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Joan Ciccone has died from Cancer


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Ahh so sad!  May she rest in peace.  I honestly thought her dad was going to go first.  It's not all impossible it could happen as couples especially at the age as he is now, tend to pass on once their spouse does, but we'll see.  I'll be curious to see how Madonna responds to this. I'm sure over the years, she's probably put her differences aside and has been more favorable of her.  But I agree, dying of cancer can be a trigger point for even Madonna. Anyway, my condolences for her family.  :sad:

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42 minutes ago, ChrisK said:

Just read that Joan has died at the age of 81 on David's 19th Birthday. This must be horrible for Madonna, given her own mums death from Cancer.

Although, Joan and Madonna did not get along, I am sure this will still hurt - and her poor Dad :/

May she rest in peace.

Madonna is the queen of re-invention, but struggled with her father re-inventing his own life. I'm sure it was difficult for Madonna, but also difficult for Joan to be always compared or degraded at some point by angry / rebel Madonna. I think she never wanted fame or money and she looked as a good person on the mentioned docummentaries and other moments. Sad to read this news.  

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21 minutes ago, Roland Barthes said:

I believe they got along well later in life especially after Madonna became a mother, she even said she gave her a hard time unfairly in an interview.

The story of baby Joey born in 1967 is very sad and cast another dark shadow above Madonna's childhood.




Thank you so much for sharing this.  What a great write up.  I didn't realize she had another son that died of a heart defect.  How unfortunate.  Madonna may have had her differences with her for some time, but obviously she and Silvio had a long and successful marriage and extended family. 

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1 hour ago, Homogenic79 said:

RIP Joan! Here she is rocking a Celebration Tour hoodie earlier this year



Gosh and she looks so well here too.

I have no doubt Madonna had a good relationship with her in her adult life and will mourning her loss. But more than anything hurting for her Dad.

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1 hour ago, Roland Barthes said:

Her younger brother struggled with drugs, alcohol and cults, he died very young and she was close to his son who is gay and wrote a book about the conversion therapies he was subjected to in the cult his family joined.

Do you happen to know more about this book?

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