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[SPOILERS] Madonna posts pictures of her seemingly selecting photoshoot outtakes with Steven Klein??? Album?? Magazine??? Tour book?


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It reminds me when she posted pics on Instagram of her and her assistant picking photos from the Madame X sessions to organize the booklet. 

If it's for a magazine, she must have been named editor of the issue because artists usually don't pick the photos and organize the pages of the magazine....that's the editor's work.

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14 minutes ago, Redha DBL said:

That thing with the "Inside Madonna" title is perfectly square and the size of a vinyl record... Not rectangular like a magazine or a book...



There’s also a curve a little bit, it almost looks like a record but why would she have those produced so early? I don’t think they’re actual records but it’s def square. Maybe a single? Book? No idea

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  • S.T.P. changed the title to [SPOILERS] Madonna posts pictures of her seemingly selecting photoshoot outtakes with Steven Klein??? Album?? Magazine??? Tour book?
15 minutes ago, Adonna said:

It's mostly like a photo essay. 

So so so confused, seems like a tour book? Looks like some pictures from celebration tour but new pics too and some that look like records? Celebration tour vinyl? So confused



25 minutes ago, Stefo said:

You're right, it seems so :eyesroll:


2 hours ago, deathproof said:

OCD = obsessive compulsive disorder 

aka being a perfectionist

clearly something new with Klein. Magazine or Book.


2 hours ago, Stefo said:

Guys, I prefer to be grounded: she recorded the Mexico City Celebration tour stops and she is probably working to release the blu ray and to promote it. So the first thing I consider now is a magazine cover: "Inside Madonna" (that can also be something like "Inside Madonna's tour" or stuff like that) sounds much more the title of an interview than an album. At least the good news is that now we certainly know that the "soon" thing has a cover.

Said that, when I read "Before BEDTIME", well you know howthat thing works on me: my heart stopped :lol:



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Just now, S.T.P. said:

So so so confused, seems like a tour book? Looks like some pictures from celebration tour but new pics too and some that look like records? Celebration tour vinyl? So confused






Seems like a "photo essay" that may be career retrospective.  "Inside Madonna".  My guess with 2025, it's 40 years since her '85 breakthrough when she went world-wide. It may have something to do with that.

 A Tour book isn't happening at this point and if so, it would have been called "Celebration Tour".

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