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Christopher Ciccone has passed away


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@NRMXYeah I'm American (Madonna's hometown). About 3 days after death, We usually do 3 days of viewing for family and friends, then funeral next day. It's a good week. If the person was young it might be longer than that bc so many friends are still alive and it's especially tragic. It's starting to change tho, as ppl aren't as social anymore. Nowadays it's about only one day of viewing for family and friends to gather.

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1 hour ago, fauxswan said:

Unless you choose to be cremated

 The body is still prepared for public viewing even if being cremated. This does seem to be changing though since a recent family member was cremated before viewing and his father just had pics of him up at the funeral home gathering. That is the kooky side of the family though.

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14 hours ago, MattyMads said:


I always assumed ‘Richard’ from his book was Luca or Carlton but in fact it was Christopher the ‘straight’ dancer, lovely sentiments and pictures from him 

Michael was the straight dancer on that tour, not Christopher ;-) Lucky too, Christopher was so sexy in those hot pants. Anyway can't see his posts, what did he share?

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5 hours ago, Pretender1978 said:

Michael was the straight dancer on that tour, not Christopher ;-) Lucky too, Christopher was so sexy in those hot pants. Anyway can't see his posts, what did he share?

Oh yeah I forgot I always got him and Michael mixed up lol

He was sharing his memories of Chris, showed photo's of them together and talked about their relationship on Tour. He said he was the guy called Richard and they had a great relationship together.

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