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Which Madonna song has been most meaningful to you?


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Living for Love is that song that I always go back to after a break up. It reminds me that I shouldn’t stay down. I should get up and carry on. Lovers will take your crown and wear it around because they’re “proud” to be with you when they really just want to use you. They push you, “lift” you up as a set up for their everyday drama and let you fall so they can feel better. Then I realize that I’m not living for the lover but for love itself, and if that lover is not actually in love, then you need to let it go because love didn’t hurt you. The one you attempted to love did.

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Guest PâtisseriexEnthusiast

It would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to choose just 1 song that is meaningful to me, as Madonna’s discography is not only vast but also progressive & diverse. Basically, part of my everyday life. However, there are a handful of songs I know I can always turn to, whenever I’m experiencing certain feelings:

Holiday, Into the Groove:

Joy / Cheerfulness

Live to Tell, Mer Girl: Fragility, Suffering

Oh Father, Mother & Father:

Family Problems

Deeper & Deeper: Self-discovery

Take a Bow, Devil Wouldn’t Recognize You: Heartbreak / Betrayal

Jump: Self-Belief / Motivation

Skin: Infatuation

Paradise: Solitude

Nothing Fails: Faith

Die Another Day, Easy Ride, You’ll See: Perseverance 

Rebel heart, Like it or Not: Individuality

This Used to be my Playground:

Nostalgia, Innocence lost

• Let It Will Be, Wash All over Me: Existentialism

Falling Free: Inner Peace

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I have never really identified with any music on an emotional level, other than for nostalgic reasons, but Oh Father really resonates with me, and I have no idea why. Every time I hear it, I just have to stop anything I am doing, and just listen.

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These songs I could almost sing word for word as far as they relate to me and they are in this order:

X-Static Process: afraid of being myself around other people. "If they knew me they wouldn't like me." Major self esteem issues. 

Drowned World (Substitute For Love): I can apply the subject of this song very strongly to the personal choices I have made in my search for love. Mentally strong I know that there are no substitutes for love but I lack the emotional intelligence to let go of them and I suffer for it. 

Has To Be: "How the gods above could be so unfair" This is the line I lean towards in this song but I also never give up thinking "there must be someine out there waiting for me." I feel like my whole life as far as love goes is only what can be taken from me. How I can be useful to someone and when I am of no use to them anymore I am cast aside. I have always dreamed of being unconditionally loved and it does exist because I have seen other women unconditionally loved and seem to be given it as if they cosmically deserved it somehow. I have never felt that special. 

Nobody Knows Me: This song epitomizes the frustration I feel from the people who I have known and always seem to know who are constantly trying to tell me who I am through words, treatment, labels...

Gone: This song is a mantra for my life. No matter what I experience or feel I will never turn to stone or lose my faith. I may get angry, resentful and hurt but it will never change my optimism and hope and love for everything and everyone I care for and belief that I will be ok and my dreams can come true. 

Why's It So Hard: I often feel as if I can not do anything to be accepted no matter how hard I work at it, no matter how much I give, no matter how much I allow others to be themselves.. I feel as if I can not. I appreciate the universal theme of this song. On a personal level I ask if I accept you why can't I be myself without you wanting to change me or live up to your idea of what is acceptable?

The theme of my songs seems to be unconditional love and those who wish for some not to have it. 

Falling Free: This song for me stirs memories of meeting someone who I thought was the one I would meet who would take away my lonliness and pain. Someone who I thought understood me and was my ideal person but turning out to be just like everyone I have met before. It is also about letting go of someone which I am very good at. If I feel rejected or dissappointed in people I can certainly jump back away from them the way you stick your toes in the water and it's too cold. I will quickly walk away from it. Well, the water I would probaly get used too. I love nature but people I will never "get used to them." I don't like being around anyone who I can not be comfortable with. Ultimately I feel the sadness in Falling Free about thinking you have found what you have been looking for and realising that it wasn't. 

Joan Of Arc: I give off the appearance of being strong but am often hurt very deeply by criticism and left depressed.  I am a fighter as well and often try to let things go until I am pushed too far and stand up for myself but I do not always feel like fighting and all it takes some times is a word of kindness from someone to make me feel better. 

Lament: This about choices and regrets for me. Especially choices I have made in the past that did not turn out well but I was "young and naive" and didn't think of the conseqeunces of my actions. Circumstances also affected my judgement and looking back I wished I had handled things differently. I was also capable of achieving so much but when I was young I thought I had all the time in the world. 

Skin: That person or people you wish to connect with. I am closed off most of the time but there are moments when I am receptive to being "touched" by another soul and it has to happen fast because " I am not like this all the time." 

Sorry: I have been hurt quite a bit by people I was supposed to trust and "sorry" seems empty when there seems to be no end to the injustice inflicted upon you. I also see the universal message of this song for women. That's for me personally but there is a universal message here for others as well. 

Impressive Instant: For me this is like the cosmic Prince Charming I know is out there and is unlike anyone else and the one I have been waiting for. It's like dreaming of perfect love. 

Some Girls: To this day I can not think of a time in my life where I have not known and have not had to deal with a "mean girl." They bully and make fun of you, they try to sabatoge you, they make passive aggressive remarks and they generally think they are God's gift to humanity. I am not talking about a healthy form of confidence, I am talking about "I am up here and you are down there and I can not help it if everyone loves me and not you." My semi dark side absolutely loves the irony and sarcasm in this song. These "girls" are the pain in the *** they are because of the people who latch on to them like those little fish that swim close to the sharks to get thier leftovers. 

Bitch I'm Madonna: Another push back to anyone seeking to make you feel less about yourself. Why would anyone want anyone to feel bad about themselves? The worst part is too many times these people are rewarded because they know who to put down and whom to be nice too. It's a self esteem song. It's not about partying to me and I think has a very strong messsge if you care to look for it. It always encourages me when I have to feel strong. I know who I am but so many would like to inform me otherwise because they do not like me, are jealous of me or see me as insignificant or even more importantly, "I can not do anything for them for them." What is also great is there is humour as well which is a sign of victory. When you can laugh at yourself and still stand strong the people who do not like you for whatever reason have not won. 

I Fucked Up: On most matters I freely hold myself accountable or I wish to be accountable for mistakes I have made. The "or not" at the end is priceless. Working on it. Being accountable is what I wish to be and what I think most of humanity should aspire to be. 

Inside Out: I often feel it has only been my outside that people are interested in and the idea of someone wanting to know who I am on the inside is the pinnacle of romance for me. 


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I know I am posting lots of songs but this is why I love Madonna as an artist. I can relate to so many. These songs from Madonna I have taken as very healing and cleansing for me.



Love spent



Mer Girl

Oh Father

Paradise (Not for me) 

Rescue Me


What it feels like for a girl 

Nobody's Perfect

These I feel have been universally healing and cleansing as well as my relating to the message in the song. They are what I wish and not what I have realized fully. They represent what I love and admire in Madonna. I will stop here Lol there is more but these are all the songs I chose. Express Yourself most likely represents what I admire most about Madonna. I couldn't get up and sing it but she was like a hero to me when I first heard this song and as a fan it is my favorite. It felt like she was standing in between me and everyone who dismissed me, bullied me or thought I was insignificant or here to serve everyone. I was a fan before Express Yourself came out but that song had a profound effect on me. I could not sing it though but it felt like she was speaking for me. 

Express Yourself

Fighting Spirit

Hey You

Hung Up

I Deserve it

 I Don't give A

Like A prayer

Little Girl

Live to tell

The Look of Love

Pray for Spanish Eyes

Promise to try




Take a bow

Unapologetic bitch


You'll See 


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