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Grandma Unleashed her t*ts again!


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 Thank God the kind of women you attract and the women you're attracted to don't want to be equal??!   madonna-gags-o.gif

Yeah, I didn't understand that train of thought either?  Why wouldn't you want the woman (or partner your with) be an equal? Most women I know unless they are still living in the 50's or a culture where women (who don't know any better) aren't treated equal... want to be treated equal.  :thinker:

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OK @@Liam, but straight men have rarely used sex in their careers, let alone posing naked. Come on. Women have an exhibitionist and flamboyant side which is shared with gay/bi men IMO. No offense



Seriously? Let's get back to George Michael who used sex and sexual images freely at the beginning of his solo career especially. "I Want Your Sex" video was highly controversial at the time. What about Prince? To term a lot of his lyrics as "suggestive" would be an understatement of the century, not to mention his sex-charged performances, outfits where his ass was hanging out etc. There have been plenty of men who used sex to sell their records, the only difference between them and women who have done so is that it didn't stop the general public from seeing them as genuine artists with actual talent. Precisely because it's ok for boys to be sexual, it's expected of them. Women who are free with their sexuality are seen as sluts, pure and simple. 


Your comment that "Thank God the kind of women I attract are never feminists and the women I'm attracted to are never feminists" is offensive on many levels just as your comment in the Gwyneth Paltrow topic where you say "when women have a rift is usually over men" - this is some serious, 1950s era sexism man. 


Feminism isn't about the female half of the population getting an upper hand or preferential treatment. It's about all of us, men and women, being equal. This would be beneficial to both sexes - boys are victims of the patriarchal, imbalanced system as well. 


Here's link to an article on gender gap pay published recently: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/gender-pay-gap-527-companies-data-publish-government-equal-pay-women-feminism-boardrooms-a8145866.html


"Gender pay gap at more than 500 large organisations revealed. According to the data, 80 per cent of the 527 organisations paid women less per hour on average than men.


Equality my ass  :thinker:  :)

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Seriously? Let's get back to George Michael who used sex and sexual images freely at the beginning of his solo career especially. "I Want Your Sex" video was highly controversial at the time. What about Prince? To term a lot of his lyrics as "suggestive" would be an understatement of the century, not to mention his sex-charged performances, outfits where his ass was hanging out etc. There have been plenty of men who used sex to sell their records, the only difference between them and women who have done so is that it didn't stop the general public from seeing them as genuine artists with actual talent. Precisely because it's ok for boys to be sexual, it's expected of them. Women who are free with their sexuality are seen as sluts, pure and simple. 


Your comment that "Thank God the kind of women I attract are never feminists and the women I'm attracted to are never feminists" is offensive on many levels just as your comment in the Gwyneth Paltrow topic where you say "when women have a rift is usually over men" - this is some serious, 1950s era sexism man. 


Feminism isn't about the female half of the population getting an upper hand or preferential treatment. It's about all of us, men and women, being equal. This would be beneficial to both sexes - boys are victims of the patriarchal, imbalanced system as well. 


Here's link to an article on gender gap pay published recently: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/gender-pay-gap-527-companies-data-publish-government-equal-pay-women-feminism-boardrooms-a8145866.html


"Gender pay gap at more than 500 large organisations revealed. According to the data, 80 per cent of the 527 organisations paid women less per hour on average than men.


Equality my ass  :thinker:  :)

Well said!! 


Not only that, do you think one has to be a feminist to expect to be treated equal as well not be sexually humiliated or harassed? To me that's a humanist movement rather feminist. Certainly, "feminists" can claim it all, but in the end, equality of men and women is far beyond than just feminist views.

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I want no equals. Men and women are no equals and never will be. Each have different capacities. I want to complement and be complemented. 

