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George Michael comments on the Britney and Christina kiss


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I love how honest he always was with everything since they... well, outed him. He couldn't give a f**k after.

He certainly had a point. While I LOVED it, of course it was desperate, she needed to get her pop mojo back after the commercial disaster the "American Life" album and singles had been in the US. And while it didn't work to resurrect the album, it did for the next era and "Confessions" exploded. It was a smart move in the end.

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What was he promoting then ? I stopped being interested after Older.

I know some fans were upset she did that with Britney and Xtina, i'm not fond of both them but his comment is too harsh on them, he comes from Wham which was as bad as music from the Disney Club. Wake Me Up is a stupid song. So i don't understand why someone with his cheap background could look down on younger artists trying, at that time, to break the teenage mold they were trapped into, just like he did. I really saw this as Madonna not being stuck up like her fans are, including me. To me it's really like when Miley was being vilified after the MTV awards and she guetted with her a few weeks later to support her when she was being trashed all over the media. The only collab i regret her doing is with Justin because he's a fake and dull as milk. I wish she did 4 Minutes with Michael Jackson and Dance 2nite with George Michael. 

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So... I think alot of people felt that way at the time, but looking back now it's easy to see that it was brilliant and ahead of its time.  Name another performance from that very show.... I'll wait.

There's always resistance to changes in the music industry, just look at Hall and Oats talking about how they didn't like music videos cuz they didn't wanna have to become "actors" in 1985 or whenever that was.  Having an element of shock wasn't too common at this time except for maybe Britney tearing off her clothes to a nude bodysuit a short time before this. Eminem may be another example of what was to come as far as shock value in performance, but he did it so well that people didn't even see it as shock. Being labeled homophobic and then obviously willfully participating in having Sacha Baron Cohen's bare ass plopped in his face was also a brilliant performance he just didn't do it as a musical performance. 

It wasn't long after this that Janet flashed her boob. Not brilliant, but people still remember it and talk about it. In fact the entire show was eclipsed by those 3 seconds. A star studded show reduced to a nipple. 

Flash forward to Lady Gaga and her entire career became shock. and there is a definite line in the music industry before Gaga and after Gaga when EVERY SINGLE ARTIST was doing EVERY SINGLE THING they could to shock the audience. It's not enough to just stand there and sing your hit song. You have to also do trapeze. Squirt whip cream out of your boobs. Kiss your same sex dancer. Twerk with a big foam finger. It's not enough to wear a gown, you have to wear raw meat and 75 inch heels and a blue wig. 

I think it's mostly cooled off although Sam Smith and Kim Petras and their devil performance was most likely trying to achieve this, but I think the audience is too ready for it. Shock isn't as shocking anymore. We expect it. but it all started with Madonna. Arguably with her first VMA performance when she PURPOSEFULLY rolled around on the ground and humped the floor. At the time people thought she was crazy... in time, everyone would be humping the floor with their asses out. 

The power of Madonna is that she doesn't limit herself or her brand to what has worked in the past. She sees what's happening and adapts. A lesbian kiss was being performed by that girl group, I think maybe even at the VMAS before 2003. Madonna doesn't scoff at what's being done, she says.... how can I do this but make it bigger. When she talks about the kiss she says it's part of the narrative of the performance ... She's the groom, Britney and Christina were the brides blah blah blah... bullshit, she knew exactly what she was doing. Listen to the music... if they didn't kiss at that moment what would fill those seconds? 

How would the crowd have reacted if she had come out and sang the album version of Hollywood like this:



It might also be worth noting that she hasn't performed on the VMAS since then, with the exception of the EVMAS in 2005 and her asses performance in 2021. 



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10 hours ago, MartineX said:

Really, for someone caught on a public toilet... That doesn't sound desperate. 🤣

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

And? Cruising is not necessarily an act of 'desperation'. To think so is kind of homophobic.

There was no shame in George's game.

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4 hours ago, Prayer said:

I love how honest he always was with everything since they... well, outed him. He couldn't give a f**k after.

He certainly had a point. While I LOVED it, of course it was desperate, she needed to get her pop mojo back after the commercial disaster the "American Life" album and singles had been in the US. And while it didn't work to resurrect the album, it did for the next era and "Confessions" exploded. It was a smart move in the end.


By the way, George was out to his family and friends years before that cruising incident.

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