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I Am Almost 100% Sure Melbourne Will Get the DVD

Future Lover

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I don't want a documentary, especially because of the whole custody thing. I'd rather she shows everything honestly or nothing at all. And I don't wanna see that, I don't think it's anyone's business, plus it's so depressing.


No I don't want a documentary either, I found kinda embarassing all this talking about Rocco during the show and it's not a good move.

My Warner Beatty image is simply a reminder of how she wanted everything filmed and now we don't even know if we will get a dvd.

It's strange how a popstar like Madonna has such a bad marketing, her record company never really attempted to do something interesting for the fans: unreleased tracks, multi-angle dvds, recently poor single covers... We have a lot of different album editions but so effortless in terms of booklet, special tracks. The extras in the dvds are laughable.

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I was thinking the same. If there's no TV distribution deal then the effort to edit it would be a lot of work for very little reward. It's also the end of her deal with Live Nation, so after the tour finishes M will be under no obligation to anyone. That said, it would be a great shame not to record possibly her best tour, even if it was only for a Truth or Dare/I'm going to tell you a secret style documentary.I also thought (and this might just be wishful thinking), that maybe they don't need the usual camera crane set up given how effectively the pro shot footage was edited together from the Stockholm Like A Prayer and Texas Rebel Rebel performances. I appreciate both are just the direct footage used for the screens, and it would need to be colour graded and audio adjusted for a home entertainmnet release, but in terms of editing, both performances drew from a variety of camera shots and angles and looked great. I would very happily settle for that, than nothing at all.All I can say is I really, really am hoping for a DVD and Blu-Ray release. With 1 week left to go I'm already feeling the incoming depression after the tour ends, and who knows how long it might be before or if any new music appears. I need the tour DVD to get me through the void.


Yeah, people don't realize that just because there are thousands of fans around the world who would buy it, it doesn't mean there is enough profit gained from the release.

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Yeah, people don't realize that just because there are thousands of fans around the world who would buy it, it doesn't mean there is enough profit gained from the release.


The thing is that now even fans are buying less, considering the poor sales of Rebel Heart album. Personally I bought my 5 copies of it (digital, super deluxe, vinyl, fnac and german edition) but I would have appreciated a better treatment.

It would be interesting to know how many people in this forum, who are true fans, bought the album.

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I bought the album in all differents format including the two germans editions, the french with extra cd and the australian one with postcards... the vinyl, the digipack, etc. I bought the cd singles too.... Since this century they don't earn a lot of money selling dvds, but they do selling to the tvs around the world, because the concerts, and madonna concerts are showed in television. 


But this is not excuse because U2, for instance, broadcasted live their concert from Paris last December and they have made a documental about the tour too... Or Taylor Swift, whom her fans don't buy physical formats and she has recorded her tour too... If Madonna doesn't sell physical formats, tell me who does it...

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I bought the album in all differents format including the two germans editions, the french with extra cd and the australian one with postcards... the vinyl, the digipack, etc. I bought the cd singles too.... Since this century they don't earn a lot of money selling dvds, but they do selling to the tvs around the world, because the concerts, and madonna concerts are showed in television. 


But this is not excuse because U2, for instance, broadcasted live their concert from Paris last December and they have made a documental about the tour too... Or Taylor Swift, whom her fans don't buy physical formats and she has recorded her tour too... If Madonna doesn't sell physical formats, tell me who does it...

adele xd

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I would actually skip a lot from this tour while watching it at home, but Id at least once like to see it in full. I'm just saying i hope we get a full DVD because others love this show. And I'm not interested at all in another IGTTYAS, that was great for its time, but for a post-instagram Madonna..... i feel overexposed already to her every thought.

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Not interested at all in a documentary.

I want music, show, performance... this great tour...I saw it 8 times and I would repeat without a doubt.

It's really sad if all we get is a documentary about her ego. I'm not interested in her life. I want her music, her art, once she is out of the stage I lose interest.

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All her tours have been filmed and released one way or another, I don't think Live Nation and Interscope will miss the opportunity to cash on any low quality physical release they can do this time around. Even if they release the live show with different covers it will still sell  :seeno:

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They use these cameras for the screens (I took this pic in Turin, November 19th):


Posted Image


Grass Valley LDX86 with Fujinon lenses.