You're just not getting it.  This is quite offensive. Not necessarily to me, but to all people. Certainly women and men have different capabilities. But there are plenty of women who can out run, lift and do many other things than men.  The point we're making here, women should be treated equally as a male who does the same as them.  For the most part, women aren't.  Not to say that we haven't come a long way with women gaining more power and equality in the world, but the fact is, women are still being treated less of an equal for doing the same as a man.  I certainly agree that if a man is capable of doing something more than a women (or even another man) than they should get paid more.  However, that should go the other way, as well,  if a woman is able to do the same or perform a better job than a male, then she should be paid just as much as a male if not more, depending on her capability. 


All this talk about not wanting men and women to be equal from you, is almost coming off chauvinistic as you said yourself you want to "complement" and be "complemented".   Who doesn't?  But that should be among your peers who think you deserve, no matter what sex they are.

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Seriously? Let's get back to George Michael who used sex and sexual images freely at the beginning of his solo career especially. "I Want Your Sex" video was highly controversial at the time. What about Prince? To term a lot of his lyrics as "suggestive" would be an understatement of the century, not to mention his sex-charged performances, outfits where his ass was hanging out etc. There have been plenty of men who used sex to sell their records, the only difference between them and women who have done so is that it didn't stop the general public from seeing them as genuine artists with actual talent. Precisely because it's ok for boys to be sexual, it's expected of them. Women who are free with their sexuality are seen as sluts, pure and simple. 


Your comment that "Thank God the kind of women I attract are never feminists and the women I'm attracted to are never feminists" is offensive on many levels just as your comment in the Gwyneth Paltrow topic where you say "when women have a rift is usually over men" - this is some serious, 1950s era sexism man. 


Feminism isn't about the female half of the population getting an upper hand or preferential treatment. It's about all of us, men and women, being equal. This would be beneficial to both sexes - boys are victims of the patriarchal, imbalanced system as well. 


Here's link to an article on gender gap pay published recently: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/gender-pay-gap-527-companies-data-publish-government-equal-pay-women-feminism-boardrooms-a8145866.html


"Gender pay gap at more than 500 large organisations revealed. According to the data, 80 per cent of the 527 organisations paid women less per hour on average than men.


Equality my ass  :thinker:  :)

I support patriarchy and always will.

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You're just not getting it.  This is quite offensive. Not necessarily to me, but to all people. Certainly women and men have different capabilities. But there are plenty of women who can out run, lift and do many other things than men.  The point we're making here, women should be treated equally as a male who does the same as them.  For the most part, women aren't.  Not to say that we haven't come a long way with women gaining more power and equality in the world, but the fact is, women are still being treated less of an equal for doing the same as a man.  I certainly agree that if a man is capable of doing something more than a women (or even another man) than they should get paid more.  However, that should go the other way, as well,  if a woman is able to do the same or perform a better job than a male, then she should be paid just as much as a male if not more, depending on her capability. 


All this talk about not wanting men and women to be equal from you, is almost coming off chauvinistic as you said yourself you want to "complement" and be "complemented".   Who doesn't?  But that should be among your peers who think you deserve, no matter what sex they are.

I don't see what offends you. Maybe you're all offended because I'm straight. Be honest.

Maybe most members are gay and relate to women in a way I don't. Who knows, maybe you're a woman. And please stop lecturing me because I won't change my mind. Period. 

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I don't see what offends you. Maybe you're all offended because I'm straight. Be honest.

Maybe most members are gay and relate to women in a way I don't. Who knows, maybe you're a woman. And please stop lecturing me because I won't change my mind. Period. 


Uhm, you don't have to be black to be able to relate to racial minorities and see racism as wrong. You don't have to be poor to see poverty as something bad. And so on, and so forth... And of course you support patriarchy, it's been constructed to champion straight white men like you. It's not your fault. It's a shame though that you're unable to see how damaging it is for the rest of us. But as long as you're happy I guess  :)

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I have never seen any straight man shy of sixty flashing his dick. Stop using that stupid alibi "If she were a man...". The very success of Madonna proves that this whole sexism thing is nonexistent. I don't see what she is complaining about. Now is she a feminist? After all the backlash she got from them in her early years? Well guys, I remember. I think this feminism thing is pure media hype. I'm sorry but I'm pissed off about the shit men are getting lately and it's becoming dangerous, destructive and ominous.


