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Songs Sung Live/Songs Lip Synched (Or So I Think :O)

Future Lover

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BAT: Depending on the venue, some songs are sung live or live with vocal assist (EY, CAC, WTP, Vogue)


This is evident in Houston, Dallas, Toronto and London. You can hear Madonna singing with her vocals because at times she's off-key. 


GS: In London (at least), she's singing Erotica live with assist, as well as Fever, and Vogue (she's mixed in lower as the song goes on). JML is lip-synced. There are soundboard recordings to verify this. 


DWT: SFH is lip-synced. 


RIT: She's singing along with vocals on much of the show. 


CT: She sings FL/IFL live for the first performance and then it's lip-synced for the rest of the tour. 


S/ST: CS is sung with vocal assist. I've heard many variations on live performances. 

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Rebel Heart Tour (2015/2016)


Iconic (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Bitch I'm Madonna (Lip Synched; Yells Live)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Holy Water/Vogue (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Devil Pray (Lip Synched)

Body Shop (Lip Synched)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

HeartBreakCity/LDLHAM (Verses Live; Chorus Lip Synched; LDLHAM Sung Live)

Like a Virgin (Lip Synched)

Living for Love (Lip Synched)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Gypsy Medley (Sung Live)

​Who's That Girl (Sung Live)

ALL Special Songs (Sung Live)

Rebel Heart (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Candy Shop (Lip Synched)

Material Girl (Sung Live)

La Vie En Rose (Sung Live)

Unapologetic Bitch (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Holiday (Sung Live)


I haven't seen most of the past tours in ages but saw Body Shop in person and have heard a few times and it's not lip sync - it's the the most un-necessary use of vocoder she's ever done! I give her so much credit because she's never used it to cover up or fix a flaw, it's always been artistic. 

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Express Yourself from BAT MUST have been a difficult sing with all of the dance moves.  I suppose she needed support and it shows when she went into Open Your Heart, she sounded pretty great since she wasn't moving much. Although listening to her opening night in Tokyo, she sand EY live live live and it sounded awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apart from True Blue, Like A Virgin, Dress You Up, the song after that one and La Vie En Rose, it's all backing tapes, sometimes less (HeartBreakCity), sometimes more (Devil Pray). Plus the Into The Groove bit is definitely not live.


EDIT as for the rest, we've had a thread for this already. These things change during the tour, Papa Don't Preach on RIT was live on the first couple of shows then it was lipsynched, Into The Groove was probably lipped sometimes.


If you listen to the final S&ST show of 2008, you'll hear Devil Wouldn't Recognize You & La Isla Bonita were also lipsynched almost completely.

Totally disagree with you on this one in regards to RHT. The show I went to was totally live except for Devil Pray. There was backing here and there, most prominently on Bitch I'm Madonna and Living For Love. I think the chorus of Music was lipped as it is on most of her tours.

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You can find more than a dozen of good quality audio recordings online where you can easily spot that the backing tapes are overpowering her, it's not "here and there". She records songs that have a lot of vocal effects and uptempo singing and she does shows where she does not stand or sit at one spot for two hours so this is the only way she can pull it off now.

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  • 2 months later...

Fixed all the list!

The Virgin Tour (1985)


Dress You Up (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

Everybody (Sung Live)

Angel (Sung Live)

Gambler (Sung Live)

Borderline (Sung Live)

Lucky Star (Sung Live)

Crazy for You (Sung Live)

Over and Over (Sung Live)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin/Billie Jean (Sung Live)

Material Girl (Sung Live)



Who's That Girl World Tour (1987)


Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Lucky Star (Sung Live)

True Blue (Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

White Heat (Sung Live)

Causing a Commotion (Sung Live)

The Look of Love (Sung Live)

Dress You Up/Material Girl/Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Where's the Party (Sung Live)

Live to Tell (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Who's That Girl (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)



Blond Ambition World Tour (1990)


Express Yourself (Sometimes sung Live, sometimes Lip Synched)

Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Causing a Commotion (Sung Live)

Where's the Party (Mostly Lip Synched; Certain Portions of Chorus Live)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Live to Tell/Oh Father (Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

Sooner or Later (Sung Live)

Hanky Panky (Sung Live)

Now I'm Following You (Intentionally Lip Synched)

Material Girl (Sung Live)

Cherish (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

Vogue (Lip Synched)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Keep It Together (Sung Live)



