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Grandma Unleashed her t*ts again!


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Pardon the obvious grabbing topic title, but it warrants a fair discussion since this is how people are interpretation her as.  In no way am I trying to be offending or break any rules by posting this (if I have?).  You all know I love Madonna, and I'll defend her greatly.  Though some of her biggest fans have been a bit put off with her latest Instagram post.  And while I'm not "put off" and know she doesn't give two shits what people think, I do have to question what she's thinking here?  Sure, we can write it off as if she's being bold or empowering.  We can say she's brave and she can do whatever she wants, but does she really need to pull her tits out like this on Instagram?  I am willing to admit that it's not a flattering pic.  It's not the first time I've said that about some of her IG posts.  Again, I love her to death.  I'll defend her from the worst detractor, but I even have a point where I say, "Um Madonna, I'm not sure that was a flattering move".  I don't know what to think because I take issue with the fact she has to fight ageism.  People will (and have) say (said) that "Grandma needs to put away her tits" among other not so nice comments.  So without any of us getting defensive or offended, what are your thoughts about this latest IG post?  The fact is; this isn't a new pic. She posted an alternative image sometime back with the same bag where her lips didn't look as inflated.  Obviously, it's from same time.  I don't believe her lips really look that inflated and she just push them out there like her tits. 


What are your thoughts?  Again, this isn't about bashing her.  Many of you know that I'm the first one to defend her.  But my opinion is that, while I have no issue with her showing off her assets, this isn't something I find flattering or helpful to her movement in getting people to accept her for whom she is or ageism. 


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The title of this thread is a CHOICE lmao but I will say that while I think she wants to be empowering, part of me thinks... why do you punish yourself with these comments all the time... Sometimes i feel like she's a real masochist, but I'm not in her shoes though.

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The pic was shot some weeks ago, this is the good one, already posted. The problem with that image is not her nipple, just it's a bad pic. When she showed her brest in the 2015 Interview cover shoot, with some of the usual moralistic ones, she had a lot of positive reactions. Do you think is there a chance this could be advertising? I mean is it possible she got paid to pose with the Vuitton on Instagram and she came off with that? Cause, if the thing is visibility, she's reaching her goal, if it's about fun or confirming her right to feel sexy and provocative, well -I love her, you know this here- but I really don't get it. (P:S. ... loved the title   :Madonna006:  :Madonna020:  :smuglaugh:  :Madonna017:  :Madonna049:  :hallwaylaugh: )



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The title of this thread is a CHOICE lmao but I will say that while I think she wants to be empowering, part of me thinks... why do you punish yourself with these comments all the time... Sometimes i feel like she's a real masochist, but I'm not in her shoes though.

I agree regarding the title.  We all know that controversial, negative and grabbing headlines/topics get the most views and/or responses.  We know that people will react to them. But you know me! I love her. I would never purposely post something that was bashing her. I'm not asking people to bash her. I'm curious what her devoted fans actually think without being filtered with, "It's Madonna! She can do whatever she wants", etc.  I know all that. I'm not arguing that.  But in the back of all our minds, there is a common thought... "WTF is she thinking?" in some instances.  I think it's fair that we explore that.  If some fans claim that we should be able to fairly criticize her in any way, this shouldn't be an exception to the rule.


Not sure where you're directing the "punishing" comment.  Madonna or me?  If me, than I would say, I'm not!  I'm just curious.  I'm always on the fence because the fact is, I love her to death and I ultimately want everyone to understand where she's coming from, even though they might not agree with how she approaches issues or throws herself out there.  :)

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The pic was shot some weeks ago, this is the good one, already posted. The problem with that image is not her nipple, just it's a bad pic. When she showed her brest in the 2015 Interview cover shoot, with some of the usual moralistic ones, she had a lot of positive reactions. Do you think is there a chance this could be advertising? I mean is it possible she got paid to pose with the Vuitton on Instagram and she came off with that? Cause, if the thing is visibility, she's reaching her goal, if it's about fun or confirming her right to feel sexy and provocative, well -I love her, you know this here- but I really don't get it. (P:S. ... loved the title   :Madonna006:  :Madonna020:  :smuglaugh:  :Madonna017:  :Madonna049:  :hallwaylaugh: )



