, but usually get tongue tied. American Life as song is straight forward but it embodies the feeling and desires found throughout the rest of the album. The sound is okay, but falls flat usually when wedged between Music and Hung Up. Hollywood is much more radio friendly and danceable but American Life set a standard that was not liked and Hollywood got lost or completely ignored for it.

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