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Madonna Drunk and Dressed like a Clown


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I'm ashamed of the so-called "journalism"...

I don't know what it's been told on another countries, but in my country (Spain), this is what it is been cruelly told:










I feel so much impotence!!!  :suffer: 

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I've sent them a mail:


Hola, me gustaría pedir que se rectificara un artículo, éste en concreto: http://www.elmundo.es/loc/2016/03/11/56e2f3ca268e3e477b8b4595.html

ya que tiene información falsa.
Madonna no apareció en el escenario tarde ni borracha. No se trataba de un concierto incluido en su gira mundial sino de un extra que hizo para sus fans australianos ya que hacía mas de 20 años que no pasaba de gira por ahí. Fue un concierto gratuito en el que se regalaban entradas a integrantes del club de fans oficial residentes en Australia. No había lluvia ya que fue en un teatro y apareció en el escenario a su hora. 
Espero sean capaces de rectificar. 
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Let's not promote these articles. When you click on them, they win.

I agree. I was gonna post something yesterday about what I saw briefly on the news but decided I couldn't be bothered half way through typing. I didn't want to appear that I care what the press say, because I don't care.
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Someone needs to take the Daily Mail to account for the constant vitriol it is pouring every day about Madonna bumbling and being drunk, missing cues and for the sly digs about Ritchie 's younger beautiful wife etc etc. It is just an outpouring of hate and actually amounts to a form of bullying. They are picking on every tiny thing like her joking about cosmopolitans and turning it into something unsavory to make her look bad. Of course in my humble opinion the custody battle needs to be private but they are portraying the woman like the devil. SHAME!

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