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David Dances to honor George Floyd and His Family and all Acts of Racism and Discrimination


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9 minutes ago, Adam X said:

something that kind of concerns me tho are people taking this opportunity to pull up that 2013 post where she calls Rocco the n-word. it already caused a controversy but I think the general public forgot about it and we as Madonna fans reallyyy don't need people to start talking about that again. That's something that could really hurt her legacy and image in the eyes of the public. Scared i'm gonna wake up to a #MadonnaIsOverParty

Well they already found it. Someone posted under this tweet.


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4 minutes ago, lucasciccone said:

Well they already found it. Someone posted under this tweet.


i saw that, hopefully it doesn't get more traction. luckily cupcakke hasn't been relevant since 2015.

alright tho what do we do as Madonna fans if this blows up, we need to prepare:Madonna052:

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36 minutes ago, lucasciccone said:

Everyone is dragging her... I mean... was it that bad? No matter what she does people will be offended anyways :Madonna047:

i wouldnt worry about it.  people have spent decades getting their panties in a bunch over Madonna. this is no different. and let's remember, Madonna has graduated from "the University of Zero F*^ks Given" :laughing:

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I don't think black people like Madonna. She got backlash from black people for her Prince tribute and was slanged by BET, backlash for her Aretha Franklin speech, backlash for using the N word on Instagram, backlash for having the twins rub her feet, and now backlash from black Twitter about making David dance


Some on Twitter are comparing it to a slave owner making black people dance for entertainment

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11 minutes ago, dankpepe said:

I don't think black people like Madonna. She got backlash from black people for her Prince tribute and was slanged by BET, backlash for her Aretha Franklin speech, backlash for using the N word on Instagram, backlash for having the twins rub her feet, and now backlash from black Twitter about making David dance


Some on Twitter are comparing it to a slave owner making black people dance for entertainment

They don’t like her because despite her best efforts to promote diversity she’s, and let’s admit it, tone deaf at times when it comes to class. She lives a privileged life and makes it harder for her to stop and think, how is this gonna be received by someone who’s struggling  right now. An image of George Floyd to the MJ song woulda been more appropriate/resonant. She’s just simply not relatable to the very minorities she’s trying to honor. 

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2 hours ago, Gilbert said:

i wouldnt worry about it.  people have spent decades getting their panties in a bunch over Madonna. this is no different. and let's remember, Madonna has graduated from "the University of Zero F*^ks Given" :laughing:

That's why she should not delete that post. If she does, it means she no longer can take the heat of social media...

Edited by Arckangel (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, Mp1992 said:

And I'm black , well half my dad is,and I grew up in the hood , so I can speak up on this issue, don't need to be "schooled" by white liberals who call out for "diversity" yet live in all white neighborhoods....

But you should be open to opinions views and experiences from people of all walks of life. Tbh I spent a few hours on the Twatter tonight having real interactions with people spitting venom about her and David that have no idea who he is, what he does, what she has done for him, and what Michael Jackson intended with that song and it’s dance. Most had no idea and removed their posts after a little reminder. Even in this thread someone jabbing “liberals” like we all fit in these perfect categorized boxes.

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Trump will take over her pretty soon. These things don't matter and the more they happen, the less they matter. Hom many times a celebrity or a politician has trended for having put his or her foot in his mouth ? If at first it caused major problems for the celebrity, people are now over this because they know people overreact to the meanest thing.

That said she needs to learn the lesson she keeps forgetting to learn with social media. It's not the scandals it always causes that worries me but the fact that she does that to be closer to people and it keeps pushing her further away in the end. Counter-productive. And she listens to David and her kids too much.  She needs to be surrounded by full grown adults who are not on her payroll.


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39 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

I think it’s happened so many times with social media now she’s stopped caring. And they do it with everyone all the time now. You literally have to walk on eggshells these days.

Hey BJ from MNation ? (i lost my password there and wouldn't go through the hassle to make a new account. Send my best to everyone there plz) How are you ?

Back on topic, Trump made a career saying shit on Twitter and he's still there, still has millions of "fans" no matter what he says and like it or not, Trump and Madonna are from the same school of provocation.

