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Montreal, Canada - OPENING NIGHT!!!


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All eyes turned to Madonna and Montreal


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Each tour Madonna is an event in itself, the eyes of the world will be on Montreal tonight, while the 57 years of its launch icon Rebel Heart Tourat the Bell Centre.


Different countries media will cover this world first in Québec, kicking off an ambitious tour that will visit four continents over the next seven months. The Mexican press, Swedish, Belgian and Italian will be present, indicates the show's promoter, evenko. As for the US, the New York Daily News, the Associated Press, Interview and Cosmopolitan will be on hand.


Fans outside the center bell

For Madonna fans, the excitement is palpable. Yesterday, many admirers of the artist prowled around the Bell Centre in the hope of recording an excerpt of rehearsals in full swing since Monday. Result: over the past 48 hours, many unauthorized recordings general appeared on the internet. On one of them, the singer resumed La vie en rose Edith Piaf.

A picture of facilities taken Rebel Heart Tour at the Bell Centre circulating on social networks since Monday.


The superstar also repeated some oldies - like Holiday, Material Girl, Deeper and Deeper and Love Do not Live Here Anymore - in versions reviewed and corrected.


Also according to the recordings made ​​in the entries of the amphitheater, the audience will also hear Justify my Love, successful dating from 1990 remixed with SEX, one of the key songs from the latest album of Madonna, Rebel Heart,released in the spring.


The rumor mill

Discussion forums on various web sites dedicated to Madonna, rumors are rife about the order of the parts of the concert. The latest news, Madonna will open the show with Iconic, featuring a video featuring Mike Tyson. The singer has decided to close the festivities with Holiday, choices she has done in the past: in 1987 with her â€‹â€‹Who's That Girl World Tour, and in 2004 with its tour Re-Invention.


On stage at what time?

Evenko ignores what time Madonna will point the nose tonight.


However, we know that Diplo, which provides the first part of the two concerts at the Bell Centre will be on stage at 20 pm. American DJ has co-directed several songs from the latest album of Madonna, whose Living for Love and Bitch I'm Madonna.


The singer stopped at Montreal in its last three tours in 2006, 2008 and 2012. "We once again should have a breathtaking show, I'm sure," said spokeswoman evenko Christine Montreuil.


Finally, the Rebel Heart Tour marks the third collaboration between Madonna and Montreal-based Moment Factory, who had signed the multimedia content of the MDNA Tour, not to mention his performance at the Super Bowl in 2012.



The Rebel Heart tour starts tonight at the Bell Centre. There are still some tickets for added Thursday.


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