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2022: Madonna's Comeback?


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1 hour ago, baymad4her said:

I'm gonna quote myself and say, I was talking rubbish. This is not gonna be Madonna's year. I'm still waiting for these so called "Frozen" remixes ?

They have, or better, they MUST come next week around the single anniversary date. If they don't, I think I will officially be 100% over them as well.-.

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1 hour ago, Andreo said:

They have, or better, they MUST come next week around the single anniversary date. If they don't, I think I will officially be 100% over them as well.-.

I doubt that's gonna happen. Don't Cry For Me Argentina is going into streaming, I think they've forgotten about Frozen.

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10 minutes ago, baymad4her said:

I doubt that's gonna happen. Don't Cry For Me Argentina is going into streaming, I think they've forgotten about Frozen.

Imagine the mass confusion If they release the frozen remix a week after the DCFMA!!! I doubt anyone will be able to leave the house

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8 minutes ago, baymad4her said:

I doubt that's gonna happen. Don't Cry For Me Argentina is going into streaming, I think they've forgotten about Frozen.

NO WAY :rip:

I'm officially tired of this, whenever they come, either next week or next month I'll be happy, but meanwhile I don't care, I have more important things to do in my life 




And now, I'll go back farming and grinding in Bayonetta 2 for the next week ?‍♂️

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/13/2021 at 4:14 PM, steady75 said:

I think it would be wise to let go of any chart dreams for Madonna. 

Whilst her fight against ageism is noble and right, what 12-30 year old really has any interest in that?

 When you are in the throws of youth do you really care that a 64 yr old pop star who's had everything has an issue with being overlooked for younger more relevant artists?

I'm not saying it's right or wrong I'm just saying that's the way it is.

She comes across as either wildly immature on socials or has an axe to grind about something. There's very little in between a lot of the time. Yes there's been some highly edited serves picture wise but aside from being a fascinating insight to the latter days of the worlds biggest star, she's sadly nothing more than a curio for the majority of the record buying / streaming public. They just....don't have an opinion on her cause she really holds no relevance to them.

Her last sizeable solo hit in truth was Hung Up when todays 30 year old would have been what? 12/ 13 just as that generation would have been becoming financially valid in terms of music buying / engagement then she's largely  faded into the background or seen as the older woman who came for Gaga. 

As for 30-40 they're in the work years busy living their lives and having kids (outside of the gays)..and when you're grinding hard to make ends meet in some of the toughest economic times in recent history (the last 15 years have been economically disastrous), one of the richest women in the world bemoaning on her socials or flaunting her extreme wealth, doesn't go down too well. 

40+ers will generally  remember her nostalgically but wonder "what the hell has she done to herself". I can't tell you how many people who I know who have loved her and who are sane reasonable people with a libertarian view, say this. They will want a slice of nostalgia but wouldn't be able to hum a bar of anything past 2005 and will likely only remember the last 15 years of her career for The Brits fall, Eurovision, Her ever morphing body and the Gaga comments. 

Most 60+ ers will see a peer to whom they can no longer relate. 

I'm just not sure who Madonna thinks her audience is anymore. There will always be pockets of girls and gays who shout "go on girl" " good for you" "live your best life" "yass queen" and a bunch of people who respect her choices and the voice she has given gay people, the AIDS crisis and female empowerment...but let's be honest. Madonna has started playing to the hardcore fans who buy multiple tickets in the front rows of many of her concerts...and that..isn't the general public. Whilst I have no judgement on that crowd at all..free world, you do you etc...that type of engagement will never transpose in to hitting the wider GP's pockets and hearts.

Her socials are nothing short of damaging to her career at this point and while I personally love and adore her and will ALWAYS support and follow her til the end, I am under no illusions. The general view of her is far far far from my own. More often she is simply passed on as uninteresting and "not for me" or "ugh she's at it again"

While she is on the right side of history for many many many reasons her commercial viability is......sort of lost in the wilderness a little. Bands like The Bee Gees / ABBA / Queen / Elton / Cher / Fleetwood Mac, some of whom who are still commercially active, have a great like-ability factor and the focus is largely on their past endeavours. 

I think the biopic really is her last chance to turn a tidal wave of public opinion around and in truth that's the only way to commercial success. Were in an era of like-ability more than ever....and if you don't LIKE or LOVE or FOLLOW someone..you simply don't appear in the world (socials) therefore you don't exist. 

The world has changed and I think most of the next chapters are just for us until her reappraisal happens and the bowler hat hits the stage floor for the last time. 

@steady75 This is written so eloquently. Your comments are always a joy to read and are one of the reasons I will miss this forum.

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Last night I had a private party seeing one more time the MDNA tour dvd and wow, what a performer. I can´t believe at that age she managed to be the centre of such a complex and physical performance, not so long ago she still was on fire as a live performer, and I had the luck to be there with her on Barcelona!! I want to rewatch Confessions tour and many more when I have time.

