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Madonna to Honor Prince at Billboard Awards with live performance

Yung Rapunxel

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Madonna’s Purple Perfect Prince Tribute



The only thing offensive about Madonna’s tribute to Prince at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards was the offense it triggered: Complaints, Twitter feuds erupting like purple spitballs, a petition to get her replaced! You’d think people were fighting over the proper structure to replace the World Trade Center. In our social media universe we often seem to take things as seriously.


You don’t have to like Madonna, like her tribute, like anything about her, to respect the BBMA‘s choice to have her perform. Never mind that it wasn’t the Grammy’s, the Oscars, the Nobel Peace Prize or whatever ceremonies that will be honoring Prince’s death. There will be many, forever, and it’s beside the point. The BET awards promo, right after the ceremony, with the tagline “Yeah, We Saw that. Don’t worry. We got you,†was shameful and an an insult to all involved, including Stevie Wonder.


Madonna, in case anyone’s forgotten, was the biggest female star of the 1980s and the most famous woman in the world. Prince was one of the biggest, along with Michael Jackson and a few others—Bono, Boy George, George Michael, Cyndi Lauper, Janet, Whitney. But the first three share something distinct: They didn’t just capitalize on the era; they defined it.


Jackson is gone too, and he and Madonna and Prince were born within a couple of months from each other, all in the Midwest. The three of them rose to incomprehensible heights and splashed across the MTV generation like thunder. They dazzled us, each differently, all exhilarating. They pushed boundaries we didn’t know existed, in song and on our TV screens, intertwining sex with love and androgyny and our own perceptions of masculine versus feminine. And like so few others from that time, their careers flourished long after the VJ’s died.


Madonna and Prince did a duet on her career-defining Like a Prayer album, appropriately titled “Love Song,†and if you’ve ever heard her discuss Prince, it’s clear she idolized him. Adored him like so many of his fans. It was more than appropriate to have Madonna do the tribute; it was an honor. Madonna is the Queen of Pop, by many accounts the most successful female recording artist of all time. Her peers are leaving us. For those of us who grew up under the umbrella of these giants, it’s been a heartbreaking time.


The performance was royalty honoring royalty, and to turn it into something else, something political, racist, is demeaning to the memory of Prince, his music and his legacy. Music, as Prince knew, transcended the trite. He worked with everyone, wrote for everyone, performed for everyone. It’s also discourteous to Madonna and disrespectful of her achievements and monumental career in the music world, once again.


Madonna performed a love song for Prince, and it wasn’t about who’s the most talented performer on Earth, or who’s the best (there are no “bests†in subjective mediums), or who can prove they’re the right person to honor a dead man. No one wins that prize. The best we can do is appreciate the gifts Prince left us and allow people to show their love and share their memories and keep his spirit alive. That’s what Madonna did on the BBMA‘s, and she did it simply, elegantly, and pure of heart.


Because, in their own words, “this is not a love song that I want to sing.â€

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We should be grateful that this woman keeps doing art...and celebrate it. I will focus on that and forget the stupid and hateful comments.


We should be grateful and focus on positivity, I agree. I read the twitter comments against her but I didn't respond. I only felt forced to respond here because of the BS that was being said. If her fans can't respect her then who will?


You all know I defend having opinions and freedom of speech, and you can be shady about album tracks whatever, I don't really care, its pop its not personal, but this is completely different. It is SO nasty and disrespectful, and to make it about her voice or whatever.... thats not what it is about. You can dislike her singing but its not the time to be making nasty remarks.


I for one, even after listening to the original song, think she did a beautiful job and delivered a very strong vocal performance.

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We should be grateful and focus on positivity, I agree. I read the twitter comments against her but I didn't respond. I only felt forced to respond here because of the BS that was being said. If her fans can't respect her then who will?


You all know I defend having opinions and freedom of speech, and you can be shady about album tracks whatever, I don't really care, its pop its not personal, but this is completely different. It is SO nasty and disrespectful, and to make it about her voice or whatever.... thats not what it is about. You can dislike her singing but its not the time to be making nasty remarks.


I for one, even after listening to the original song, think she did a beautiful job and delivered a very strong vocal performance.


Even more unfathomable are the people who actually go to her Instagram and Twitter and make the nasty remarks directly to her.  I just cannot imagine the manners (or lack of) some people are raised with these days.

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Even more unfathomable are the people who actually go to her Instagram and Twitter and make the nasty remarks directly to her. I just cannot imagine the manners (or lack of) some people are raised with these days.

Totally agree with the lack of manners from the new generation that has born Internet native.
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Even more unfathomable are the people who actually go to her Instagram and Twitter and make the nasty remarks directly to her. I just cannot imagine the manners (or lack of) some people are raised with these days.

I agree. Some people think that by speaking exactly what's on their mind makes them real and as though everyone else should be impressed by it. I think it's far more intelligent to have a filter and be able to know when is an appropriate time or the appropriate place to say certain things. I agree with @@Fighter's point that I think it's really low and kinda heartless to criticise a tribute that someone's made. She could have made a tiny tribute, a huge over the top tribute or just made a simple speech. We shouldn't question people's emotions in grief and should celebrate that that person made a tribute at all, she didn't have to do anything at all if she didn't want to.I have mountains of respect for M. I'm not gonna say I agree with all her artistic choices, or that I love every song, album, tour withput question (some songs are shit to be honest - not many though) but I'd never have the front to go on Twitter or Instagram and directly critique her. It's just plain rude. People just seem to think they have the right to say whatever they want and that because she's famous that she should accept it. She's a tough cookie and knows what she wants and is determined and driven and people think that she must be able to take any digs as a result. But she's human at the end of the day, not an android. As driven, ambitious and strong as she is I think she's incredibly sensitive and reading nasty things must be reeeeeaallly difficult to take. It's not like people say silly, throwaway comments, they can be really poisonous and personal and no matter how long she's been in the business, taking constant attacks must still sting.
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Totally agree with the lack of manners from the new generation that has born Internet native.


