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Grandma Unleashed her t*ts again!


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i wonder why no female user posts in this thread.

or did i miss it?

How many females are active on this forum?  Those who are, aren't necessarily the chatter box.  But I do welcome more women to chime in. Though, I think one did chime in, earlier in this thread.  That said, I don't think it would do any favors in Rotheimberg's case if more women did chime in.  LOL!

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Who is twisting words?  Sir, I think you are doing enough of that for the both of us.  Where did I say you didn't treat people equally? But now that you brought it up, let's not bullshit people now.  Wasn't it you, who claimed you didn't think women and men should be treated equally? Isn't that where you stand? You posted that several posts back.  There's no twisting of what you said going on there.  You've been quoted on it.  Again, you're confusing the fact that one doesn't have to be a "feminist" to want equality for all people, including women.  Most decent human beings hold that view.

Actually I don't know everything about you.  Once again, that's you twisting things I've never said. But the more I do learn about you, the more I wish I didn't. LOL!

Furthermore, I think you proved long ago in this post you care about what I think, or you wouldn't have gone on this long talking with me, nor gotten so personal and offended over things I said or in some cases never said.  

LOL I wasn't talking to you in the end. You just got in the middle of my conversations with other members to get attention. Or so it seemed. It's you who keep referring to me all the time. Maybe some sexual tension there? ooops. Deal with it. LOL


Really I don't have the strenght today to carry on. Can we make amends? 

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January 27, 2018

Madonna’s Photo Is Bad, But The Reactions Are Worse [Opinion]
Once again, Madonna gets bashed for the wrong reasons.

The following article is entirely the opinion of Daryl Deino and does not reflect the views of the Inquisitr.


“Why can’t this dinosaur go extinct already! Go away madonnasaurus!†screams Pa Blo, a man whose Facebook page is dedicated to Janet Jackson.

“Grandma needs to chill on the opiates,†says James Jones.

Those were just some of the nicer comments made after Madonna posted an unflattering picture with a Louis Vuitton bag and her breasts out on Facebook. The comments after the same post on Instagram were just as inflammatory.

“Your lips look terrible,†mentions Strapantales.

“You look fu***ng ridiculous. Time to grow up and stop being a w**re monger,†says Morrrob.

To be fair, this isn’t a beautiful, sexy, and artistic photo of Madonna that people are ripping on. Actually, the photo is very unflattering. And what about those grillz Madonna keeps wearing? And the expression on her face. Let’s not mention the fact that, as some of the commenters noticed, she really does look like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons.

However, in a day and age when “selfies†are photoshopped to death to the point they don’t even resemble the person, a picture like this is fascinating. In a day when women are shamed for being fun and sexy after 30, this picture is welcome, even if it’s not very fun or sexy. And in Madonna’s case, where she has often been accused of trying to control her image way too much, the photo is hilarious.

Surely, Madonna knows all of this, which is why she chose to post it. She’s not desperate to be sexy and young. Whether it’s good for her career or not, Madonna is intent on constantly clapping back at her haters. It’s actually been like that her whole career. Lately, the more Madonna is told that she is “too old†and should just “cover up,†she comes back, refuses to act her age, and uncovers. She constantly reveals society’s hypocrisy and double standards.


Madonna doesn’t seem to care what people think about her. Kevin Winter / Getty Images

However, it’s true that Madonna is being criticized by some of her own fans, and it has nothing to do with ageism or sexism.

“This is not the icon who helped me though coming out and being positive. Sad times,†says Martin P. Burns under the Facebook post.

“Lol – I don’t care about you having your t**s out. Let’s face it we’ve all seen them at one time or another… it’s just an unflattering photo M – you have more style than this,†argues Warren J. Sage, Jr.

However, there are others who argue that Madonna is the same person she has been throughout her career — one who challenges notions of what’s acceptable. In the 1980s, people criticized Madonna for being too sleazy for wearing sexy clothes. In the 1990s, the term “slut†was used more to describe the Queen of Pop than any other woman. In 2018, women can be comfortable wearing what they want and being sexy. They can be comfortable “wanting to get laid†and talking about it. Much of this is because of the doors Madonna opened.