The thing is that she has changed so much since that, not just physically, but even artistically. It´s like now there´s that empty place cause she is not there and nobody else is either. Can she return to be a little like the person she was till 2016? I hope so, cause she was one of a kind. I did not liked Madame x as a record or an era, but even back in 2019, she still had many feautures on her videos and live performances that remind me of that old M. These two last years are the really strange ones. C´mon Madonna: I know you´re still there somewhere, we need your light.

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5 hours ago, Drownedboy said:

Last night I had a private party seeing one more time the MDNA tour dvd and wow, what a performer. I can´t believe at that age she managed to be the centre of such a complex and physical performance, not so long ago she still was on fire as a live performer, and I had the luck to be there with her on Barcelona!! I want to rewatch Confessions tour and many more when I have time.

She was really superhuman during the "MDNA Tour". Looking back I still can't believe she did all THAT at 53. She gave more than her all with that tour. It was "BAT" mixed with "DWT" but updated for 2012. A peak live moment, if you ask me. (Talking about the actual live show, the DVD wasn't perfect, as we all know).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
18 minutes ago, baymad4her said:

2022 is looking good for Madonna. It's just a shame she didn't get a hit with all the Frozen remixes.

Im not surprised at all - they were very derivative and bland - all that’s going to score chart success now is the re-issue campaign now in the album charts so I’m happy and just accept it now - unless she does a duet with

taylor , drake, Adele or Ed Sheehan 

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  • 1 month later...

Madonna has never left my heart so I find the concept of "comeback" odd.  Her records are intact and her contribution to the industry is undeniable.  Nearly every single pop, rap, soul and rock star imitates her to some degree.  Just look at how they all dress from Beyonce to Gaga to Dua Lipa to Lizzo to Halsey to to Miley Cirrus to Arrian Grande to Megan Thee Stallion... They all dress like Madonna, use her concert formula, and sometimes outright copy her style.  M is with us for the duration of this journey, even if she retired today.  

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Damn i have never been into Beyonce but her new single "Break my soul" is amazing. When you hear it on a phone not THAT much but when you hear it while driving or with a good sound system it's really good. The production is sublime. Those 90's elements smoothly mixed with modern production is brilliantly done. First time in my life i really enjoy a Beyonce track.

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2 hours ago, TonyMontana said:

Damn i have never been into Beyonce but her new single "Break my soul" is amazing. When you hear it on a phone not THAT much but when you hear it while driving or with a good sound system it's really good. The production is sublime. Those 90's elements smoothly mixed with modern production is brilliantly done. First time in my life i really enjoy a Beyonce track.

Nothing to do with Madonna 😂

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7 hours ago, baymad4her said:

Nothing to do with Madonna 😂

lol yes actually it's just that i didn't say it clearly in my post 😂😂😂 The producers of the new Beyonce track have done of sublime work, it's dance with a few subtles 90's nod but very modern and there is class to it, in a way it has those "Vogue" class but in 2022 and it could be very interesting if Madonna was working on a track with those producers. I still can't believe i'm talking about a Beyonce track because her music have never done anything for me, but as soon as i heard her new track (didn't recognize her voice at first) i knew i was hearing a smash hit, a classic anthem and a very well produced one. 

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I don't think Interscope did her any favors with the last 3 albums, considering there were next to no physical releases for any of the singles.  Madonna is a collectible artist, and IMO it was a dumb mistake on the record companies part to more or less rely on digital sales to drive the single releases.  I also think there were bad single choices from Rebel Heart, in the respect that all the singles from the album were taken from the rush-release of those first 6 songs.  I seem to remember those getting some attention when news of the album leak hit the media, so most of the casual listeners probably already had all three of the singles by the time she released them.  Don't get me wrong, Ghosttown always deserved to be a single, as did LFL, but she should have picked a song like Heartbreak City or Inside Out for the third single and left BIM as the 4th or a promo single or something.

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9 minutes ago, momosfantasy said:

I don't think Interscope did her any favors with the last 3 albums, considering there were next to no physical releases for any of the singles.  Madonna is a collectible artist, and IMO it was a dumb mistake on the record companies part to more or less rely on digital sales to drive the single releases.  I also think there were bad single choices from Rebel Heart, in the respect that all the singles from the album were taken from the rush-release of those first 6 songs.  I seem to remember those getting some attention when news of the album leak hit the media, so most of the casual listeners probably already had all three of the singles by the time she released them.  Don't get me wrong, Ghosttown always deserved to be a single, as did LFL, but she should have picked a song like Heartbreak City or Inside Out for the third single and left BIM as the 4th or a promo single or something.

The Interscope years were a DISASTER in terms of label promotion.

Thank God she's back with Warner now.

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