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Sinéad O'Connor, SNL 1992 'WAR'

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12 hours ago, Honey Little said:

I remember some magazine interview with Madonna in which she said Sinead O’Connor “is about as sexy as a cat run over by a lawnmower”. Personally, I thought it was hilarious. I think it was either Rolling Stone or Interview. But I can’t remember. I love when Madonna reads people.

It's an incredibly cruel comment to make. I could never 'LOVE' watching someone drag an innocent person. Have a word with yourself. 

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Just now, scion said:

It's an incredibly cruel comment to make. I could never 'LOVE' watching someone drag an innocent person. Have a word with yourself. 

Sinead was absolutely stunning in the early 90's. A true beauty. The fact she had a shaved head just highlighted how much so.

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4 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

Because that's the definitive version that made the song famous

Exactly. Even though M had a lot of very, very flat notes, I still prefer her redntion compared to any other, except the legend that was Jimmy Scott's .. in fact there's a very interesting quote from Madonna regarding Jimmy Scott.


2 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

Sinead was absolutely stunning in the early 90's. A true beauty. The fact she had a shaved head just highlighted how much so.

100%. I could never get behind such a comment - but we are all humans and we all do or say things we shouldnt. 

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3 minutes ago, scion said:

Even though M had a lot of very, very flat notes, I still prefer her redntion compared to any other

You prefer Madonna's version over Sinead's? Eeek. I think she really made the wrong song choice for that tribute. The outfit was perfection but had she of done Controversy she'd have brought the house down.

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1 minute ago, Blue Jean said:

You prefer Madonna's version over Sinead's? Eeek. I think she really made the wrong song choice for that tribute. The outfit was perfection but had she of done Controversy she'd have brought the house down.

Yeah I'm not even crazy about Sineads. M's emotion in the second verse is something else. The only Sinead songs I like are Mandinka and The Wolf Is Getting Married. 

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On 7/29/2023 at 12:56 AM, Mden said:

From ripping the Pope’s picture to being ordained a Priest by a sect not recognized by the Roman Catholic Church to converting to Islam clearly shows the woman was driven by hate and had an unreasoning desire for revenge. I think she was cray cray. RIP

Absolutely nothing you said shows she was driven by hate. And even someone who does the most hateful thing on this planet is not solely driven by hate. Murderers, serial killers, mass murderers... if they were solely driven by hate there wouldn't be such a fascination to figure out "why". Every single person is multifaceted, and I think some people get overlooked because the AUDIENCE is conditioned to appreciate certain qualities, certain types of people, certain stories (a certain way to be a popstar)... Ripping the pope's picture is no more hateful than Madonna putting on a suit, or making the sex book, or keeping her baby. 

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1 hour ago, RUADJAI said:

Absolutely nothing you said shows she was driven by hate. And even someone who does the most hateful thing on this planet is not solely driven by hate. Murderers, serial killers, mass murderers... if they were solely driven by hate there wouldn't be such a fascination to figure out "why". Every single person is multifaceted, and I think some people get overlooked because the AUDIENCE is conditioned to appreciate certain qualities, certain types of people, certain stories... Ripping the pope's picture is no more hateful than Madonna putting on a suit, or making the sex book, or keeping her baby. 

 Perhaps I assumed wrongly that all in this thread were aware of the hateful things she’s said , the unfounded accusations she’s made, the lives she’s ruined over the years. Or maybe y’all know and condone it anyway. I also sense there’s a certain political guiding undertone in the discussion here. Because certain things I assumed would be mentioned aren’t . Or maybe people here don’t want to speak Ill of the dead. Anyways if my post wasn’t detailed it’s because I thought it wasn’t necessary. But I firmly stand by what I said, and will get back with receipts #soon once I get the feel of who I’m dealing with here.

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11 minutes ago, Mden said:

 Perhaps I assumed wrongly that all in this thread were aware of the hateful things she’s said , the unfounded accusations she’s made, the lives she’s ruined over the years. Or maybe y’all know and condone it anyway. I also sense there’s a certain political guiding undertone in the discussion here. Because certain things I assumed would be mentioned aren’t . Or maybe people here don’t want to speak Ill of the dead. Anyways if my post wasn’t detailed it’s because I thought it wasn’t necessary. But I firmly stand by what I said, and will get back with receipts #soon once I get the feel of what I’m dealing with here.

I never paid any attention to her. I believe everything you are saying for sure. - Because that’s her vibe I get. - But I had no idea about any of these things. I think most Madonna fans are like myself and have no idea of things she said except the pope picture issue. Thank you for explaining finally! And for standing up for what you said. 