Regarding Madonna and MJ, people should go on AllAboutMadonna and read her very early interviews, she constantly cited Michael as her idol and inspiration. I think in the 90's MJ, Madonna and Prince were highly competitive with each other and ALL of them took jibs at each other but in the end Prince they realized they had more in common than what took them apart. Most of "Like a Prayer" album was made with MJ musicians and producer (Bill Bottrell...).

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What has black on black crime got to do with this? Most black on black crime ( or even most crime) is down to economics. Poor economics in the communities of people who aren’t given a fair chance. Poor white gangs of London in centuries before acted in similar ways. When you are at the bottom you claw your way through to get out or up in an environment where opportunities are few and your main competitors are your own kind. 
Economics is the only reason there is a problem with crime in poor communities. 

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39 minutes ago, Arckangel said:

@Roland Barthes, you really want to go back to MadonnaNation? See my experience (on the first page). What's the point of being part of a forum where only one point of view is allowed? (Their mods/admins only have contempt for Madonna fans that also like MJ.)

Nope, i was working at the same time i was typing this, i meant MadonnaBible (sorry @Blue Jean, say hi to Chelle, Pud and the whole gang) . Never in a million years i would like to go back to Mnation, i left it after i realized how draining it was. I felt so bad after each visit because of the constant negativity and it felt like being watched, monitored and judged like in a dictatorship. They have more hate than love to share on every subject including Madonna. And they were vicious with members i liked and by vicious i mean racism.

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Well it's fair to say that Madonna completly missed the social media train (maybe worse than her movie career) and it does not make one a lesser fan to admit it. When it's not the boring Partridge Family, it's well intentioned tweets or videos but wrongly made or executed. Is she scared people would forget about her if she wasn't on social media ? She'd be best remembered if she re-released her previous albums with remastered versions. That's all that matters in the end and all that will be left when you remove the fame and the drama. A remastering of all her warner albums would do better for her than any tweet (people don't care when she tweets or make something positive, they only react when she does something wrong because she manages to unify the very people she defends with the very people who are against her because she defends them (qanons). Well at least she makes people come together even if it's against her. #silverlining

Edited by Roland Barthes (see edit history)
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I think Madonna is a bit more intelligent than people think.

She's actually had a relationship with Michael Jackson. And dancing to his music means nothing. I still listen to his records. I think people dont have all the facts, ignore history and give too much importance to a couple of weirdos who are trying to extort money from his Estate. Easy to accuse someone of something after their death.

And most young people  dont know that this whole business has been to court twice already.

We give FAR too much importance to outrage. Being outraged does not make you right.

You dont want to listen to his music, then dont. But dont tell me what to do.

Social mediac = living on the surface and jumping to conclusions, lack of critical thinking.

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An artist is essentially what you feel when you hear their name or think about them. From conversations and general feeling Madonna’s name used to be associated with joy, optimism and ambition. Now it’s associated with desperation, out of touch and a miserable moaner. 
how did this happen?


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I honestly haven't seen anything about this on social media, so I haven't read people's opinions about it, but I don't see what's bad about it, her children are black and have the right to express themselves any way they want about this situation...

Also please guys don't bring up other forums, we don't want any beefs or anything like that. 

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12 hours ago, Arckangel said:

That's why she should not delete that post. If she does, it means she no longer can take the heat of social media...

which post? the one with David or are you talking about the one from a few years ago when she used the "N" word regarding Rocco? sorry to say, but that is a totally different ball game than what is going on here with David. she used a word that is taken differently when a white person uses it. doesnt mean i agree with the use of it by anyone, but she has no business using that word and she knows that. this video with David is nothing like that incident. people are just hating just because they can. 

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Madonna has posted new 'justice for George Floyd' instagrams with protesting and burning images from last night. I see nothing wrong with protesting because it's wrong for what happened. I just wish she'd use her power to encourage doing it peacefully. Violence, burning, and distruction of other people's businesses etc is wrong and people could get hurt. :suffer:

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11 minutes ago, wtg1987 said:

All these black people criticising her post about her son dancing as an expression of sadness and they are then looting and burning the place to the ground ? Who is not being positive here - to me they are just living up to their stereotypes and just making this horrible situation 10 times worse 

For what they are reporting on George and the kind person he was, I don't think he'd approve of all the burning and violence. And more is planned for tonight and this weekend. I want justice for George too and for this cop to go to jail for what he did etc, but, out of control burning, anarchy, and distructing everything isn't the way to go. ?

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