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18 minutes ago, MPowered said:

I mean to each their own but is there really a need for more boxes and categories when we could abolish gender in general and just be fine with everyone’s own gender expression regardless of their biological sex (transgenderism and intersexuality is obviously a different issue)? Or just push for going against gender norms while acknowledging what we are born with and how our brains and perceptive organs work?

That would pretty much erase the problem all together. 😅 

Also with people like Demi Lovato adapting they/them for exactly one promo cycle and then abandoning it again when it didn’t lead to an increase of her fanbase, it really feels more like a very useless trend to me. Something that is more counter-productive…but that is just my opinion on it. If someone doesn’t want to use gender-labled pronouns I will gladly avoid the use and just use their name or something…

What does this have to do with this song? NOTHING. What does it have to do with your own normative gender identity? NOTHING.

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2 minutes ago, BuggedOut said:

Because I suffer from depression and a lot of my miserableness comes off in my posting, but I am actually a very kind and caring person.

I just get incredibly defensive and I am not always good at expressing my thoughts without them coming out sounding rude.

I haven't noticed any of that. You seem fun and upbeat to me.

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4 minutes ago, steady75 said:

I think we can probably live without German so that can go too tbh. Makes it easier. 

and French: A table can be woman but Sam smith can't be a they. Mad when you think about it. 

And we can all live without Sam Smith and his weird way of defining his gender. 🙃

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11 minutes ago, BuggedOut said:

Thanks, but sometimes I need to practice some restraint before hitting ‘submit reply’.

I can also be argumentative online, which is why I haven’t been on a Madonna forum in many years. I don’t like that about myself.

the medium (social media) I think brings the worst in us by default.  you are right we should all try . But I still think you were great. 

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1 minute ago, steady75 said:

Sam Fox has been a sister for years. Nothings Gonna Stop Her Now and she doesn't wanna talk it over

The only thing I know about Sam Fox is when I was in London I found a 7" vinyl of her in a thrift store and someone had drawn glasses, a big nose and written SLUT over her face with a sharpie.

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