The quality of these cameras is amazing (indeed when I saw the concert live I was mesmerized by the quality of the screen footage), but I still think that if they want to do a good job in recording a dvd they need more cameras and at least one crane, the regular screen footage isn't enough :coffee: We'll see.

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Maybe after all the work she put in on MDNA and the somewhat poor reception it got, she just isn't interested in going to any effort and screens footage is what we will get.


I too thought the screens footage looked amazing and there is an overhead camera as well as I just happened to look at the screens as they showed a shot of her from above.


Maybe the documentary is nothing more than a supplement to the concert. It will be just a 30 minute extra. Along with TOAC.

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All her tours have been filmed and released one way or another, I don't think Live Nation and Interscope will miss the opportunity to cash on any low quality physical release they can do this time around. Even if they release the live show with different covers it will still sell  :seeno:

It can be the first of not being recorded. Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, U2 or Taylor Swift have done it, but other like LG don't. So... we can wait for whatever.

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If there's no official proper filming, then she's really downsizing yet another thing. If she's not gonna bother to FILM the show for whatever reason, and just relies on HD screen footage, then well.... ok. A pity, there's nothing like film and I always thought she knew that, but then again Sticky and MDNA were so lackluster, that why bother? She'd need a new director and editor for anything good to happen in the first place. Yah I cant be arsed. Just let whatever will happen, happen. If she releases it as 360p on Youtube then I'll be happy it's released at all, my expectations are on the floor.


Reading this makes me feel really sad because... it's the truth.

I mean, I begun as a fan after the Confessions era. The first DVD that I watched was the Confessions Tour one and I was mesmerized. This kind of posts during that era were unthinkable because, you know, it's Madonna we are talking about, the expectations were over the roof and there was no other way for it. But now... We are lucky if they are filming for the DVD. It sucks.

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Reading this makes me feel really sad because... it's the truth.

I mean, I begun as a fan after the Confessions era. The first DVD that I watched was the Confessions Tour one and I was mesmerized. This kind of posts during that era were unthinkable because, you know, it's Madonna we are talking about, the expectations were over the roof and there was no other way for it. But now... We are lucky if they are filming for the DVD. It sucks.

People complained about Confessions release quite a bit, then complained about S&S release quite a bit and I still hear moaning about MDNA, which she personally supervised.


What are we really missing out on here, a release that most people will say isn't good enough and doesn't capture the show and ruined it all. Because honestly that is almost all I hear about all three of the previous releases. I can imagine she is aware and is over it.

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People complained about Confessions release quite a bit, then complained about S&S release quite a bit and I still hear moaning about MDNA, which she personally supervised.


What are we really missing out on here, a release that most people will say isn't good enough and doesn't capture the show and ruined it all. Because honestly that is almost all I hear about all three of the previous releases. I can imagine she is aware and is over it.



It's just that each one has been worse than the last. So even if she's trying, she's going in the wrong direction, and if an artist is "over it" then why do anything at all? I know a lot of fans are very dramatic, but they love her work and wanna protect it. Sometimes fans are more aware of how to protect the art they love than the artist themselves. There's nothing wrong with telling the people in charge what's wrong in a constructive manner so they can do better next time, the problem is, she keeps working with the same people who just aren't as good as they should be, sorry if that's mean. But even pros like William Orbit have spoken up about stuff like this, and of course Guy O is quick to respond to that, but fans?? well they're just there to sell merch lol.

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They use these cameras for the screens (I took this pic in Turin, November 19th):


Posted Image


Grass Valley LDX86 with Fujinon lenses.

The quality of these cameras is amazing (indeed when I saw the concert live I was mesmerized by the quality of the screen footage), but I still think that if they want to do a good job in recording a dvd they need more cameras and at least one crane, the regular screen footage isn't enough :coffee: We'll see.




I have faith that indeed technology has evolved enough that this will be enough and they know what they're doing. I too was impressed with the quality of the pro-shots. But still Madonna shows should be better looking. To me Confessions Tour, Blond Ambition Paris and Re-Invention Paris are the standards of how you record a live show. They're works of art themselves. No one in the world knows how to set up angles like Akerlund, but I wouldn't ask him to be her handmaiden for the whole era lol.

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