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Turin, Italy [Thur Nov 19th, Sat Nov 21st, & Sun, Nov 22nd, 2015]


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Madonna is a global star but not so relevant to have the first page of a national newspaper!

No such news anywhere else, and you can see it's fake and photoshopped...

So if you have tickets... see you there!!

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ICONIC – Portraits & Artwork inspired by “The Queen of Popâ€

In honor of the only Italian performances of Madonna’s Rebel Heart Tour, which brings her back to Turin for the first time in 25 years, ICONIC – Portraits & Artwork inspired by “The Queen of Pop†opens THURSDAY NOVEMBER 19TH in the Master Apartment of Palazzo Saluzzo Paesana (Via della Consolata 1bis – Turin – Italy).


An iconografic tour through the art created by MADONNA’s fans in honor of the only Italian performances of the “Rebel Heart Tourâ€

Curated by Gabriele Ferrarotti, in collaboration with Ettore Ventura from 19 to 24 NOVEMBER 2015


Palazzo Saluzzo Paesana – Appartamento Padronale
(Via della Consolata 1bis – Turin – Italy)

With the endorsement of the City of Turin


More details at Palazzo Saluzzo Paesana



The exhibition, which will be open November 19 to 24, is a colorful and quirky collection of works of creative and talented Madonna fans who were inspired by the multifaceted public image of the "Queen of Pop" and have created an interesting and eccentric parterre visual iconic representations of the artist herself. The works of 20 artists-fans of Madonna in the exhibition using various performance techniques to tell their personal interpretation of the icon Madonna: from watercolor to collage, digital art pastels and more.


Most of the works, which come from all over the world, have been chosen by Madonna herself to become part of the extraordinary video that animates the stage during the concert performance of the track "Rebel Heart", while others have been repeatedly published Instagram profile of the singer, which she described in a recent interview "an art gallery for my thoughts" ("An art gallery for my thoughts").


ICONIC - Portraits & Artwork inspired by "The Queen of Pop" will also offer site-specific installation created specifically for the event, thanks to the collaboration of L'Oréal Professionnel and the result of talented hair stylist Franco Curletto, he fans Madonna, who will trace in a pop hairstyles most iconic artist during his thirty-year career.


"The exhibition provides visibility to the works of fan-artists - says Gabriele Ferrarotti, curator of the exhibition in collaboration with Ettore Ventura - thanks to a careful construction that will interact well with the environment of the exhibition space of Palazzo Saluzzo Paesana, so to achieve an iconic visual tribute the 'Queen of Pop' on the occasion of his presence in Turin. The baroque style of the Palace is in some ways akin to the personal taste of the singer, who has repeatedly declared his passion for Italy and especially the eighteenth century, the same as the Palazzo, and allows you to create, thanks to 'extremely contemporary works that will be exhibited, a contrast that characterizes much as thirty years of artistic production of the singer. "

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Google Translated:


Madonna to "Principi di Piemonte", the first fans before the PalaAlpitour
Because of the fog, the 'plane of the pop star has landed in Nice, where in the morning is then broken down to Caselle
Unattainable, because fog, Caselle Airport, Madonna landed Tuesday night at 2:30, at the airport of Nice-Cote d'Azur. His private jet and then took off for Turin-Caselle lunchtime. Meanwhile, in front of the Principi di Piemonte they are gathering fans. This is the hotel chosen by the pop star for his nights in Turin, ahead of the first of three concerts at PalaAlpitour, scheduled for Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Madonna, in absolute secrecy, has already reached its suite. Outside, at the entrance of Via Gobetti, I have already appeared some men of the staff is one of the bodyguards. 
Meanwhile, before the PalaAlpitour came the first Madonna fans, who will spend two nights in a tent and sleeping bag waiting for the first leg of the concert. Antonio Rotunno, 20, Milan, has the stamp on the hand number "1": "I arrived with five friends, we will not budge a centimeter to not miss the amazing location." Roberto Lipizzi of Avellino landed in boxes; backpack has tickets for all three dates at Pala Alpitour pop star. But one of the first fans of the singer in front of the entrance there are those of "Rebel Heart Tour" has already seen the date of Cologne, Prague, Berlin and Stockholm.
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super_hero_tony Travel Day for Ribelle â¤'s. to . â£What goes up must come down. â£A Rebel Hearts caravan, Home Sweet Home - Euro Buses. â£My friends Nicki and Doll - how is there a line even for a Charter? â£Sohey Chan and Malik playing in Lego Land at the airport.â£The Swiss Alps from the plane window ( I don't think it really is but I like to pretend) â£and we are hereâ¤. Italian is the sexiest language on the planet La Dolce Vita Innamorata dell " Italia" â—

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Security will be so tight that no twaty terrorist wil be able to get near the stadiums..Go and enjoy the M experience! :)

