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Well Produced Madonna Impersonation

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I'd say it's the show that is well done, the lightings, dancers etc... the impersonnators (cause maybe there are several) and most of all how they impersonnate "Madonna" i cannot tell because it's from far away and we cannot get to see anything, just a few dancing. We cannot get to see face etc... If they do look like her, eye contact, charisma etc here i cannot tell. A good show but i cannot say if it's a good impersonnating or not.

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Great production, but Madonna has something really masculine when she is sexy and when she dance. 

She uses a lots her core and legs/shoulders and that dancer is about hips, it smooths down Madonna's natural tempo. Less feline.

You can notice when she walks the stairs up, she swings her butt side to side, Madonna will swing more the shoulders.

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Great production value! 

Some things only work when you ARE Madonna tho. Singing Like a Prayer while just walking around and then having a sing a long break down doesn't really work when you are not her. I would also argue the whole Like a Virgin performance too. While the orginal performance is artsy by itself, it isn't that entertaining when it doesn't have Madonna in it. 


GGW was really well done though. 


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