The Girlie Show Tour (1993)


Erotica (Sometimes lip synched, sometimes live)

Fever (Sung Live)

Vogue (Live under loud backing track)

Rain (Sung Live)

Express Yourself (Sung Live)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

Why's It So Hard (Sung Live)

In This Life (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Bye Bye Baby (Sung Partially on Verses; Lipped on Chorus)

I'm Going Bananas (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Justify My Love (Lip Synched)

Everybody Is a Star/Everybody (Sung Live)



Drowned World Tour (2001)


Drowned World/Substitute for Love (Sung Live)

Impressive Instant (Sung Live)

Candy Perfume Girl (Sung Live)

Beautiful Stranger (Sung Live)

Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Frozen (Sung Live)

Open Your Heart Swell/Nobody's Perfect (Sung Live with Vocoder)

Mer Girl I/Sky Fits Heaven/Mer Girl II (Live/Lip Synched/Live)

I Deserve It (Sung Live)

Don't Tell Me (Sung Live)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

The Funny Song (Sung Live)

Secret (Sung Live)

Gone (Sung Live)

Lo Que Siente La Mujer (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Music (Sung Live)



Re-Invention World Tour (2004)


Vogue (Lip Synched, was live once)

Nobody Knows Me (Lip Synched or Vocoder)

Frozen (Sung Live)

American Life (Sung Live)

Express Yourself (Sung Live)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Material Girl (Sung Live)

Hanky Panky (Sung Live)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

Die Another Day (Vocoder or Lip Synched?)

Lament (Sung Live)

Nothing Fails (Sung Live)

Don't Tell Me (Sung Live)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Mother and Father (Sung Live)

Imagine (Sung Live)

​Into the Groove (Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

Crazy for You (Sung Live)

Music (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)



Confessions Tour (2006)


Future Lovers/I Feel Love (Lip Synched, live at the opening show)

Get Together (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Jump (Sometimes the beginning was lip synched, sometimes it was live)

Live to Tell (Sung Live)

Forbidden Love (Sung Live)

Isaac (Sung Live)

Sorry (Lip Synched; last part sung live)

Like it Or Not (Sung Live)

I Love New York (Sung Live )

Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Let it Will Be (Sung live)

Drowned World/Substitute for Love (Sung Live)

Paradise (Not For Me) (Sung Live)

Music Inferno (Sung Live)

Erotica (Lip Synched)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Lucky Star (Sung Live)

Hung Up (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)



Sticky and Sweet Tour (2008/2009)



Candy Shop (Sung Live)

Beat Goes On (Sung Live)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Vogue (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

Heartbeat (Sung Live)

Borderline (Sung Live)

She's Not Me (Sung Live)

Music (Sung Live)

Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (Sung Live)

Spanish Lesson (Sung Live)

Miles Away (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

You Must Love Me (Sung Live)

4 Minutes (Sung Live)

Like a Payer (Sung Live)

Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Hung Up (Sung Live)

Give It 2 Me (Sung Live)



Candy Shop (Sung Live)

Beat Goes On (Sung Live)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Vogue (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Dress You Up (Sung Live)

She's Not Me (Sung Live)

Music (Sung Live)

Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (Sung Live)

Spanish Lesson (Sung Live)

Miles Away (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

You Must Love Me (Sung Live)

4 Minutes (Sung Live)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Frozen (Sung Live)

​Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Give It 2 Me (Sung Live)



The MDNA Tour (2012)


Girl Gone Wild (Lip Synched)

Revolver (Lip Synched or maybe vocoder)

Gang Bang (Lip Synched; First verse and ending Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

Hung Up (Lip Synched)

Express Yourself (Sung Live)

Give Me All Your Luvin' (Lip Synched)

Turn Up the Radio (Sung Live)

Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Masterpiece (Sung Live)

Vogue (Lip Synched)

Erotic Candy Shop (Sung Live)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin Waltz (Sung Live)

Love Spent (Sung Live)

I'm Addicted (Sung Live with Vocoder Assistance)

I'm A Sinner (Sung Live)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Celebration (1rst verse sung Live, Lip Synched Chorus; Give It 2 Me was sung live too)



Rebel Heart Tour (2015/2016)


Iconic (Sung Live with a Vocoder)

Bitch I'm Madonna (First shows live over backing track, then lip synched)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Holy Water/Vogue (Live with loud backing track)

