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People, calm down! There might be important info we don´t know about yet, but maybe when it´s all clear we understand. Obviously everything is very frustating, but who knows, and I hope it´s not the case, maybe she´s not so fine at the moment and the last thing they are thinking about is the tour? But her health? But I hope that she is getting better and they don´t know when can she restart it all again.

The main thng here, as I said, is patience and supporting! 

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Just looking at the Jamie Fox situation it's been quite a while and we still know very little because news coming from his camp is tight. All we have right now is rumors and close friends saying she's OK resting and expecting to make a full recovery.  The same kinda stuff from Fox's camp and he's been M I A for months. We actually know nothing about what is actually happening right now 

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4 minutes ago, tscott said:

But now your equating who is a better fan or who cares more???  I think I've been very clear that I think most of us would love to know her progress.   I'm just saying, she doesn't owe us one.  Besides, it's only been a little over a week.  Give her some space, time and a chance to mend.  At this point, if she or her team say anything, it will be parroting what Rosie and others have said so far. 

I mean her team not caring, not the fans 💕

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3 minutes ago, Jackie said:

We just need to be patient, if I was in NY I'd had dropped flowers off outside her apartment - if anyone is in NY consider a small gesture to show we are all here for her.

Love, light and happiness - 


YES, I was thinking about this the other day! Would be amazing.

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3 hours ago, nito84bcn said:

Belinda Carlisle, and Tina Turner didn't have a hunchback like she had at the Maluma's special performance last year, or they didn,'t do an horrible vocal show at Eurovision and autotuned it the next day when everyone was talking of how bad it was. Sorry, but Madonna is showing signs of being fragile alone, without the press, with horrible looks, horrible hair, weird surgeries (is that body dismorphia like the heavy retouched pics of her insta?), the ass etc. 

She looked really clumsy on stage right after the release of Madame X album, it could be because of the hip, but she looked lost and doing weird things for most of the last performances. She improved on the FEL pride release last year thought, that spark was there again. 

As much as I love her, this is obvious and all of us commented here that everytime that a performance or a show appareance was programmed, we were suffering more than enjoying it. 

Something is off since 2019. And when she announced the tour a lot of us were happy but at the same time couldn't believe that she was going to manage it. And here we are. This is the top problem of years of bad decisions and trying to bury our heads in the sand. 

Let's not pretend that everything was sun and flowers, because we were worried for years before this happened. 

At the risk of sounding condescending, I’d respond back to you to think a little more about why you see things this way. Sounds like a “you” issue. I accept that Madonna is older and has had health issues. Your reply doesn’t speak to my thinking whatsoever. I certainly don’t think of Madonna as this hunchback incompetent decrepit person that you describe. 

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3 hours ago, danielsevilla said:

I mean her team not caring, not the fans 💕

Who are you to assume they don't care?  It's not their obligation to update you about her health recovery.  The only update as fans we should expect are what tour dates will be rescheduled.  I'm sure her team is quite busy with that. Not worrying if fans want an update if Madonna has had a bowel movement yet or not. 

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6 minutes ago, Alibaba said:

At the risk of sounding condescending, I’d respond back to you to think a little more about why you see things this way. Sounds like a “you” issue. I accept that Madonna os older and has had health issues. Your reply doesn’t speak to my thinking whatsoever. 

Ok, yeah. Everything was pefect then.

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1 minute ago, nito84bcn said:

Ok, yeah. Everything was pefect then.

I’m not saying that whatsoever. I understand that there have been some questionable moments. We have talked about them at length on here! I’m just saying that I have perhaps adjusted my expectations.

I’ve also seen the reemergence of Madonna that has given me hope…the fifty questions video, the rehearsal footage for this tour…I get it. It’s a tough time, and we are all apprehensive because we don’t know anything and the silence is not only deafening, but also leaves room for our anxiety to create the potential for worst case scenarios. I’m not going to put those fears out there because I believe we create our reality with our thoughts. That’s me. 

I hope she is able to show us all that she’s on top of her game…That is just a hope, but it’s better than fearing what might never come to pass. 

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Guys, i think with time passing and not getting any news our minds tends to naturally worry and we imagine sad things. It's natural, this is how human brain and minds naturally works but knowing that, let's try not to fall in that trap and let's stay positive. Let's stick on what Guy and Rosie have said, let's trust them. In my case, i keep on thinking about that picture of Rocco with that big smile on his face when he was living Madonna's appartment two days ago. There's no way he would be smiling like that if he had just seen his mother near death. If anyone haven't seen that picture and wants me to post it i will 💖

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As others have said, her management team at least owes us an official message on which dates are "postponed" as of right now. With people shelling out lots of money, making travel arrangements, requesting off from work, and planning, we the fans should know what dates are a definite no-go as of now and shouldn't have to speculate. I realize there is no official start date now and everything is tentative, but they could at least designate what dates are completely off the table as of now as this situation evolves. We shouldn't have to rely of Rosie O'Donnell's TikTok lives for updates.

The touring company seems to keep selling tickets, probably because they'll just file an insurance claim and get that money back for themselves.

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I don't believe for a second that things have gone worst. Everything seems to be calm and she's resting, so it's understandable that people can ask now explanations on the tour to the touring company or Guy.

I know it's been a weird week, but we're not getting any update on a holiday. Let's wait until the coming days. 

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On 7/3/2023 at 11:49 AM, EgoRod said:

My status just got upgraded to " Don't cry for me Argentina" when i made the last post.

That's suspicious, i think it means something else.Really bizarre considering the meaning of the song and at the time of commenting.


I can't believe that in the midst of this painful situation that we fans are experiencing, someone would think of making these kinds of jokes or comments in bad taste.

Maybe you are one of those superstitious people that when you go out and see a black cat or walk under a staircase you think that something bad is going to happen to you. That's up to you with your beliefs, but I think this is not the place or the time for that kind of comment. Twitter maybe.

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1 hour ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

I can't believe that in the midst of this painful situation that we fans are experiencing, someone would think of making these kinds of jokes or comments in bad taste.

Maybe you are one of those superstitious people that when you go out and see a black cat or walk under a staircase you think that something bad is going to happen to you. That's up to you with your beliefs, but I think this is not the place or the time for that kind of comment. Twitter maybe.

Relax homegirl, I think they were just making a little joke to try and lighten the mood because it was getting tense

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