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"Lola Looks back"


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Lola has written a new blog looking back at her life. Where has time gone? It's hard to believe she will be graduating soon and starting college!! 


I feel like High School Graduation is something I’ve been talking about forever and now its finally here. I was so excited about “being done with school†and now that I’m actually done I’m like clammy and sweating and nervous because… WHAT?!?! Knowing that I’ m going to have to wake myself up for class, and not someone banging vigorously at my door for 5 full minutes, relieves me and worries me a little. Wrapping up High School has been pretty hectic (not actually doing THAT much so idk why) and words cannot express my excitement to sit in the sun and jam wiv friends. These are songs for chilling in ya room, chilling on tha porch, chilling in tha yard, the beach, with friends or solo. I hope that all of you reading are able to find the chilling time to kick back and blast some sound – and if you don’t, then maybe u should make the time because… who doesn’t want to do that?



More at http://blog.materialgirlcollection.com/

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I'll be curious where she goes from here. She has far more advantages than Madonna did. Though, I get the impression that Lola is very much her own person. I have to wonder if she might end up being the actress Madonna's always wanted to be? Though, she seems very interested in design/fashion. Good luck to her!

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Last I heard, she was touring, and very interested in, the University of Michigan's drama program. It'll be interesting to see if she ends up there. If she does, that means her mom and her will have led exact opposite lives, haha!  

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i like lola though. i'm curious to see what she will do.

although my impression is that "privileged" kids rarely have the same drive as their less privileged parents had.


yes this is very true. but i think she will go places anyway, maybe she doesnt have the ambition to be a star like Madonna or rule the world but you can tell shes hardworking

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Well she sang the hell out of that Grease song. I'm sure if she wanted to persue a music career, she could. I get the feeling she is wanting to become an actress. She'll probably succeed most likely and be quite believeable. Madonna tends to get too caught up in taking her role so seriously, she can't relax and comes off too stiff. Not that I haven't enjoyed a number of her films, but she hasn't proved to me she can act very well.

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Well she sang the hell out of that Grease song. I'm sure if she wanted to persue a music career, she could. I get the feeling she is wanting to become an actress. She'll probably succeed most likely and be quite believeable. Madonna tends to get too caught up in taking her role so seriously, she can't relax and comes off too stiff. Not that I haven't enjoyed a number of her films, but she hasn't proved to me she can act very well.


I'm sure she would be a 100 times better than M lol. She already convinced me with that video they made together for Material Girl

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