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Grandma Unleashed her t*ts again!


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Didn’t like it. But what’s worse is, I didn’t hate it either. I am afraid she is not only cheapening her name with such unaesthetic poses and moves, but she is also tarnishing her fame by looking so desperate for attention, all leading to some kind of indifference, something I doubt she will ever want. Madonna is losing that shock value rapidly, and all those momentary antics are just erasing her image of once creating controversies for giving a message and expressing herself against the status quo. I don’t like her looking like a mentally unstable person whose actions nobody cares about.

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Been a fan for 30 years and i just feel once again she is giving herself more negative publicity and ultimately it just smacks of class ? She can dress it up as much as she likes by saying idga fuck and people are ageist but its just for attention - its like she hasn't had a hit song/album in years and all she can do now is just flash a tit to get people talking about her ? Get back to making great music please or just delete your instagram and stop using the excuse of people bashing you because of ageism ? its getting tiring now ? I just feel sorry for her kids ? does she ever think of them before she does this ?

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So she doesn't give a fuck blah blah blah.....

Isn't one of the reasons we are fans of Madonna is because she puts herself out there and doesn't care what people think?

Her resilience in the line of fire is incredible.

You think she doesn't know it's not a flattering pic? She at least has a sense of humour about herself and not posting constantly perfect photo shopped pictures.

It certainly presents to me how uncomfortable people are about the photo, because who on their own social media would post an unflattering picture of themselves! All swimming in our own narcissism....

I think she is brave and funny.

And it's Madonna we are talking about here....you really think she'll stop getting her tits out?

She'll be 90 and still be doing it.....and I'm looking forward to the next 30 years....

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Madonna will do what she wants to do, and does not give a fuck how the rest of us feel about it. I personally do not understand the need or lust for publishing such pictures... we have all seen more or less similar a million times before... and it is not going to change my fandom, and it in general dose not provoke me the least (I guess she is trying to be provocative)... I just find it somewhat boring and uninteresting... but then as a gay man, I guess I do not see anything interesting or provocative in a pair of tits... it is just a normal part of the human body.

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If I were here manager I would ask her if she lost her fucking mind. No healthy person would post a picture of himself like that. So sad to see what has become of her really. It‘s like shes not longer the same person again and no one wants so see something like this. Wow the grillz again how cutting edge M.... yawn

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Well I think that this is sign of her new album(or at least first lead single) is almost ready.

She is Goddess of media. She knew how to take a media's attention. 

So she show her tits and people are talking about it (hate it or love it that's not important. important thing is People are talking about it.)

And also media gonna talking about it. That's the what Madonna want (I mean I think, i assume. lol)

So why Madonna want to take a media's attention right now? Because her new album (or new single) is already almost ready.

That's my guess. lol


One problem is Does she is working out lately so she is really ready to showing off her body to the whole world.

showing off her body is one of her nature so she will never give it up until she died but I don't want to see looking like 6 month pregnant woman's belly like kelly rippa show. To be honest.


I don't think this has anything to do with her trying to get "attention" because she's ready to release a single or an album.  I think we're months away from anything being released. I truly believe this is Madonna being Madonna.  I accept that.  And as I've said before, it's not the "tits" being out that bother me so much. It's just the whole picture looks unflattering.  She always has been a perfectionist. It's just surprising she would let that go to post a picture which is obviously trying to grab attention for whatever reason. 


As for her working out lately, I really don't see any huge concern of her being out of shape. Sure, she looks like she's put on a few, but right now she looks quite healthy and good in that aspect.  And she didn't look like a "6 month pregnant" woman on Kelly's show. That's just an extreme over exaggeration on your part.

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It's not flattering... But Instagram has enough flattering pics and maybe our idea of a Shiny Pop Goddess is outdated. 


Even though some might have glossed over this statement, I think it's a good indication of what her mind set is. I think Madonna, out of anyone, appreciates beauty. But beauty isn't just flattering angles and photoshop. Beauty can be found in a hairy armpit in a playboy magazine or a Unibrow in a self portrait. it could also be found in someone who played the most glamorous woman at times showing that she can be ugly or unflattering and is just as human as all of us no matter how much we wish she wouldn't be. 