Devil Pray (Live with loud backing track)

Body Shop (Live with vocoder)
True Blue (Sung Live)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

HeartBreakCity/LDLHAM (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Living for Love (Sung live with loud backing track)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Gypsy Medley (Sung Live)

​Who's That Girl (Sung Live)

ALL Special Songs (Sung Live)

Rebel Heart (Sung Live)

Music (Sung Live)

Candy Shop (Sung Live with loud backing track)

Material Girl (Sung Live)

La Vie En Rose (Sung Live)

Unapologetic Bitch (Sung live with loud backing track)

Holiday (Sung Live)

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Open Your Heart from BAT are lip synched sometimes... Cherish and Into The Groove are lip synched in the chorus in most concerts.

Nobody Knows Me and Die Another Day are obviusly lip synched, no vocoder, everytime sound like exactly the same track, and no have sounds of breathing like Nobody's Perfect, or Iconic, etc. Into The Groove from RIT are lip synched, and Papa Don't Preach sometimes...

Music Inferno are lip synched sometimes (and Erotica are live sometimes), Lucky Star / Hung Up are lip synched sometimes with re-recorded vocals. Devil Wouldn't Recognize You are lip synched sometimes, parts of Give It 2 Me as well. The vocoder part of Human Nature are lip synched initially and later are live. Parts of 4 minutes are lip synched in some shows (probabily with the microphone on). Miles Away have the backing track very louder in some shows. Revolver from MDNA Tour are live with a backing track, Express Yourself sometimes are lip synched (especially the Born This Way and She's Not Me part). Turn Up The Radio have the backing track very louder in some shows but always are live, same with Human Nature and I'm A Sinner. I'm Addicted are partially lip synched. Devil Pray are sometimes lip synched, same with Living For Love (I think everytime she have the microphone on, but her voice grew tired). HeartBreakCity have the backing track very louder sometimes, in the first version of Take A Bow she sings over a backing track, and I think she lip synched in some parts. Rebel Heart sometimes is heard as lip synched but is the same case of Living For Love. And the rap of Vogue are lip synched EVERYTIME.

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The MDNA Tour (2012)


Girl Gone Wild (Lip Synched)

Revolver (Lip Synched or maybe vocoder)

Gang Bang (Lip Synched; First verse and ending Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

Hung Up (Lip Synched)

Express Yourself (Sung Live)

Give Me All Your Luvin' (Lip Synched)

Turn Up the Radio (Sung Live)

Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Masterpiece (Sung Live)

Vogue (Lip Synched)

Erotic Candy Shop (Sung Live)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin Waltz (Sung Live)

Love Spent (Sung Live)

I'm Addicted (Sung Live with Vocoder Assistance)

I'm A Sinner (Sung Live)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Celebration (1rst verse sung Live, Lip Synched Chorus; Give It 2 Me was sung live too)



Rebel Heart Tour (2015/2016)


Iconic (Sung Live with a Vocoder)

Bitch I'm Madonna (First shows live over backing track, then lip synched)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Holy Water/Vogue (Live with loud backing track)

Devil Pray (Live with loud backing track)

Body Shop (Live with vocoder)

True Blue (Sung Live)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

HeartBreakCity/LDLHAM (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Living for Love (Sung live with loud backing track)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Gypsy Medley (Sung Live)

​Who's That Girl (Sung Live)

ALL Special Songs (Sung Live)

Rebel Heart (Sung Live)

Music (Sung Live)

Candy Shop (Sung Live with loud backing track)

Material Girl (Sung Live)

La Vie En Rose (Sung Live)

Unapologetic Bitch (Sung live with loud backing track)

Holiday (Sung Live)




The MDNA Tour (2012)


Revolver (Lip Synched)

Express Yourself (Sung Live - Some shows had the chorus lipsynched or full track lipsycnhed except 1,2,3,4)


Also all of Rebel heart Tour have a (not so loud) backing track except for True Blue, all the extra songs and La Vie En Rose

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  • 4 months later...

How can you say that Future Lovers is sung live?

Although I'd love to admit it, this voice is not a real vocal:








Especially if you compare them with the rehearsal audio where you can hear the breathing and the final words of a phrase often cut (for instance "put aside your pride"):


Opening night



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Guest ArthurBadin

How can you say that Future Lovers is sung live?