Madonna's success doesn't prove sexism doesn't exist. For every Madonna, there are billions of women who don't succeed in having personal freedoms because their rules are imposed by men in positions of power in basically every institution in the world, and that has been the case for thousands of years.


Sexism is not just "being denied rights", sexism is a culture that thinks women are not capable of being fully autonomous, to do things for themselves or being able to choose for themselves without your male perspective and opinion coming first. Historically women have been indoctrinated by male institutions to believe they shouldn't have the same freedoms, and men like you have been indoctrinated to think that women were made for them. This is ingrained in the fabric of society so people perceive it as the normal order of things. You don't see them as peers for that reason. 


Madonna got attacked by a breed of feminists who saw sex as just a tool of male oppression. Madonna simply embraced female sexuality as a reality and nature of human beings and understood self-repression wasn't the way to freedom from male oppression. When she did S.E.X. she was simply exposing that reality to people, be it sexist men or self-repressed women, but you think she was doing it to sell or to be attractive in your male eyes. You misunderstood things all along.


Comparing men showing their dicks to women exposing their breasts is beyond ridiculous. Straight male sexuality is NOT repressed. I know your brain will short circuit at this point because you see women trying to end sexual harassment and you take that as "muhh rights being taken away by feminazis ". Your perceived inalienable right to treat women as sexual objects. A right that men gave to themselves.


I thought you didn't wanna go any further with this conversation but here you are. Still vomiting an incoherent thread of ideas, talking to yourself and dodging subjects. If you can't back up your ideas intelligently then you should think about them a little more, that's what any intelligent person would do before attempting to have a debate.

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If I'm attacked, I respond. If exposing my ideas offends other members, I'm sorry. That's not my intention. Man if you wanna talk seriously this is not the place. And I have a PhD is sociology and a PhD i philosophy so I think I can back up my "incoherencies" in 5 languages as well. 

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If I'm attacked, I respond. If exposing my ideas offend other members, I'm sorry. That's not my intention. Man if you wanna wanna talk seriously this is not the place. And I have a PhD is sociology and a PhD i philosophy so I think I can back up my "incoherencies" in 5 languages as well. 


2 PhDs and you're struggling to follow basic logic on a Madonna forum?  :thinker::stare:

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If I'm attacked, I respond. If exposing my ideas offend other members, I'm sorry. That's not my intention. Man if you wanna wanna talk seriously this is not the place. And I have a PhD is sociology and a PhD i philosophy so I think I can back up my "incoherencies" in 5 languages as well. 


So far you've been unable to. Posting several messages in a row talking to yourself/vomiting up one-liners/avoiding arguments, is not the way to debate anything. It's trolling. 


How narrow-minded is that? 



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I don't see what offends you. Maybe you're all offended because I'm straight. Be honest.

Maybe most members are gay and relate to women in a way I don't. Who knows, maybe you're a woman. And please stop lecturing me because I won't change my mind. Period. 

You don't see what "offends" me?  I'm not asking you to. This topic isn't about me.  Again, we're having a discussion about Madonna as well as men and women, equality, sexism and ageism.  But it's evidently clear, your the one who keeps twisting this around and making it personal and even more, trying to portray as if you're some victim just because people don't agree with you.  For the record, I don't care if your "straight".  If you are, "great".  If you're not, "Awesome".  It's weird you've turned this into something personal and assume people are speaking their opinions which don't agree with you as if they must be "gay" and they relate to women. Whatever happen to the idea that their decent human beings who think all people should be treated equally?  That's where I stand. 


And once again, this is a discussion. It's funny you even turned my words into a "lecture" when again, it's clearly we are discussing our difference of opinion. 

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If I'm attacked, I respond. If exposing my ideas offends other members, I'm sorry. That's not my intention. Man if you wanna talk seriously this is not the place. And I have a PhD is sociology and a PhD i philosophy so I think I can back up my "incoherencies" in 5 languages as well. 