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What is she trying to prove? That older women can be sexual? Ok. They can be sexual. But what for? What do they do with their "being sexual"? Sexual in the sake of what, who? Men? Because, believe, no man would find that hot. It's sad but true. I'm straight and I know what I mean

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I don't think older women "empower" themselves by posing naked. It's nonsense.

On the other hand , her breast-showing is the least thing I care about. I'm worried about her face. Looks awful. I'm sorry. And i'm not being sexist and all that crap



What is she trying to prove? That older women can be sexual? Ok. They can be sexual. But what for? What do they do with their "being sexual"? Sexual in the sake of what, who? Men? Because, believe, no man would find that hot. It's sad but true. I'm straight and I know what I mean




It's clear that you don't believe sexism exists. Why would she be doing this "for men's sake"? She's doing it for women's sake. That is obvious. The fact you ask wether she's trying to get men to find her hot shows you have never followed her message since it has always been the same. Her intention has always been to get sexist/ageist people to stop judging women for their nature and choices and trying to limit them and police them. 

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Of course M can do whatever she wants, she doesn't really have to justify anything to us, but I think one of the hardest things happening in these last years is that we are not able to understand her choices. I don't remember this happening years ago. She rarely explained choices, but her actions were pretty clear, I believe.


For instance, think of the infamous question: why was LDLHA left out of the RHT dvd? :Madonna007:


So with this picture we ask ourselves but cannot find a solution...

Is it a provocation, not caring about other people?

Is it masochism? Does she want to appear in bad pictures?

Does she really like herself with those lips and those grillz?

Is it a way to attract attention, even if it is basically criticism?

Is it her not being able to use the social media?

Is it her stuff not being able to use the social media?

Does she have bad taste? Or worse than before?

Is this her sense of humour? (Tears of clown.........)

Is she fighting sexism, as @@Fighter says? (I hope you're right)


There are too many questions
There is not one solution
There is no resurrection
There is so much confusion





But finally, are people talking about this or is it just us and a few haters?

I have the sad impression that "normal" people and the press are not really paying attention to M anymore... :crying:

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So she's basically saying to women that if they pose naked on instagram sexism will be over?? By posing naked she's endorsing the very thing she's fighting against. It's a paradox and very silly.

First let's see what sexism means. From my point of view, I don't believe sexism exist today. On the other hand I do believe ageism exist. For both sexes.

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So she's basically saying to women that if they pose naked on instagram sexism will be over?? By posing naked she's endorsing the very thing she's fighting against. It's a paradox and very silly.

First let's see what sexism means. From my point of view, I don't believe sexism exist today. On the other hand I do believe ageism exist. For both sexes.


What is it that you think she's endorsing and how is it contradictory?


Madonna has always represented freedom of being who you are. I don't think she's telling other women what to do or how to act.


My only issue with her doing stuff like this, is that I worry she's taking in too much negative feedback, at the same time the fact it goes against everyone's notions about her vanity is hilarious.


I wish she could chill while working on a new album but alright.  :suffer:   :cryin:

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What is it that you think she's endorsing and how is it contradictory?


Madonna has always represented freedom of being who you are. I don't think she's telling other women what to do or how to act.


My only issue with her doing stuff like this, is that I worry she's taking in too much negative feedback, at the same time the fact it goes against everyone's notions about her vanity is hilarious.


I wish she could chill while working on a new album but alright. :suffer::cryin:

It's contradictory because since the 40s or 50s, posing naked in men magazines meant that women became an object of male desire, and that's viewed as sexist by feminists (But let's face it: no one put a gun on these women's heads to make her take their clothes off).

But you say she gets naked for "other women" to encourage to live their sexuality freely with their men. So ultimately she wants to please men, to be perceived as attractive at 60 which is great. She has a great body, a but overweight these days but great basically. But few women that age have a body like that so there's a little flaunting too. But if she really wants to fight ageism she should start by accepting her face without surgery. She worries to much to look young. Double-standard.


Yes. You're right about the pic. But come on, she knows perfectly well that a pic like that will be scrutinized and open to criticism.

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