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1 hour ago, Mden said:

 Perhaps I assumed wrongly that all in this thread were aware of the hateful things she’s said , the unfounded accusations she’s made, the lives she’s ruined over the years. Or maybe y’all know and condone it anyway. I also sense there’s a certain political guiding undertone in the discussion here. Because certain things I assumed would be mentioned aren’t . Or maybe people here don’t want to speak Ill of the dead. Anyways if my post wasn’t detailed it’s because I thought it wasn’t necessary. But I firmly stand by what I said, and will get back with receipts #soon once I get the feel of who I’m dealing with here.

When you say “who I’m dealing with”, are you talking about me? 

If you have more examples I’d love to hear them. I don’t know everything about her or have a problem calling out people’s shit even if they’ve died or not. I just recently saw her interview where she speaks about Prince chasing her to try and beat her up and I think that deserves to be discussed too. 

but converting to Islam is not hate. Not conforming to a specific religion is not hate. The fact that you are saying that seems prejudiced against certain religions, unless I’m misunderstanding you. 

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Just shows you that even how Madonna responded to SInead's ripping up the pic of the Pope, five years later praising her voice.  So again, I don't believe for a second that Madonna had a personal beef with Sinead, nor was intentionally trying to disrespect her back in 1993. She like many others just didn't agree how Sinead executed her protest on SNL. That's all!


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On 7/28/2023 at 5:27 PM, into the erotico said:

I was thinking on this for a long time.

In 1992 Sinéad O'Connor after singing a spirited re edition of Bob Marley's song War she just ripped off pope's John Paul II picture. Then, all hell broke loose. I remember as a kid a very distant echo of her act. She did this in order to protest about the fact that the catholic church knew and put a blanket on pedo rapists priests and their actions.

after this revolutionary act, Madonna was envious of this 'publicity' and decided to mock her protest openly my doing this:

which to me shows that all her revolutionary' talk was just that, words. She did everything to attract notoriety in the beggining of her career and then courted more fuel for controversy by releasing LAP in a well syncronised campaign by her company that led to the Pepsi fiasco. She gained millions. O' Conor was an original, a survivor. Madonna was just shalow and cheap.

I had to say that.

Madge sided with the establishment view of the time.
It's not really something to hammer her about.


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First of all i woud like to read the Irish Times interview where Madonna said what she said. Because all I can find is the New york Times or something talking about that interview. It's probably true, but still.

Second point, Sinead said in 1991 that Madonna was mocking her hairstyle. Again, I would like to read/watch the interview when Madonna said that. 

Third point, when Madonna went to Italy to promote Body Of Evidence the host of the tv show (Partita Doppia) tried to let her say she did the SNL bit as a protest to Sinead. Madonna said that wasn't true, it was just a joke. 

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On 7/29/2023 at 8:52 AM, scion said:

100%. I could never get behind such a comment - but we are all humans and we all do or say things we shouldnt. 

In any other context, I totally agreee.


Exactly. Even though M had a lot of very, very flat notes, I still prefer her redntion ...

I agree.  She hardly was perfect, but it was a great vocal from her, especially at this time when it was rare to hear her sing live without a backing track.

And I agree with you Jimmy Scott's studio version of the song is beautiful. I love to hear people like him who take a different approach to the song.  :)


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On 7/29/2023 at 2:34 PM, Mden said:

 Perhaps I assumed wrongly that all in this thread were aware of the hateful things she’s said , the unfounded accusations she’s made, the lives she’s ruined over the years. Or maybe y’all know and condone it anyway. I also sense there’s a certain political guiding undertone in the discussion here. Because certain things I assumed would be mentioned aren’t . Or maybe people here don’t want to speak Ill of the dead. Anyways if my post wasn’t detailed it’s because I thought it wasn’t necessary. But I firmly stand by what I said, and will get back with receipts #soon once I get the feel of who I’m dealing with here.

I mean, bring whatever "receipts" you want, but youre clearly not willing to bring understanding.  

Sinead was a vulnerable woman who was abused by her mother as well as nearly every other authority figure in her younger years, who was signed by a record company that told her to be "more sexy", and then was taken to task at nearly every step of the way--Sinatra  wanted to "kick her ass" for not playing the anthem before a show (which she later explained as a statement against racism and censorship), she was loudly criticized for boycotting SNL when the ultra misogynistic/racist Andrew Dice Clay was the host, and when she finally did make her appearance on SNL, we all know the reaction.  These are just a couple things off the top of my head.  If you actually knew anything about Sinead and her actions vs her treatment by damn near everyone, maybe you wouldn't be so quick to judge.  I can't imagine how difficult it must be to speak the truth that you've known, only for the entire world to call you crazy and want to destroy you, especially when mental health actually IS an issue.

But go on with your bad self, girl.  Bring your receipts.  History has already shown that many of the accusations she's made are actually quite founded indeed, and that many of the institutions she's spoken out against did indeed need to be reexamined or rebuilt.  The fact that you think they aren't puts you firmly on the side of the Frank Sinatras of the world, ready to kick Sinead's ass ready than listening to her truth.

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