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Angela Becker issues

Honey Little

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On 4/24/2024 at 6:39 PM, Angela Becker said:

Here are the facts from an insider, and who was there at the time:

Madonna was quietly having an affair with Stuart Price from 2004. M would go to his apartment in Little Venice where they worked on the album, and each other. The Mirror covered this in a front page piece in 2005, they alleged an affair...look it up.

Angela was obsessed with M and being her. Her narcissism and grandiosity is greater the M's, if that is possible. She started fucking Stuart at some point between 2005-2009. (Obviously I wasn't in the room when this happened so don't know exactly when it started). Basically she wanted to parasitically own M's life, there was a very weird single white female type of dynamic going on with Angela. She a very plain jane, masculine looking woman..her skin was very bad when she started with M ( The poiint is that M consciously avoided hiring attractive women when she was married to guy)

In 2009 Angela became pregnant the Stuarts child. When M found out, she understandably went ballistic, but obviously could not say or do anything publicly. Especially as she bought Stuart a large house in Lisson Grove and paid for a full refurbishment for their love-nest. 

When M found out, she fired Angela, Stuart and the band, except Monty.

If this isn't true, why did she fire everyone at the same time? The BS about Angela wanting to start a life is etc, is just that, BS. You think she couldn't manage M alongside Guy O, from London, NY or LA? Makes no sense, would she really give up the greatest selling female artist that easily, and manage the pet shop boys instead? Think about it.

Angela also fucked M contractually and ensured M signed a contract where Angela was paid royalties on future work for a very long time. How do you think Angela paid for her large house in Little Venice?

M  made sure Angela was blacklisted in the industry.

What has she actually done for the PSB? and why no more clients? What has Angela actually done since then?

Edit: 'She's not me' is about Angela...read the lyrics..it'll be obvious with the info I just gave above.

Also, I couldn't understand why M decided to work with Stuart again, she's not the forgive and forget type...the opposite really, M is spiteful. There was no way she'd work with Stuart and have Angela benefit or be associated with her again. I hear she and Stuart may have divorced...that sounds very likely and it'd be an FU from Madonna, and ''taking back' what was hers, she may have hired Stuart solely to spite Angela..  yes she's that petty and vindictive. Im sure M brought Stuart back into the fold..in more ways than one...not surprised Madonna got the last laugh...this scenario makes perfect sense, and is very likely.



You should spaek more. You are the real deal.

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