Exactly, I really don't take issue with her somewhat exposing herself.  It's the image entirely. It's just unflattering and not true to what she looks like.  Her lips at the time was not inflated like that, but unfortunately a lot of people will think different with the current image. They will think "WTF did she do to her lips" when she did nothing to them.  It's an illusion, but a lot of people will not see it that way.  For me, I don't see it's a positive direction for her.  Again my opinion.  And in the end, I don't think it would really harm her since most people will write it off as "That's Madonna". 

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um her, but maybe she's doing it to be humorous.

I do get that.  I thought of that. But in the end, many won't see it as that.  I think you know that as well.  And I'm sure even you have to wonder if sometimes some of her actions could easily sabotage her intent.  Again, I only bring any of this up because it seems for years there have been fans who feel that she deserves and is open to honest criticism from even her devoted fans, even if it doesn't favor her. 

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That's the life of an artist  :om:

I don't argue that, but as those who idolize her, we have opinions of the good and bad.  I'm willing to admit, we can't love everything she does, and many fans are not afraid to share that part of ourselves.   

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I gues its 50/50. A little bit of seeking attention and a little bit paid comercial for LV. Too bad she is still satisfied with negative medial attention...


Anyway I also think thats a sign that the new album is also going to be ala "bitch im madonna" and not yet an album in which she settles down abit and concentrates more on the music while "acting her age". Because if not, she should stop right away to post pics like that. But Just a thought.... love her anyway, and prefer her to be the unapologetic bitch she truly wants to be

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I gues its 50/50. A little bit of seeking attention and a little bit paid comercial for LV. Too bad she is still satisfied with negative medial attention...


Anyway I also think thats a sign that the new album is also going to be ala "bitch im madonna" and not yet an album in which she settles down abit and concentrates more on the music while "acting her age". Because if not, she should stop right away to post pics like that. But Just a thought.... love her anyway, and prefer her to be the unapologetic bitch she truly wants to be

Or maybe she's getting it out of her system. Controlling the narrative, only to come back with an album that isn't so "in your face" and controversial. 

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My two cents:


I just feel with post's like this, she loses respect. It's not about misogyny, or ageism, or anything like that, it's about taste. You can push boundaries, you can push ageism, in ways that are more respectful. Posting a photo of yourself, with plumped up lips, grills, and a saggy boob is not something that is going to garner you respect and therefore, it actually diminishes the power of your words, and what you are trying to say. UNLESS you are going, fuck you I'm 59 and this is what tit's at 59 actually look like, which I highly doubt, but if that was the message, I would support it 100%!


She will use the excuse that any negative comments, are from people are are a misogynist or ageist, but in realty it's a really dis-tasteful photo, that does her message more harm than good. People tune out, get turned off, radio doesn't want to play someone who is destroying their credibility. 


A great example of someone who fought ageism, was Helen Mirren, who at 63 wore a bikini at the beach, and looked amazing, she did not need to flash a saggy boob, or wear sport bandages and nipple clamps to get the attention, she did it in a respectful way. Another great example is Dame Judi Dench, who challenged social norms about sex for the elderly in her most recent film, again, done in a way that was respectful.


I LOVE Madonna, but I feel in recent times, and in particular, posting these kinds of photo's, makes me shudder and shake my head and question what is she trying to do? You want to have a No. 1 single, you want radio to play you, but your pushing your target market away.