In ten years, we will likely see more older female stars refuse to “age gracefully,†wearing and saying what they want. Will they also post unflattering pictures of themselves? Perhaps not, but then again — Madonna is always way ahead of her time.



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LOL I wasn't talking to you in the end. You just got in the middle of my conversations with other members to get attention. Or so it seemed. It's you who keep referring to me all the time. Maybe some sexual tension? Deal with it. 


It's almost like it's his thread?  :suffer:  looks like the person who keeps posting post after post even though he wanted out of the conversation is the one trying to get attention? Lack of a sex life? :thinker:

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I told you. I'm I'm referred to, I'll respond. Once I think it's over here comes Liam again, I wasn't talking bout u.


Fighter my sex life goes very well thank you LOL. I can fuck and post at the same time LOL LOL

1. Funny thing is, you wanted out this thread before I started challenging your thoughts. 

2. I thought you didn't care what I thought?


LOL!  You obviously do or you wouldn't have used me as an escape goat in why you're still posting in this thread.  :Madonna009:

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1. Funny thing is, you wanted out this thread before I started challenging your thoughts. 

2. I thought you didn't care what I thought?


LOL!  You obviously do or you wouldn't have used me as an escape goat in why you're still posting in this thread.  :Madonna009:


He keeps posting to prove he can do 2 things at the same time.

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LOL I wasn't talking to you in the end. You just got in the middle of my conversations with other members to get attention. Or so it seemed. It's you who keep referring to me all the time. Maybe some sexual tension there? ooops. Deal with it. LOL


Really I don't have the strenght today to carry on. Can we make amends? 

You only wish!  The only thing here to deal with is the fact you are coming off more like a Troll wanting your opinion to remain supreme and the moment people don't agree, you play the victim card and use assumptions as well as thinly veiled homophobic tactics, by making it clear it must be because you are the only straight guy here, or "sexual tension", etc, etc. 


For someone who claims so much about yourself today, has proven otherwise.  Someone with so little strength, yet able to zing right in here two seconds after one quotes them to make some crazy and wild assumptions. 


I'm going to suggest we get back on topic here, or you should just exit the thread if you're going to turn this around and make it about you.  Obviously, I'm not the only one who has recognized that fact.  PhD in philosophy and sociology, my ass!  LOL! 

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Liam you behave like child. You won't have the last word. That's why I keep posting lol


Do you REALLY know the reason why you're bitching me? What's the matter with you? What did I say to you that offended you so much? People who attack for no reason either are intimidated, scared or envious, or so shrinks say. You should see one. Because I never said anything insulting to you. You were trying all the time to get my attention, flattering me etc, and suddenly you turned into a horrid human being. Didn't I pay you enough attention? Is taht the problem? LOL


Please, focus and tell me when I was insulting to you. If my disliking feminists drives you this crazy, oh mate, you need help. Or are you a woman? Please, elaborate

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Getting back on topic...


Thank you for posting this.  It's very much in line why I started this topic.  It's one thing for the media and some of the general public who hate Madonna to call her out for her bad moves, but this time it either concerned some genuine fans and/or just honestly came off unflattering to them.


I'm one of those who believe Madonna is simply being Madonna.  The only difference she has social media to immediately respond to her detractors or make people uncomfortable if not get people talking.  She's always said, much of her controversial stunts are usually talking points for her.  She wants to bring awareness to a certain issue. 


She definitely isn't going to stop anytime soon.  And that's what I love about her.  She doesn't give a fuck.  It's obvious she knows that some of the things she does and post will irk people.  But like in this thread and elsewhere, it sparks discussion on a lot of important issues that we as humans must deal with, in some cases brush aside and ignore. 

