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Grandma Unleashed her t*ts again!


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"It is contradictory because traditionally, posing naked meant that women become an object of male desire,"


From the straight male's perspective.


"and that's viewed [as] sexist by feminists."


Pretty sure that's more to do with sexual harassment than with men finding women attractive.


"But you say she gets naked for 'other women' to encourage to live their sexuality freely with their men"


Female sexuality doesn't revolve around men.


"So ultimately she wants to please men, to be perceived as attractive at 60 which is great."


Traditionally men think women can only be sexual through their gaze and permission. She's giving the middle finger to that.


"She has a great body, a but overweight these days but great basically. But few women that age have that body so there's a little flaunting too. But is she really wants to fight ageism she should start by accepting her face without surgery. She worries to much look young. Double-standard."


As males we don't get to decide how women deal with sexism. I don't know why we can't empathize, don't well all feel societal pressures? are all our choices perfect?

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"It is contradictory because traditionally, posing naked meant that women become an object of male desire,"


From the straight male's perspective.


"and that's viewed [as] sexist by feminists."


Pretty sure that's more to do with sexual harassment than with men finding women attractive.


"But you say she gets naked for 'other women' to encourage to live their sexuality freely with their men"


Female sexuality doesn't revolve around men.


"So ultimately she wants to please men, to be perceived as attractive at 60 which is great."


Traditionally men think women can only be sexual through their gaze and permission. She's giving the middle finger to that.


"She has a great body, a but overweight these days but great basically. But few women that age have that body so there's a little flaunting too. But is she really wants to fight ageism she should start by accepting her face without surgery. She worries to much look young. Double-standard."

Clearly we both relate to women in a different way. I don't share your point of you because I can't comprehend it, for the same reason you don't share mine. 

Please I don't want to go on futher.

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"It is contradictory because traditionally, posing naked meant that women become an object of male desire,"


From the straight male's perspective.


"and that's viewed [as] sexist by feminists."


Pretty sure that's more to do with sexual harassment than with men finding women attractive.


"But you say she gets naked for 'other women' to encourage to live their sexuality freely with their men"


Female sexuality doesn't revolve around men.


"So ultimately she wants to please men, to be perceived as attractive at 60 which is great."


Traditionally men think women can only be sexual through their gaze and permission. She's giving the middle finger to that.


"She has a great body, a but overweight these days but great basically. But few women that age have that body so there's a little flaunting too. But is she really wants to fight ageism she should start by accepting her face without surgery. She worries to much look young. Double-standard."


As males we don't get to decide how women deal with sexism. I don't know why we can't empathize, don't well all feel societal pressures? are all our choices perfect?

THANK YOU! I am older, not to old, but older. When I was younger I tried being "sexy" if you wanna call it that for mens sake, to get them to like me or whatever. The kind of men you attract with that are really total assholes. I figured out I could be " sexy" for me, not them, and I was so much happier. I dont have to look good for a man. I dont have to have a man in my life to feel good. Dosent mean I dont want one, I have a husband who is the best guy in the world. He thinks Im attractive even now that I am older. Madonna does this shit to push your buttons, its a huge middle finger to everyone saying shes a "grandma" because shes 60. WTF? She got that shit when she was in her 30's. 40's. 50's. Your not relivant as a woman in the eyes of anyone once your past 25? Also what you find attractive may not be what someone else does, so i get that. But bagging on her cause she dared to age and she still feels sexy, thats stupid.

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THANK YOU! I am older, not to old, but older. When I was younger I tried being "sexy" if you wanna call it that for mens sake, to get them to like me or whatever. The kind of men you attract with that are really total assholes. I figured out I could be " sexy" for me, not them, and I was so much happier. I dont have to look good for a man. I dont have to have a man in my life to feel good. Dosent mean I dont want one, I have a husband who is the best guy in the world. He thinks Im attractive even now that I am older. Madonna does this shit to push your buttons, its a huge middle finger to everyone saying shes a "grandma" because shes 60. WTF? She got that shit when she was in her 30's. 40's. 50's. Your not relivant as a woman in the eyes of anyone once your past 25? Also what you find attractive may not be what someone else does, so i get that. But bagging on her cause she dared to age and she still feels sexy, thats stupid.

1) You're wrong mate. I never  judged her for flashing her naked boob. I just said that with and the surgery she becomes the embodiement of the things she fights against. I was defending her. But I got distorted.


2) Anyway, I'd like to ask the gay men from 20 to 30 if they'd had sex with a 60 year-old guy, and I'm talking about a man that doesn't go to the gym, a regular guy.


3) I think I'm going to show my dick and balls anytime soon. I too wanna fight against ageism (I've just turned 43) and if you don't publish it I'll denounce the forum as sexist towards str8 people. LOL. I mean it.

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Clearly we both relate to women in a different way. I don't share your point of you because I can't comprehend it, for the same reason you don't share mine. 

Please I don't want to go on futher.


I understand your point of view, I just don't agree with it.  :kissy:

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Well I understand what you two are trying to talking about and I'm at middle of it.

I get that this is empowering for women but I also get that it is not a good photo.

I mean do you guys remember this photo shoot at Rebel Heart era?



Some people mocked her to be sexy in her age at this sexy and beautiful photo.

Well I said and I will says to these morons "Fuck you she is sexy as hell in this photo shoot!"


But that instagram photo is just A bad photo. it's not about she is woman or she is old. It's just about very bad photo.



And she desperately need to hire new good personal trainer ASAP.

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But as I said I'm not in the least shocked by her nude. Her face did shock me.

