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Fake Magic album track listing pic posted online.


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A Pic showing listing for madonnas new album magic just appeared online!!! I am sure it is fake! But some of those track titles are good!


Alma Gemea

Kisses over roses

No fear no feat nakune

travel by night feat drake

Beautiful game feat Nicki M and Cardi b

Ice cold

We did  what we did


Begging for hope

Just Away (just alone)


The Golden Key

We need more windows in hell

Ice Cold The chainsmokes remix

Alma Gemea  Remix

Beautiful Game David Guetta remix





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1 minute ago, diesel6888 said:

we will have to wait and see! Its all good hype whatever and its true it does not match this report!|:


You're right. We have to wait. It's NOT good if the tracklist or the actual album leaks ahead of time.

These fake leaks are probably from people who don't have nothing better to do with their lifes.

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14 minutes ago, diesel6888 said:

we will have to wait and see! Its all good hype whatever and its true it does not match this report!|:



Well this is definitely fake as stated by the person who invented it!

Cardi B and Nicki as Nicki and M.i.a. :laughing:

Well at least we have something to talk about for... 2 hours while waiting for the new... MDNA Skin ad! :devil:

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These fake track listings always surface before the official announcements. I must say though, I'm liking some of the track titles. Heres hoping that the official announcement doesn't contain any more Nicki 'effing' Minaj appearances... enough of her already!

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I do not doubt anything, because when they leaked the tracklist of the previous albums I swore they were fakes and they were not.
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Cardi B and Nicki M hate each other, so no. Also, I hope NM is NOT on this album. Madonna has featured her on 2 albums and it's old. I wouldn't mind seeing an M and CB collaboration though.

It's interesting that this always happens with the fake track lists. This typically indicates an official announcement very soon. 

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5 hours ago, Luiz Ribeiro said:
---------------Detectar idiomaAfricânerAlbanêsAlemãoAmáricoÁrabeArmênioAzerbaijanoBascoBengaliBielorrussoBirmanêsBósnioBúlgaroCanarimCatalãoCazaqueCebuanoChinês (simplificado)Chinês (tradicional)CingalêsCoreanoCorsoCroataCurdoDinamarquêsEslovacoEslovenoEspanholEsperantoEstonianoFilipinoFinlandêsFrancêsFrísio ocidentalGaélico escocêsGalegoGalêsGeorgianoGregoGuzerateHaitianoHauçáHavaianoHebraicoHíndiHmongHolandêsHúngaroIgboIídicheIndonésioInglêsIorubáIrlandêsIslandêsItalianoJaponêsJavanêsKhmerLaosianoLatimLetãoLituanoLuxemburguêsMacedônioMalaialaMalaioMalgaxeMaltêsMaoriMaratiMongolNepalêsNianjaNorueguêsPanjabiPashtoPersaPolonêsPortuguêsQuirguizRomenoRussoSamoanoSérvioSindiSomaliSoto do sulSuaíliSuecoSundanêsTadjiqueTailandêsTâmilTchecoTélugoTurcoUcranianoUrduUzbequeVietnamitaXhosaXonaZuluPortuguês

I do not doubt anything, because when they leaked the tracklist of the previous albums I swore they were fakes and they were not.

What happened with previous albums?

I have been a fan for 30 years but I wasn't into forums...

For RH Madonna actualky named every song on Instagram.

Did fake and real tracklists leak for the previous albums?

I'd love to hear this story...


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I thought "Bitch I'm Madonna" or "Illuminate" were fake when they were listd ahead its time, but...


Why not to believe this list, just for one moment?  Since Rebel Heart were leaked months before its release everything can happend.


Just wait and we will see.

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