I'm willing to to take a chance and be wrong, but even I can be certain when Donald Trump says he too has a "Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his (North Korean Leader), and my Button works!", we know he's full of shit.  If you truly had such "Phd's" your views wouldn't be what they are.  I just don't buy that.  Furthermore, anyone with Google can speak 5 languages. 


And maybe you are "sick" in bed, and while I don't care if you spend 24/7 on here, but at least if you're going to use an excuse why you are so active on here the last 24 hours, come up with something better than "I'm sick", especially when it's a SUNDAY and many people don't work. Lastly, your "sick" comment excuse you for the last 24 hours, but what about the last seven days?  Again, I could give two shits how active you're on here, but someone who claims to have a PhD in this or that, sure doesn't show any evidence of that in his words and thoughts. 

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You don't see what "offends" me?  I'm not asking you to. This topic isn't about me.  Again, we're having a discussion about Madonna as well as men and women, equality, sexism and ageism.  But it's evidently clear, your the one who keeps twisting this around and making it personal and even more, trying to portray as if you're some victim just people don't agree with you.  For the record, I don't care if your "straight".  If you are, "great".  If you're not, "Awesome".  It's weird you've turned this into something personal and assume people are speaking their opinions which don't agree with you as if they must be "gay" and they relate to women. Whatever happen to the idea that their decent human beings who think all people should be treated equally?  That's where I stand. 


And once again, this is a discussion. It's funny you even turned my words into a "lecture" when again, it's clearly we are discussing our difference of opinion. 

But who said I don't treat people equally? What are you taliking about? The fact that I don't like feminists doesn't mean I don't treat people equally. You are twisting my words. Once again. 

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I'm willing to to take a chance and be wrong, but even I can be certain when Donald Trump says he too has a "Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his (North Korean Leader), and my Button works!", we know he's full of shit.  If you truly had such "Phd's" your views wouldn't be what they are.  I just don't buy that.  Furthermore, anyone with Google can speak 5 languages. 


And maybe you are "sick" in bed, and while I don't care if you spend 24/7 on here, but at least if you're going to use an excuse why you are so active on here the last 24 hours, come up with something better than "I'm sick", especially when it's a SUNDAY and many people don't work. Lastly, your "sick" comment excuse you for the last 24 hours, but what about the last seven days?  Again, I could give two shits how active you're on here, but someone who claims to have a PhD in this or that, sure doesn't show any evidence of that in his words and 

OK. You know everything about me. I don't care what you think.

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Yes, if people are going to use this sort of derogatory, ageist card against Madonna, I'm going to definitely own it and use it to my advantage.  Don't get stuck on the title.  Read my very first post, as I've been clear about my intent.  You've known me long enough to know that I don't think that of Madonna.  Just like you know Madonna isn't sexual deviant some paint her to be.  :)

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But who said I don't treat people equally? What are you taliking about? The fact that I don't like feminists doesn't mean I don't treat people equally. You are twisting my words. Once again. 

Who is twisting words?  Sir, I think you are doing enough of that for the both of us.  Where did I say you didn't treat people equally? But now that you brought it up, let's not bullshit people now.  Wasn't it you, who claimed you didn't think women and men should be treated equally? Isn't that where you stand? You posted that several posts back.  There's no twisting of what you said going on there.  You've been quoted on it.  Again, you're confusing the fact that one doesn't have to be a "feminist" to want equality for all people, including women.  Most decent human beings hold that view.

OK. You know everything about me. I don't care what you think.

Actually I don't know everything about you.  Once again, that's you twisting things I've never said. But the more I do learn about you, the more I wish I didn't. LOL!

Furthermore, I think you proved long ago in this post you care about what I think, or you wouldn't have gone on this long talking with me, nor gotten so personal and offended over things I said or in some cases never said.  

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But who said I don't treat people equally? What are you taliking about? The fact that I don't like feminists doesn't mean I don't treat people equally. You are twisting my words. Once again.‬




‪"not believeing in equality doesnt mean I dont treat people equally"



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