Although I'd love to admit it, this voice is not a real vocal:








Especially if you compare them with the rehearsal audio where you can hear the breathing and the final words of a phrase often cut (for instance "put aside your pride"):


In some cities, however, she sang FL/IFL instead of lipsynching.

If you hear the audio from Hartford, CT, provided ages ago by Madonnalex, you can hear clearly her off key, barely getting this "not real vocal." If it weren't for Donna, some songs on that concert specificly would be also a total disaster. Maybe M was suffering from flu at that night.

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Cant you guys see how obviously the chorus and bridge in papa dont preach in blond ambition it totally mimed, just listen to Nice with her aweful vocals in the verse than going to perfect chorus that is much harder to sing, really it is so obvious, also chorus in Open your heart and chorus in into the grove are mimed with her singing were silently over it giving it a less obcious miming, plus live backing vocals in those 2 songs make them sound totally live but they are not. But papa dont preach is so obvious, there is such a sharp difference between the live and mimed parts. Most interesting are donna and nikis mimed parts in causing a commotion, express yourself and vogue

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Hi Madonna Infinity fam!


Amazing thread about M's live vocals on all tours!


I did the same exact topic on MadonnaNation with percentage calculations and in-depth analyses on how much M sang live on each tour after hours of research and the people over there think I was crazy for asserting she sang mostly LIVE on her recent tours based on the research I did. I know certain concert dates may have different technicalities but once you hear the sound boards... I was convinced -- and others over at MadonnaNation still discounted that. Lol oh well!


I hope to post that topic as a reply OR just make a new post entirely!


Bottom line is... Madonna uses live vocals like A LOT on her tours even on S&ST and RHT!

Long live Madonna -- one of the greatest live performance artists in history 

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  • 4 weeks later...

If this was posted somewhere else, I will gladly move it to that so as to not junk up the forums. I am gonna down each tour and their set lists and say which ones I believe were sung live and the ones that she lipped. I can be totally wrong on some of these, so PLEASE share your opinions! I mean no hate by this at all! I cannot stress that enough. Sometimes, lip synching is needed!




The Virgin Tour (1985)


Dress You Up (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

Everybody (Sung Live)

Angel (Sung Live)

Gambler (Sung Live)

Borderline (Sung Live)

Lucky Star (Sung Live)

Crazy for You (Sung Live)

Over and Over (Sung Live)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin/Billie Jean (Sung Live)

Material Girl (Sung Live)



Who's That Girl World Tour (1987)


Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Lucky Star (Sung Live)

True Blue (Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

White Heat (Sung Live)

Causing a Commotion (Sung Live)

The Look of Love (Sung Live)

Dress You Up/Material Girl/Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Where's the Party (Sung Live)

Live to Tell (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Who's That Girl (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)



Blond Ambition World Tour (1990)


Express Yourself (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Causing a Commotion (Sung Live)

Where's the Party (Mostly Lip Synched; Certain Portions of Chorus Live)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Live to Tell/Oh Father (Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

Sooner or Later (Sung Live)

Hanky Panky (Sung Live)

Now I'm Following You (Intentionally Lip Synched)

Material Girl (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance on Chorus)

Cherish (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

Vogue (Lip Synched)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Keep It Together (Sung Live)



The Girlie Show Tour (1993)


Erotica (Lip Synched)

Fever (Sung Live)

Vogue (Lip Synched)

Rain (Sung Live)

Express Yourself (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance on Chorus)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

Why's It So Hard (Sung Live)

In This Life (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Bye Bye Baby (Sung Partially on Verses; Lipped on Chorus)

I'm Going Bananas (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Justify My Love (Lip Synched)

Everybody Is a Star/Everybody (Sung Live)



Drowned World Tour (2001)


Drowned World/Substitute for Love (Sung Live)

Impressive Instant (Sung Live)

Candy Perfume Girl (Sung Live)

Beautiful Stranger (Sung Live)

Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Frozen (Sung Live)

Open Your Heart Swell/Nobody's Perfect (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Mer Girl I/Sky Fits Heaven/Mer Girl II (Lip Synched; Live in Certain Portions of Mer Girl)

I Deserve It (Sung Live)

Don't Tell Me (Sung Live)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

The Funny Song (Sung Live)

Secret (Sung Live)

Gone (Sung Live)

Lo Que Siente La Mujer (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)



Re-Invention World Tour (2004)


Vogue (Lip Synched)

Nobody Knows Me (Lip Synched)