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I will never understand this relationship between Madonna and Instagram. You know, today I was reviewing some of her iconic performances such as "Holiday" on Blond, Music on DWT, Vogue on TGS, Open Your Heart on WTG, and out of nowhere, she shows up with a photo like that. Regardless of the picture's intuition, it seems that "put under the rug" all those beautiful performances. It's as if someone has a career so beautiful, so well built, and now I was slowly destroying with (sorry what I'm going to say) nonsense. I know of her struggle against some aging taboos, but NOTHING justifies it. People are always willing to point out the mistakes of her personal life before the incredible work they have done. We all know her legacy, but most just "heard" that she is the queen of pop, and then they go on Instagram and look at this. Let's be honest, it does not fit with ANYTHING with all that incredibly well done she has done in the past, with the taste of the Sexbook, with the subtlety of Take a Bow. I think Instagram only wears out the image of it because it is not used wisely.

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And more, this only happens because Madonna, after becoming famous, never takes a "no", few dare to say it to her, few dare to say what is exaggerated, bad, or bad taste. She only hears this from her account comments, but not from her friends, her manager, her relatives. At least that's what I imagine. Instagram is becoming a bad obsession for her.

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And more, this only happens because Madonna, after becoming famous, never takes a "no", few dare to say it to her, few dare to say what is exaggerated, bad, or bad taste. She only hears this from her account comments, but not from her friends, her manager, her relatives. At least that's what I imagine. Instagram is becoming a bad obsession for her.

I feel she uses it as a tool as any other in the past.  The only difference it's directly from her.  Before social media, there was always a filter or another source in control in most cases.  Yet, at the same time, a photo like this doesn't shock or surprise us.   So I don't see it as an "obsession", rather that at times she just doesn't really think about pulling back.  Though again, she never came across to me as a gal who reserves her self.  So I'm surprised at even myself to even question photos like this.

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I feel she uses it as a tool as any other in the past.  The only difference it's directly from her.  Before social media, there was always a filter or another source in control in most cases.  Yet, at the same time, a photo like this doesn't shock or surprise us.   So I don't see it as an "obsession", rather that at times she just doesn't really think about pulling back.  Though again, she never came across to me as a gal who reserves her self.  So I'm surprised at even myself to even question photos like this.


Yes, she is not one to pull back, but I think it comes down to, what is the point, what is the intention of this photo? What message are you trying to say? That your 59 year old tit is lactating over the bag still? I don't know?

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I feel she uses it as a tool as any other in the past.  The only difference it's directly from her.  Before social media, there was always a filter or another source in control in most cases.  Yet, at the same time, a photo like this doesn't shock or surprise us.   So I don't see it as an "obsession", rather that at times she just doesn't really think about pulling back.  Though again, she never came across to me as a gal who reserves her self.  So I'm surprised at even myself to even question photos like this.

I really do not know what to think. You said one thing right, there were certain filters before reaching the "big mass." But so, anyway, she is friends with so many photographers, has posed for so many magazines and STILL does not know their angles? I know my best angles. Those selfies are terrifying. The angles ....

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I really do not know what to think. You said one thing right, there were certain filters before reaching the "big mass." But so, anyway, she is friends with so many photographers, has posed for so many magazines and STILL does not know their angles? I know my best angles. Those selfies are terrifying. The angles ....

I don't see it as "terrifying", but unfortunately I know that the public can really turn something like this into some nasty.  Of course, she's been through worse, but being she's older, she's already being pushed aside.  I guess I have to wonder why she's trying to further alienate herself from the very public we know she wants acceptance from.  It's just that I've known her to be a perfectionist.  It's just strange to see her willing to share such unflattering images of herself which i know isn't a true representation of what she really looks like. 

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Well I think that this is sign of her new album(or at least first lead single) is almost ready.

She is Goddess of media. She knew how to take a media's attention. 

So she show her tits and people are talking about it (hate it or love it that's not important. important thing is People are talking about it.)

And also media gonna talking about it. That's the what Madonna want (I mean I think, i assume. lol)

So why Madonna want to take a media's attention right now? Because her new album (or new single) is already almost ready.

That's my guess. lol


One problem is Does she is working out lately so she is really ready to showing off her body to the whole world.

showing off her body is one of her nature so she will never give it up until she died but I don't want to see looking like 6 month pregnant woman's belly like kelly rippa show. To be honest.

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