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Liam you behave like child. You won't have the last word. That's why I keep posting lol


Do you REALLY know the reason why you're bitching me? What's the matter with you? What did I say to you that offended you so much? People who attack for no reason either are intimidated, scared or envious, or so shrinks say. You should see one. Because I never said anything insulting to you. You were trying all the time to get my attention, flattering me etc, and suddenly you turned into a horrid human being. Didn't I pay you enough attention? Is taht the problem? LOL


Please, focus and tell me when I was insulting to you. If my disliking feminists drives you this crazy, oh mate, you need help. Or are you a woman? Please, elaborate


No one attacked you. We are just amused at your fragile masculinity stances and projections and because 1) You act like a troll. 2) Your attempts at being passive aggressive are cringy 3) You keep posting.  :suffer:

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can we please lock this?


as a plain user, right now i can't appreciate any of the above posts in this thread. cringe-fest on all sides (sorry, guys, love ya, but cringeworthy. please stop it.)

Or you can choose to just ignore and not respond.  If not, share your views on the ORIGINAL issue I brought up.  Love to hear your thoughts?

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my standpoint is pretty simple and has probably been expressed before:

she can do whatever the fuck she wants.

her tits are great and she can expose or hide them, whatever her mood is.

no matter her age, shape or mood.




the bickering is unbearable!!! childish on all sides! and stop telling me what i should or shouldn't ignore. thanks. 

it's posted, it's out and thus, open for any kind of comment or judgement.


if i were an admin, i'd lock it.



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my standpoint is pretty simple and has probably been expressed before:

she can do whatever the fuck she wants.

her tits are great and she can expose or hide them, whatever her mood is.

no matter her age, shape or mood.




the bickering is unbearable!!! childish on all sides! and stop telling me what i should or shouldn't ignore. thanks. 

it's posted, it's out and thus, open for any kind of comment or judgement.


if i were an admin, i'd lock it.



Hey let's be clear.  I wasn't telling you what to do. I merely suggested.  No need to get defensive about it.  For a good part of the thread, it was actually going well.  You could have focused on that, rather the posts you didn't like.  The very first post alone was enough to comment on.  :)

That said, I appreciate you actually commenting on the original topic, and I agree with you for the most part.  Though, another aspect of what I brought up is how a lot of genuine fans find the picture a bit unflattering.  In many cases, it's not about her exposing her tits.  I think most can agree it's just a bad angle and pic.   :) 

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can we please lock this?


as a plain user, right now i can't appreciate any of the above posts in this thread. cringe-fest on all sides (sorry, guys, love ya, but cringeworthy. please stop it.)


Thanks for your feedback. This is the internet, not everything needs to be so serious, and i won't take a troll seriously. Take that as you will and interpret it how you wish. It already stopped so there's no need to close the thread.  :smile:

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Madonna knew what she was doing when she posted the picture, she knew the reaction it would get and she knew very well it was not a flattering look, at least not to most people but that was the whole point. This picture has gotten reaction that will ultimately be in her favour. She is not going crazy, she is doing something that needs to be done and nobody dares to do it because everyone has to look perfect and young and photoshoped, it is ridiculous. Today's society is crazy and she is going to go down in history for this, like so many daring things she has done. I personally thought the picture was hilarious and I knew exactly what she was doing and I believe anyone who is really a fan gets what she is doing. She was making a bold statement and also showing her sense of humor. She is also showing us how nasty and ugly human beings can be with their nasty comments. History will show it. Do her fans really not get it?

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What is she trying to prove? That older women can be sexual? Ok. They can be sexual. But what for? What do they do with their "being sexual"? Sexual in the sake of what, who? Men? Because, believe, no man would find that hot. It's sad but true. I'm straight and I know what I mean


I don't see it as sexual..


Nudity isn't necessarily sexual..


In fact, nudity is permitted in non-puritanical countries, because it can be considered art. As long as it's not over sexualized.


As in, having the pussy wide spread and showing in full glory, or an erect penis. Neither of which has Madonna ever done, or showed in her work, or otherwise. Ever..

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