@@Rotzheimberg   Regarding your issue with her "face".  You must know even looking at her latest video on IG at Mercy's Birthday Party, her face is just fine.  Her lips aren't inflated.  I agree with what others have said, "It's a bad picture".   A bad angle. She puckered out the lips

 and tits.  Obviously, we agree (and many other fans agree) that it's quite unflattering.

Well I understand what you two are trying to talking about and I'm at middle of it.

I get that this is empowering for women but I also get that it is not a good photo.

I mean do you guys remember this photo shoot at Rebel Heart era?



Some people mocked her to be sexy in her age at this sexy and beautiful photo.

Well I said and I will says to these morons "Fuck you she is sexy as hell in this photo shoot!"


But that instagram photo is just A bad photo. it's not about she is woman or she is old. It's just about very bad photo.



And she desperately need to hire new good personal trainer ASAP.

Are you serious or trolling us?  You have to know that the pic you posted above has been weirdly altered and censored.  Her tits didn't look misshapen like that in the original print/release. It's like someone got crazy with some tools on photoshop  and extended her tits and made them look misshaped.

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Are you serious or trolling us?  You have to know that the pic you posted above has been weirdly altered and censored.  Her tits didn't look misshapen like that in the original print/release. It's like someone got crazy with some tools on photoshop  and extended her tits and made them look misshaped.



OMFG. Are you serious? or Are you nut and delusional? Relax and calm down Please.

That photo from dailymail!!! And they censored it. Because it is for NEWSPAPER!!

They did just cencered her tits for newspaper!!! Not a extended her tits and made them look mishaped!!!!!!!

Oh my gosh sometimes these delusional drama queens' overreacing is just...sigh.




This is URL for that photo. check it out.

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@@Liam I can assure you she did something to her lips, the skin is tighter and fuller. Or maybe it's the grillz. I hate grillz, they're look gross in anybody. Her tit looks fine though

There are 2 photos taken at the same day....the first one she posted with her head down and eyes up....her lips look fine in that one.

It is purely the angle...well the grills don't help.

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OMFG. Are you serious? or Are you nut and delusional? Relax and calm down Please.

That photo from dailymail!!! And they censored it. Because it is for NEWSPAPER!!

They did just cencered her tits for newspaper!!! Not a extended her tits and made them look mishaped!!!!!!!

Oh my gosh sometimes these delusional drama queens' overreacing is just...sigh.




This is URL for that photo. check it out.

Oh good lord, it's you need to calm the fuck down!!  First off, there is no need to get nasty and vindictive, and calling people over dramatic or delusional.   That picture is heavily altered, and I honestly did not pay one bit of attention where you got it.  Her tits are all misshapen and didn't look like that way originally in the pic.  So it doesn't surprise me that Dailymail made her tits look so awful when censoring. 

@@Liam I can assure you she did something to her lips, the skin is tighter and fuller. Or maybe it's the grillz. I hate grillz, they're look gross in anybody. Her tit looks fine though

She didn't. It's the grills, the angle and how she's puckering her lips.  As mentioned, she posted another pic from the same time, at a different angle and her lips looked normal.  Also, Her lips look very normal in the video she posted today on IG at Mercy's birthday party. 

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Oh good lord, it's you need to calm the fuck down!!  First off, there is no need to get nasty and vindictive, and calling people over dramatic or delusional.   That picture is heavily altered, and I honestly did not pay one bit of attention where you got it.  Her tits are all misshapen and didn't look like that way originally in the pic.  So it doesn't surprise me that Dailymail made her tits look so awful when censoring. 



Well I agree if you said that looking at yourself in the mirror.

you should be careful and need to calm the fuck down before accusing someone's opinion as "trolling" just because they have different opinion with you. And you should pay attention before accusing someone as troll just because they have different opinion with you. Is it really So Hard To Admit When You're Wrong and Apologizing?

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Well I agree if you said that looking at yourself in the mirror.

you should be careful and need to calm the fuck down before accusing someone's opinion as "trolling" just because they have different opinion with you. And you should pay attention before accusing someone as troll just because they have different opinion with you.

Okay, I think we're done here! When you start attacking people personally, you lost any argument you had.  My trolling comment was in regards to me wondering if you knew if it was altered.  It had nothing to do with a difference an opinion.  Yet, I didn't call you "delusional", "nuts" and now you're making shitty immature comments about "looking... in the mirror".  It seems you're the one who got all worked up!  Grow the fuck up! 

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Okay, I think we're done here! When you start attacking people personally, you lost any argument you had.  My trolling comment was in regards to me wondering if you knew if it was altered.  It had nothing to do with a difference an opinion.  Yet, I didn't call you "delusional", "nuts" and now you're making shitty immature comments about "looking... in the mirror".  It seems you're the one who got all worked up over what I said when I wasn't attacking you.  Grow the fuck up! 


Oh my lord. Here we go again. This is your typical pattern. sigh. Could you just admit you were wrong and Do apologizing about your misbehavior? Just once? And don't forget you're the one attacking people personally. How dare you attacking me personally as troll just because I have different opinion with you?

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But finally, are people talking about this or is it just us and a few haters?

I have the sad impression that "normal" people and the press are not really paying attention to M anymore... :crying:

No, a lot of fans are talking about it elsewhere too. It seems the majority of fans agree it's not a flattering pic.  But it's a mix bag regarding her posting it.  Most fans are being honest about it, and unfortunately it seems such a picture isn't helping her image these days. 

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Clearly M polarizes opinions and that's great, as long as it's done with respect and, most of all, intelligence. She has always said she wants to push buttoms and make people think and discuss about different ways to see the same things. She enjoys being ambivalent. Umberto Eco said there's never one way to look at things but many. That's enriching and nurturing

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