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Impressed so far, and Madonna hasn't really come in on the track other than "Mmm" and the beginning and you vaguely hear her in the background.  I think where it cuts off in the teaser, is where Madonna suddenly comes in.  It sounded like she was coming in at that point.

Hope she's in the video too.  This needs to go big.  Being Sam Smith is on it, his team will be pushing this hard.  If not, they are a damn fool.  It does give me "Vogue" vibes too, but at the same time, I feel Sam sounds like the guy who sings "I'm Sexy and I know it". 

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35 minutes ago, Redha DBL said:

We know it's never a good idea to look for validation of a new Madonna track on our non M-fan boyfriends...

So true. Mine was surprised and appreciative of Padam Padam.

Based on these snippets I am afraid to play him Vulgar though….

He is coming to the concert with me :lord:

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3 minutes ago, proxy said:

So we have Madonna releasing tracks with The Weeknd, Sam Smith, and Christine & The Queen. When you think about it it's crazy, Warner already doing more for Madonna than Universal in 10 years, her streaming numbers should get some nice kick


But do we want high streaming numbers from M or good music from M?

I’d like both, but if I had to pick 1, it would be good music.

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1 minute ago, proxy said:

So we have Madonna releasing tracks with The Weeknd, Sam Smith, and Christine & The Queen. When you think about it it's crazy, Warner already doing more for Madonna than Universal in 10 years, her streaming numbers should get some nice kick


Though, none of it is really the doing of her record company.  All those artists are part of a different label.  So if anything, she is taking advantage of other acts and their record labels in hopes to score another hit.  Though, I don't believe the Christina and The Queen songs will get much attention, other than a quick listen from the fan base.  By the teaser of Sam Smith's "Vulgar", there is a good possibility of something happening there.  The same could be said of the Weeknd track she's on.

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