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What year did you become a Madonna fan?

Osh Åžarif

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I liked her stuff since I was a child. I remember listening secret and human nature on the radio for instance, or watching truth or dare on tv but I was a little too young to know who she was really. My 2 older sisters were fans and the younger hated her. I loved her videos and music but I consider myself as a fan since 2008. It was the first time I bought her album because I was a fan of 4 minutes beats. I bought Confessions on a dancefloor the next day (loved hung up and get together when they were released). Loved it. Then I looked at the confessions tour on youtube and bought the DVD. It hypnotized me. Since then I'm really fan of her work and I realised that she was here passively since I was young without I noticed that.

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1990 blond ambition got me hooked specifically after the radio one live broadcast and her meek prior when she was on news and newspaper for a week. Rests history as they say. I do remember early years Madonna though the 85 phenomenon and girls dressing like her. And I own the who's that girl single. It's been a journey!

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1998, with "Ray of Light". I had always heard of her then, of course. But I had no idea about her music except for 'La Isla Bonita', which is a very definitive tune of the '80s here in my country, and also 'Don't Cry for Me Argentina' which was a then-recent radio hit. I had also heard 'Human Nature' during an animation show in a holiday resort. But that was all.


Then 'Frozen' literally hit me and I bought the album (on cassette, those were the days!). Back then I was 13 and struggling with my growing pains. The wise lyrics and the progressive sound of the album was just what I needed. Then came "Music" in 2000, and the Internet became a household object, leading me to explore more of her back catalogue.


By 2003 I had already discovered a few songs of hers, and I was infatuated with 'Nothing Fails' although I hated the "American Life" album. That fall I went to another city for university. I was homesick, missing my family, lonely at the dormitory, trying to figure out my homosexuality, and trying to cope with my new life. Music was my only friend. I slowly discovered "Like a Prayer", "Something to Remember", and "The Immaculate Collection". Madonna was my new best friend. On the road, in the dormitory, at school I was always listening to her songs. Then I bought "The Ultimate Collection" DVD set consisting of "The Immaculate Collection" and "The Video Collection 93:99" and truly became a fan.

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I knew about Madonna since I was a child. Like A Virgin playing on the Radio in the mid 80s etc. I even remember my parents renting the Who´s That Girl movie from the video store and we watched it all together. Then when the Immaculate Collection came out a friend from school bought it on CD and I got interested and she copied it for me on tape. I listened to it very often but didn´t became a fan, although I liked the music very much. Then in 1992 the Erotica album came out and all that buzz around it got my attention again. I bought the CD from my pocket money and fell totally in love with it. So in October 1992 I became a fan.

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I used to like Into the groove and Papa don't oreach in the radio, without knowing it was her.

Strangely it wasn't the visuals but the voice and the songs ar first.

First record I bought was True blue. Very soon after came LAV and The first album.


The big explosion was in summer 1987, with Who's that girl. First of her movies I saw on big screen, and the cinema was sold out!!

Needless to say I was one of the 14 million Italians who watched her live on tv that special September 4 evening. Everyone was talking about her taking out her pants on stage!!

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from the moment i saw her in tv with like a virgen so it must be 1985 i think , i whas 8 years 

my sister whas 13 and fan , from like a prayer i old enough to follow her self alone 

my best periode true blue , like a prayer/vogue ,  evita, ray of light , beautiful stranger , confessions on a dance floor 

that's the madonna i true love 

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I became a fan in 1986 after seeing the True Blue on TV when I was living in Hong Kong. Back then, they would often play music videos during some extended ad breaks on TV, and I remember True Blue being one that was frequently played. 6 year old me fell in love with it, and I soon had the album on cassette. Thats when the love affair began. Its not my favourite song of hers now, but its certainly one with the most nostalgia attached.

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When I was young, I grew up listening to the Immaculate Collection with my mother in the car (I'm 20 but my mother was an older mother now one year younger than Madonna herself) so I always knew Vogue and Like A Virgin. I also vaguely remember my mom having Music as a child. But I missed American Life and Confessions completely as my mother had cancer around that time and didn't keep up with much music wise. Thanks to Youtube though (I was about 11) I witnessed 4 Minutes' music video. However I didn't buy music at the times really so I just listened on Youtube. I remember watching Sticky and Sweet on Youtube but that was the extent. The Super Bowl put me back in the groove with MDNA, with Give Me All Your Luvin' beocming mine and a friends song of the year. I still didn't become a super fan, only buying a ferw songs here and there. Rebel Heart's Living for Love performance at the Grammy's popped up in my Youtube feed a week or so after and I was caught up again. Later in September I'd write my second college paper based on the song Rebel Heart and soon I was buying up everything on iTunes. And here I am. Waiting. For Madonna to justify my love once again.

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