Frozen (Sung Live)

American Life (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance; Rap Lip Synched)

Express Yourself (Sung Live With Backing Track Assistance)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Material Girl (Sung Live)

Hanky Panky (Sung Live)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

Die Another Day (Lip Synched)

Lament (Sung Live)

Nothing Fails (Sung Live)

Don't Tell Me (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Mother and Father (Sung Live)

Imagine (Sung Live)

​Into the Groove (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Crazy for You (Sung Live)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Holiday (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)



Confessions Tour (2006)


Future Lovers/I Feel Love (Future Lovers Sung Live; I Feel Love Lip Synched)

Get Together (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Jump (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Live to Tell (Sung Live)

Forbidden Love (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Isaac (Sung Live)

Sorry (Lip Synched)

Like it Or Not (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

I Love New York (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Ray of Light (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Let it Will Be (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Drowned World/Substitute for Love (Sung Live)

Paradise (Not For Me) (Sung Live)

Music Inferno (Lip Synched)

Erotica (Lip Synched)

La Isla Bonita (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Lucky Star (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Hung Up (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)



Sticky and Sweet Tour (2008/2009)



Candy Shop (Lip Synched)

Beat Goes On (Lip Synched)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Vogue (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Lip Synched)

Heartbeat (Lip Synched)

Borderline (Sung Live)

She's Not Me (Sung Live)

Music (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (Lip Synched)

Spanish Lesson (Sung Live)

Miles Away (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

You Must Love Me (Sung Live)

4 Minutes (Lip Synched)

Like a Payer (Sung Live)

Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Hung Up (Sung Live)

Give It 2 Me (Lip Synched)



Candy Shop (Lip Synched)

Beat Goes On (Lip Synched)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Vogue (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Lip Synched)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Dress You Up (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

She's Not Me (Sung Live)

Music (Lip Synched)

Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (Lip Synched)

Spanish Lesson (Sung Live)

Miles Away (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

You Must Love Me (Sung Live)

4 Minutes (Lip Synched)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Frozen (Lip Synched)

​Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Give It 2 Me (Lip Synched)



The MDNA Tour (2012)


Girl Gone Wild (Lip Synched)

Revolver (Lip Synched)

Gang Bang (Lip Synched; Over and Over Ending Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

Hung Up (Lip Synched)

Express Yourself (Sung Live)

Give Me All Your Luvin' (Lip Synched)

Turn Up the Radio (Sung Live)

Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Masterpiece (Sung Live)

Vogue (Lip Synched)

Erotic Candy Shop (Lip Synched)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin Waltz (Sung Live)

Love Spent (Sung Live)

I'm Addicted (Sung Live)

I'm A Sinner (Lip Synched)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Celebration (Lip Synched)



Rebel Heart Tour (2015/2016)


Iconic (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Bitch I'm Madonna (Lip Synched; Yells Live)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Holy Water/Vogue (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Devil Pray (Lip Synched)

Body Shop (Lip Synched)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

HeartBreakCity/LDLHAM (Verses Live; Chorus Lip Synched; LDLHAM Sung Live)

Like a Virgin (Lip Synched)

Living for Love (Lip Synched)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Gypsy Medley (Sung Live)

​Who's That Girl (Sung Live)

ALL Special Songs (Sung Live)

Rebel Heart (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Candy Shop (Lip Synched)

Material Girl (Sung Live)

La Vie En Rose (Sung Live)

Unapologetic Bitch (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Holiday (Sung Live)

some correction on blond ambition. Open your heart has backing track assistance in the chorus, so does Into the groove. Papa dont preach has a mimed chorus and bridge but the verses are live, this is very obvious when she goes from out of tune easy verse to pitch perfect chorus that is difficult to sing.
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Some of this is way off, I have to say the original post is wrong regarding post GS.


DWT: All live except Sky Fits Heaven was mimed. Ray of Light was mimed on Opening Night, as was Nobody's Perfect. No pre-recorded backing vocals, just live backing singers.


RIT: Mimed = Vogue, Nobody Knows Me, American Life (partially), Die Another Day, Papa Don't Preach (after the first few), Into The Groove (after the first few). Live backing vocals (to an extent).


CT: Future Lovers (except opening night), Get Together (Mimed in Fresno only), Jump (partially mimed), Sorry, Music (many shows), Erotica, La Isla Bonita (Fresno only), Lucky Star (most shows), Hung Up (most European/Japanese shows).