The new generation is probably more celebrity obsessed but older people can be way nastier, and it is less excusable than if youre an immature kid imho.

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I find it unfathomable that can we live an age with zero tolerance for racism and increasingly for homophobia, and yet ageism and particularly ageist misogyny are barely commented upon.A mainstream TV personality writing for a widely-read website would never dare utter the 'N' word or use a person's skin colour against them, and yet constantly mentioning M's age in derogatory manner is somehow permissible. Why and how, I just can't understand. It's beyond vile, but I suspect in years to come, people will look back on Piers Morgan with utter contempt for his obnoxious bigotry.M on the other hand, will be elevated to a visionary artist thinking far beyond her time - a consistent hallmark of most truly 'great' artists. If anything, all the sniping only justifies her existence even more, and for that reason alone, I don't think she's ever been more relevant.Ultimately, I hope all this hatred only stokes her fire even more. In my opinion she's never better than when she's retaliating off the back-foot.

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Before the internet & social media, we got to read the negatives & M attacks from news/magazine/tabloid prints &  watch from tv reports. Now with the online social media platform, it's so easy for people to hide behind the computer & anonymously criticize & spew hate & bully with their over the top negative & hateful posts. Why do people watch an artist's YT just to attack the artist? Or follow the artists they're clearly not fans of just to troll & attack the artists on their FB, IG, Twitter etc. That's just sick & shows how disgusting they are. They themselves don't like it when they get attacked. Case in point: That drwalbh set his IG to private shortly after Madonna's reply followed by other fan replies on his IG.


On the hate spewed at her Prince tribute, that's just heartless, cruel and disrespectful. I can understand someone not liking her voice, her singing, her song choice, but to criticize her farewell tribute to a personal friend of more than 30 years, that's just sick. That's like criticizing someone's eulogy to a loved one at a wake. Thankfully, while most of social media attacked the tribute, we see most of the media praised & supported her tribute.


Regardless, I feel so bad for her. These haters forget that she's human - she's someone's daughter; someone's mother; someone's sister... She has feelings & no matter how tough her public persona is projected, she, like every other human being, can get hurt by ill words.


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I find it unfathomable that can we live an age with zero tolerance for racism and increasingly for homophobia, and yet ageism and particularly ageist misogyny are barely commented upon.A mainstream TV personality writing for a widely-read website would never dare utter the 'N' word or use a person's skin colour against them, and yet constantly mentioning M's age in derogatory manner is somehow permissible. Why and how, I just can't understand. It's beyond vile, but I suspect in years to come, people will look back on Piers Morgan with utter contempt for his obnoxious bigotry.M on the other hand, will be elevated to a visionary artist thinking far beyond her time - a consistent hallmark of most truly 'great' artists. If anything, all the sniping only justifies her existence even more, and for that reason alone, I don't think she's ever been more relevant.Ultimately, I hope all this hatred only stokes her fire even more. In my opinion she's never better than when she's retaliating off the back-foot.



the fight against ageism is just beggining. Hopefully her next album will be the true "Revolution" she promised.

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I wonder why people who hate Madonna so much feel the need to spend their days on a fan forum posting this kind of shit.  You should perhaps get a new hobby that will actually bring positivity into your life.


What a silly thing to say.


I love Madonna and I sometimes find myself disliking her taste levels or creative output.


Sorry if this is a problem for you?

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I don't care who Prince nor Madonna is. I don't care if they're legendary or sacred. Or part of the "trinity of pop"


The only thing I care about is that A HUMAN BEING put their heart and soul to tribute another human being, A FRIEND. So if we feel compelled to spew hateful opinions we need to re-evaluate our values because it is plain disrespectful.


It's not the decent thing to do.


This isn't the Superbowl, nor one of her shows. This is a tribute from a friend to a friend.


Grow the fuck up.


Cool. I like it when music sounds good when it lands on my ears.


That's important for me too.

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I guess it's normal in the face of death to focus on the most trivial stuff.  :thinker: I understand if your behaviour comes from having to deal with someone important in your life who died, but don't lash out on her as she doesn't deserve it. It makes you look really bad. I would never trash a personal tribute wether it is on a public stage or at a funeral or memorial. I hope you're actually coming from a human place, otherwise I have no time for you.

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Just wanted to say again Madonna nailed it, from the the wonderful treatment of Nothing Compares 2 U (love the new arrangement) to singing along with Stevie, the subtle set and dress it was so nice! And replayed that NC2U that if was possible I would have warn down a digital copy. But respect because there is the odd rare time she lips something like Super Bowl, and times in her career she isn't the best singer but always gives it and I always think great. Except for maybe Grammy's 2014, don't go back and listen to that if you want remember it being a nice moment with the weddings. Yikes I remember Open Your Heart being rough but that was nails on chalk, so made up for it here.  :owy:

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