But all it takes are threats of terrorism and they would cancel it.I'm almost thinking at this point they should reschedule the European and U.K. leg. I've read so many posts of people fearing to go and the one that really twists me is that a girl is still going alone to Paris after her friend cancelled for whatever reason. I get that they don't want to lose on flight, hotel etc but sometimes there's bigger things to think about.
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But all it takes are threats of terrorism and they would cancel it.I'm almost thinking at this point they should reschedule the European and U.K. leg. I've read so many posts of people fearing to go and the one that really twists me is that a girl is still going alone to Paris after her friend cancelled for whatever reason.I get that they don't want to lose on flight, hotel etc but sometimes there's bigger things to think about.

Well when would you like to rechedule the tour for? 3 months time .....6 months  .....a year? There is  always going to be a threat of terrorism, anywhere in the world at any time. Paris is in lock down , everyone is on high alert, We are probably going to be the safest place to see the tour. If people are (understanably) scared so be it, but cancelling a date for another one  isn't going to change anything.

And honestly for as long as I can remember for every M tour there has been loonies, threating violence / calling in bomb threats / protesting....nothing has changed, and in my life time probably nothing will change unfortuantely.


Edit: I understand completely where you are coming from, I respect your view, this is just mine. :)

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I totally agree with what @@edwinmorrison said...some people tend to become paranoid when this sort of massacre happen somewhere...(thanks to the media!)

Thanks, Its actually very sad that we have to talk about this and that people are frightened to go to see madonna or anyshow for that matter...What a world we live in......Anyway F*# them ( the terrorists), I plan on being there and singing as loud as I can, and dancing like only a white guy can dance (badly)...lool :D

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Thanks, Its actually very sad that we have to talk about this and that people are frightened to go to see madonna or anyshow for that matter...What a world we live in......Anyway F*# them ( the terrorists), I plan on being there and singing as loud as I can, and dancing like only a white guy can dance (badly)...lool :D


LOL! Hopefully that people will follow your optimistic thinking by next month ^^

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Madonna‬ fans waiting for the Legendary Icon in Turin, Italy, where she will perform three shows of her â€ª#‎rebelhearttour‬

Watch video clip @ https://www.facebook.com/MadonnaExtreme/posts/1108909385799981




Outside madonna hotel Italy

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Warnings of extra security measures for the 1,200 foreign ticket holders at #RebelHeartTour #Torino.


Google Translated:

There Our Lady, in Turin controls on tickets bought abroad
Plainclothes officers and explosive detection dogs for show. Purchases were also made by South Africa and Afghanistan

Madonna landed in Turin in the early afternoon yesterday, after a flight from Denmark hijacked at Nice airport to the fog that enveloped the city. Yesterday a day of rest ahead of the concert, three from tomorrow to Sunday, they announce armored. For evenings at PalaAlpitour the prefecture ordered exceptional measures. And the 33,000 fans who have already bought tickets will have to prepare the idea of ​​having to pass a series of controls, traditionally dedicated to an important football match rather than a show. Indeed, the entrance to the building will look like for boarding an international flight. The first rule? Just like to get on a plane, it is best to avoid bulky luggage and show up at the entrances well in advance. Because this time, the latecomers, are in danger of remaining outside the gates. 



The concerts will start at 21 and gates will open two hours and a half before. But the council, especially the date of Thursday, is to reach the building no later than 17.30. In the meantime, and it is this activity that is unprecedented in Italy, it began checking all 33,000 tickets sold. And the attention of the agency and the Police is now focused on 1,200 people coming from abroad and who have bought vouchers out of the traditional TicketOne. In addition to fans arriving from France and Belgium, they have been confirmed purchases also from South Africa, Tonga. Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. Name by name, all profiles are analyzed in order to avoid the presence of possible infiltrators. 



Police and plainclothes police will be mixed among the fans, around the stage, during all stages of each event. But it is out of the building that will focus the preventive activity. After the attacks in Paris, the counter-terrorism arrangements, willing even to Turin after the convocation, on Monday, the provincial committee for order and security, they have in fact decided to replicate the same precautions already taken last spring for the Exposition of Shroud. The practical effects? Around PalaAlpitour, within little more than a hundred meters, the police and stewards will filter viewers through three age control.  



Each ring will serve to check the tickets, backpacks and bags: the police recommended to avoid the bigger ones, otherwise the seizure. As in any airport, you will not be allowed to carry sharp objects, even the classic scissors, and every kind of bottle. There will be the explosive detection dogs and horse patrols in the gardens surrounding the area behind the Olympic stadium. So searches will be possible before reaching the stands. The evening will be the first most critical: for the debut of the new control systems and for the latest evidence of Madonna, next to the concert. 

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