S&S: All live, most songs with pre-recorded backing vocals, except Give It 2 Me which was mimed on some shows, as well as the first verse of Into The Groove. Four Minutes was NEVER lip synched.


MDNA: About half of the show.


Rebel Heart: Bitch I'm Madonna (kinda), Devil Pray (loud track), Music (live but barely), Unapologetic Bitch (live but barely), Holiday (possibly lip synched, sounds nothing like the rest of the concert).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Let me try to fix the list. XD



The Virgin Tour (1985)


Dress You Up (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

Everybody (Sung Live)

Angel (Sung Live)

Gambler (Sung Live)

Borderline (Sung Live)

Lucky Star (Sung Live)

Crazy for You (Sung Live)

Over and Over (Sung Live)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin/Billie Jean (Sung Live)

Material Girl (Sung Live)



Who's That Girl World Tour (1987)


Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Lucky Star (Sung Live)

True Blue (Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

White Heat (Sung Live)

Causing a Commotion (Sung Live)

The Look of Love (Sung Live)

Dress You Up/Material Girl/Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Where's the Party (Sung Live)

Live to Tell (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Who's That Girl (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)



Blond Ambition World Tour (1990)


Express Yourself (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Causing a Commotion (Sung Live)

Where's the Party (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance) 
*The Performance in Nice and Barcelona proves that you can still hear her live vocals.*

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Live to Tell/Oh Father (Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

Sooner or Later (Sung Live)

Hanky Panky (Sung Live)

Now I'm Following You (Intentionally Lip Synched)

Material Girl (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance on Chorus)

Cherish (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Sung Live)

Vogue (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Keep It Together (Sung Live)



The Girlie Show Tour (1993)


Erotica (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Fever (Sung Live)

Vogue (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Rain (Sung Live)

Express Yourself (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance on Chorus)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

Why's It So Hard (Sung Live)

In This Life (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live)

Bye Bye Baby (Sung Live on some parts, Partially Lipped on the Chorus)

I'm Going Bananas (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Justify My Love (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance, Live on the Final Part)

Everybody Is a Star/Everybody (Sung Live)



Drowned World Tour (2001)


Drowned World/Substitute for Love (Sung Live)

Impressive Instant (Sung Live)

Candy Perfume Girl (Sung Live)

Beautiful Stranger (Sung Live)

Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Frozen (Sung Live)

Open Your Heart Swell/Nobody's Perfect (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Mer Girl I/Sky Fits Heaven/Mer Girl II (Sung Live, Lip Synched, Sung Live)

I Deserve It (Sung Live)

Don't Tell Me (Sung Live)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

The Funny Song (Sung Live)

Secret (Sung Live)

Gone (Sung Live)

Lo Que Siente La Mujer (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Holiday (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)



Re-Invention World Tour (2004)


Vogue (Lip Synched)

Nobody Knows Me (Lip Synched)

Frozen (Sung Live)

American Life (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance; Rap Lip Synched)

Express Yourself (Sung Live With Backing Track Assistance)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Material Girl (Sung Live)

Hanky Panky (Sung Live)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

Die Another Day (Lip Synched)

Lament (Sung Live)

Nothing Fails (Sung Live)

Don't Tell Me (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Mother and Father (Sung Live)

Imagine (Sung Live)

​Into the Groove (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance, Lipped on the last few dates of the tour)

Crazy for You (Sung Live)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Holiday (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)



Confessions Tour (2006)


Future Lovers/I Feel Love (Future Lovers Sung Live; I Feel Love Lip Synched but Sung Live in the opening concert)

Get Together (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Jump (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Live to Tell (Sung Live)

Forbidden Love (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Isaac (Sung Live)

Sorry (Lip Synched)

Like it Or Not (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

I Love New York (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Ray of Light (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Let it Will Be (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Drowned World/Substitute for Love (Sung Live)

Paradise (Not For Me) (Sung Live)

Music Inferno (Lip Synched)

Erotica (Lip Synched)

La Isla Bonita (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Lucky Star (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Hung Up (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)



Sticky and Sweet Tour (2008/2009)



Candy Shop (Lip Synched)

Beat Goes On (Lip Synched)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Vogue (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Lip Synched)

Heartbeat (Lip Synched)

Borderline (Sung Live)

She's Not Me (Sung Live)

