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Madame X Tour | Lisbon


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So sorry to hear it was cancelled.  I wasn't expecting any Lisbon shows to be cancelled, but I pretty much predicted this would happen.  I was just expecting it to happen with the London shows.  She obviously is in horrible pain and has been trying hard to get through the tour!  BLESS HER HEART!!!

When I saw this earlier, I knew something was up.  She appears to be limping...


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Just now, o_g_c_x said:

I think she is going to cancel Paris and London as well...

Bluejean is so going to ignore you for saying this.  LOL!

I have a feeling as well.  Honestly, if her knee (and possibly her hip) is hurting that bad, she needs to take care of that.  She was complaining about her pain in the last few shows.  I am so worried for her.  I rather her just take care of herself then push through these shows anymore.  She's come back twice after a week or two break, hoping things would improve and they haven't.  I feel so sad for her.  

PLEASE MADONNA!  Just take care of yourself!  You have the "Future" ahead of you.

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Just now, Voguerista said:

I think she's going to power through but cancel when she she needs to.  I pray she's going to be ok. And I pray for all the fans and they can get tickets again for an upcoming show. Hang in there, Madonna and everyone!! Xxxx ???

I hate to think this, but she's cancelled so much due to her pain, but I have a feeling this might be the last straw for her. But you could be right, she might get through a few nights in London and Paris and then call it a day.  If she can do that, then I would say that will be ideal.  I think she should just plan doing that.  Announce it right away, so people aren't getting to the venue the night of, only for it to be cancelled.  Play at least three more dates in both cities, and then just end the tour.  It just seems it's been pretty unbearable for her and the tour just didn't pan out like she wished. I feel so bad for her.

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I'm so sorry for every fan standing in line and even getting into the theatre when they announced the cancellation... I saw her first two concerts in Lisbon and know that this would have broken my heart. I hope she's okay...:broken:

This is not a normal Madonna tour, and maybe it was faith that she did a theatre tour. I mean, imagine cancelling a show for 40.000 people not 3.000...

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3 minutes ago, MarXus said:

I hate to think this, but she's cancelled so much due to her pain, but I have a feeling this might be the last straw for her. But you could be right, she might get through a few nights in London and Paris and then call it a day.  If she can do that, then I would say that will be ideal.  I think she should just plan doing that.  Announce it right away, so people aren't getting to the venue the night of, only for it to be cancelled.  Play at least three more dates in both cities, and then just end the tour.  It just seems it's been pretty unbearable for her and the tour just didn't pan out like she wished. I feel so bad for her.

Good idea.....with at least a week break between each city. Or take two. 

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4 minutes ago, Madonna_Alltheway said:

I'm so sorry for every fan standing in line and even getting into the theatre when they announced the cancellation... I saw her first two concerts in Lisbon and know that this would have broken my heart. I hope she's okay...:broken:

This is not a normal Madonna tour, and maybe it was faith that she did a theatre tour. I mean, imagine cancelling a show for 40.000 people not 3.000...

It would have broken my heart too. Oh I pray @xavierand everyone who had tickets can still see the show. 

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2 minutes ago, xavier said:

I just think she should do her cancels for Paris and London ASAP don’t let people worry

Agree! Going all the way to a foreign city, even to the theatre and then cancel last minute is the worst. 

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4 minutes ago, xavier said:

I just think she should do her cancels for Paris and London ASAP don’t let people worry



Exactly. Because no matter what she does, there will be those who are going to get pissy about it, and definitely many have the right to be disappointed.  It's just since she knows this pain isn't going away anytime soon, she should just call it now.  Take a week or so between the next dates and then call it finished.

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12 minutes ago, Madonna_Alltheway said:

I'm so sorry for every fan standing in line and even getting into the theatre when they announced the cancellation... I saw her first two concerts in Lisbon and know that this would have broken my heart. I hope she's okay...:broken:

This is not a normal Madonna tour, and maybe it was faith that she did a theatre tour. I mean, imagine cancelling a show for 40.000 people not 3.000...

Well, performing for 40.000 people means one show per city. And then moving on to another. There's always a break of 2, even 3 days between shows.

Here, on the other hand, it's two, sometimes three nights in a row. And it causes a lot of pressure to her knee.

Edited by Messiah
correction (see edit history)
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I understand that she may have recurring health issues and the schedule is too much for her, but none of this is her fans’ problem, and this is incredibly damaging to her image and I doubt people will pay a cent to see her next era, as many have already regretted making plans based on his carelessly planned schedule.

You may say “well every concert has a risk of cancelation and you should book refundable” true, but unrealistic. People tend to book the more affordable options and sometimes travel to other countries to see their favorite artists and cancellations have never been this bad in Madonna’s career or anyone that I know of. Either continue the show as planned or cancel it and have time to heal.

This is beyond disrespectful, especially this close to the show and this is not even the first time. I wish she just didn’t make a downscaled version of her big tours in a theater but actually did some real theater show with more emphasis on singing than dancing. At least she wouldn’t be suffering that much nor need to cancel.

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6 minutes ago, xavier said:

I just think she should do her cancels for Paris and London ASAP don’t let people worry



I agree. The agonizing, stress, and worry is so hard on everyone. And you know it has to hurt Madonna too. Along with dealing with the pain of her injuries, the last thing she wants is to hurt or disappoint her fans in any way. This is all just so hard. ?

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The problem I forsee is that London and Paris she has so many more dates to perform than Lisbon.  She got through 4 shows before cancelling in Lisbon.  In London she has 15 shows and in Paris 14.  Several of them are back to back (three dates in a row).  There is no way she's going to be able to handle that in her condition. 

No, I say select three key dates (six in all) for London and Paris and then call it quits. 

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I wonder, is she under contractual obligation to finish a certain number of dates and not go below that or to bring in a projected revenue and not go below it? Because she’s literally killing herself and her image by performing while she’s limping, damaging her own health even more and canceling shows an hour or two prior. This is both bad health and bad press. 

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1 minute ago, RinoTheBouncer said:

I wish she just didn’t make a downscaled version of her big tours in a theater but actually did some real theater show with more emphasis on singing than dancing. At least she wouldn’t be suffering that much nor need to cancel.

Completely agree. If doing theatres meant doing this many dates consecutively the show itself should have reflected that, been about the music and impressive visuals and technology etc rather than still so reliant on big dancing numbers and the type of physical performance she’s used to giving. Such a shame, because the idea of a theatre tour had so much potential. So worried about the rest of the dates now, and what condition she’s getting herself in to :( 

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