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Sandra Bernhard says "We've buried the hatchet a long time ago"


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Considering Sandra’s closeness to Madonna during some major life moments including her divorce from Sean Penn, recording Like A Prayer, Blond Ambition and dating Warren Beatty I think she’s clearly kept a lot of things to herself. I doubt Sandra signed any NDA back then. Sure, she’s made some catty, funny, telling and bitter comments about Madonna since their split but she’s never betrayed anything personal about her. Whether it’s for personal or professional reasons, I give her credit. No matter who interviews her, it always seems to bubble up.

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Oh Oh the Sandra borngorn, born something, Sandra I forgot her last name police is here!

You guys must be very naive to think that she only talks about Madonna because people ask her. I'm sure she could veto any Madonna-related question if she wanted to, but she knows very well that her comments make headlines. Please... Stating this doesn't diminish Sandra's talent, impact or whatever.

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12 hours ago, Magic Pussy said:

Considering Sandra’s closeness to Madonna during some major life moments including her divorce from Sean Penn, recording Like A Prayer, Blond Ambition and dating Warren Beatty I think she’s clearly kept a lot of things to herself. I doubt Sandra signed any NDA back then. Sure, she’s made some catty, funny, telling and bitter comments about Madonna since their split but she’s never betrayed anything personal about her. Whether it’s for personal or professional reasons, I give her credit. No matter who interviews her, it always seems to bubble up.

I have to agree. I think she respects Madonna's privacy. I think there was a short moment there she was bitter, but let's remember she was among Madonna's tight circle at the peak of her career.  No doubt if she truly wanted to shade or dish on Madonna, she has enough ammunition to do so.  But even for the few times she did throw shade towards Madonna it was pretty vague and not really that horrible.  Not only that, I'm sure if her friendship wasn't highly publicized, she probably wouldn't have had the same opportunities as she had throughout her career. My thought, she probably has respect and appreciation that her friendship with Madonna opened more doors for her.

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46 minutes ago, DiegoLCL said:

Oh Oh the Sandra borngorn, born something, Sandra I forgot her last name police is here!

You guys must be very naive to think that she only talks about Madonna because people ask her. I'm sure she could veto any Madonna-related question if she wanted to, but she knows very well that her comments make headlines. Please... Stating this doesn't diminish Sandra's talent, impact or whatever.

These blogs/youtube channels only get her on to talk about Madonna in the first place :laughing:  The video itself has Madonna’s name in the title. 

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22 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

Most Madonna fans know the history.


Many many do not and follow a shallow narrative from not living through it, and even still there will be alternative views, probably as many conflicting reasons that mirror the complexity for Sandra herself. No one truth exists.

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49 minutes ago, cyberrage said:

Many many do not and follow a shallow narrative from not living through it, and even still there will be alternative views, probably as many conflicting reasons that mirror the complexity for Sandra herself. No one truth exists.

I think your point really stands true.  While I recognize that I'm an older fan, I am able to admit that there are fans beyond the huge classic albums and singles.  Let's face it, Confessions on a Dance Floor is probably her last most successful universal album. We are nearly 20 years from that.  Since then, we've had another generation and a half of fans jump aboard. They have no idea of her history especially first hand.  I'm not sure most fans do know Madonna's history beyond the moment they jumped on board.  A lot of older Madonna fans have abandon the social media platforms.  Still, it doesn't mean they don't exist or feel she isn't as great as she once was.  They just have no interest in tirelessly explaining why they are a fan. A lot of what some complain today isn't really a concern or a problem.  Many enjoy Madonna old school and don't need social media or streaming platforms to enjoy all her music. Why? Because they own it!  Still, it's all subjective.  We have 20 plus years of new fans who are experiencing her through social media now.  This is a good thing.  Any artist able to continue to gain more fans beyond their prime or biggest albums is a plus.  At this point, Madonna is still part of popular culture. It may not be as it used to be, but people still recognize and appreciate her.  In fact, I think she is more appreciated today then when she was at her prime.  The difference is, we have social media where the negative always gets more exposure because people normally react to negative criticism before postitive.

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11 hours ago, cyberrage said:

Many many do not and follow a shallow narrative from not living through it, and even still there will be alternative views, probably as many conflicting reasons that mirror the complexity for Sandra herself. No one truth exists.

I’m talking about the fans on here though who go through and study every part of Madonna’s career. The Sandra stuff is well documented in bios, documentaries, on mtv segments etc and she’s also featured in Truth or Dare. So you’d have to be a pretty newbie fan to not have a good idea about her involvement with Madonna.

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18 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

These blogs/youtube channels only get her on to talk about Madonna in the first place :laughing:  The video itself has Madonna’s name in the title. 

In the video she vetos a question about her work, projects she did not do but she goes on about Madonna. Her relationship to Madonna can be summed up by the name of her most famous show "Without You I'm Nothing". Nobody ever asks Madonna about Sandra since their fall out. Madonna will be written in her obituary, she won't be in Madonna's.

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4 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

In the video she vetos a question about her work, projects she did not do but she goes on about Madonna. Her relationship to Madonna can be summed up by the name of her most famous show "Without You I'm Nothing". Nobody ever asks Madonna about Sandra since their fall out. Madonna will be written in her obituary, she won't be in Madonna's.

This is definitely a good point.  In fact, when Sandra is questioned about Madonna, she almost seems put out in answering it as if she rather not.  And I did like how she shut the guy down in the interview when he was trying to go in depth about something she rather not talk about.  Though, I don't believe it was Madonna related. I was confused what he was asking, and she quickly shut him down before he could get his question out. 

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