Music (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (Lip Synched)

Spanish Lesson (Sung Live)

Miles Away (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

You Must Love Me (Sung Live)

4 Minutes (Lip Synched)

Like a Payer (Sung Live)

Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Hung Up (Sung Live)

Give It 2 Me (Lip Synched)



Candy Shop (Lip Synched)

Beat Goes On (Lip Synched)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Vogue (Sung Live)

Into the Groove (Lip Synched)

Holiday (Sung Live)

Dress You Up (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

She's Not Me (Sung Live)

Music (Lip Synched)

Devil Wouldn't Recognize You (Lip Synched)

Spanish Lesson (Sung Live)

Miles Away (Sung Live)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

You Must Love Me (Sung Live)

4 Minutes (Lip Synched)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Frozen (Lip Synched)

​Ray of Light (Sung Live)

Give It 2 Me (Lip Synched)



The MDNA Tour (2012)


Girl Gone Wild (Lip Synched)

Revolver (Live on the Shoutout with the Vocoder, Lip Synched on the entire song)

Gang Bang (Lip Synched; Monologue Ending Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

Hung Up (Lip Synched)

Express Yourself (Sung Live)

Give Me All Your Luvin' (Lip Synched)

Turn Up the Radio (Sung Live)

Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Masterpiece (Sung Live)

Vogue (Lip Synched)

Erotic Candy Shop (Sung Live on some dates, Lipped on other dates)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin Waltz (Sung Live)

Love Spent (Sung Live)

I'm Addicted (Sung Live)

I'm A Sinner (Lip Synched)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Celebration (Lip Synched)



Rebel Heart Tour (2015/2016)


Iconic (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Bitch I'm Madonna (Sung Live with Vocoder)

Burning Up (Sung Live)

Holy Water/Vogue (Partially Live, Partially Lipped)

Devil Pray (Lip Synched)

Body Shop (Sung Live with Vocoder)

Deeper and Deeper (Sung Live)

HeartBreakCity/LDLHAM (Verses Live; Chorus Lip Synched; LDLHAM Sung Live)

Like a Virgin (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance) 

Living for Love (Lip Synched)

La Isla Bonita (Sung Live)

Gypsy Medley (Sung Live)

​Who's That Girl (Sung Live)

ALL Special Songs (Sung Live)

Rebel Heart (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Music (Sung Live with Backing Track Assistance)

Candy Shop (Lip Synched)

Material Girl (Sung Live)

La Vie En Rose (Sung Live)

Unapologetic Bitch (Partially Live; Partially Lipped)

Holiday (Sung Live)

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I'm not sure she did lip synched in Revolver. What about the show in Rome when the vocoder didn't start in the begining of the song?


woow, i have never seen this :hearteyes:

But that could also be a proof for a mic error. Maybe somebody forgot to turn her mic off. It seems weird to me that in every show her vocoder screaming like "Whats up xxx" "are you ready" "dont fuck with the queen" sounded always pretty messy, and overloaded with vocoder, but her revolver singing, suddenly, is just perfect.... still think it was playback

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The MDNA Tour (2012)


Girl Gone Wild (Lip Synched)

Revolver (Live on the Shoutout with the Vocoder, Lip Synched on the entire song)

Gang Bang (Lip Synched; Monologue Ending Sung Live)

Papa Don't Preach (Sung Live)

Hung Up (Lip Synched)

Express Yourself (Sung Live)

Give Me All Your Luvin' (Lip Synched)

Turn Up the Radio (Sung Live)

Open Your Heart (Sung Live)

Masterpiece (Sung Live)

Vogue (Lip Synched)

Erotic Candy Shop (Sung Live on some dates, Lipped on other dates)

Human Nature (Sung Live)

Like a Virgin Waltz (Sung Live)

Love Spent (Sung Live)

I'm Addicted (Sung Live)

I'm A Sinner (Lip Synched)

Like a Prayer (Sung Live)

Celebration (Lip Synched)




If we are going to be that petty, we should add that not just the ending, but also the start of Gang Bang was sung live. As proof for that we got the Voice Mixdown. Playback starts at "I tought it was you..."

For Celebration, the start was live and playback started at "Put your arms around me.."


Also I would like to add that I love the fact, that she uses pre-recorded live vocals, instead of the Original Studio Version, like some other Pop star starting with "Bri" and ending with "ears" :) :) :) :) :) :)

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