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Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024

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It's ironic to say the least when a person with a racist attitude tries to teach you how to feel after offending. Let's just say black people forget the word Nigger instead of trying to be a more decent person next time. How much ignorance.... it's no wonder they are the way they are....there's no point in replying any further, I don't discuss racism, racism is punishable.

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Alongside Itaú, Heineken will be at Madonna's show in Brazil
Beer brand appears in the invitation to the press conference about the show on Copacabana Beach, which will be held on Monday, 25


In invitation sent to the press on the afternoon of this Friday, the 22nd, further increased expectations surrounding the performance of the singer Madonna's show on Copacabana Beach, in Rio de Janeiro.

Next Monday, the 25th, Copacabana Palace will host a press conference promoted by Bonus Track, Rio de Janeiro City Hall and Rio de Janeiro State Government. The invitation says that the subject discussed at the event will be a “show on Copacabana Beach”, but does not mention the singer or the date of the performance.

One point that draws attention to the press conference invitation is that another brand appears, alongside Itaú, as responsible for the press conference. Heineken, together with the bank and public institutions, is also organizing the press conference for the event.

Until then, only Itaú was connected to Madonna's arrival in Brazil. This Thursday, the 21st, the bank posted a video on social media in which Madonna tells Brazilian fans that she is arriving. The video was also shown on open TV.

Despite confirming the singer's arrival, Itaú is still mysterious about the date and style of the show. The bank created a special page on its website, which shows the commercial with Madonna and says that it will soon have news for Itaú customers.

A few weeks ago, however, rumors emerged that Madonna would perform at Copacabana Beach, in Rio de Janeiro, on May 4, at the bank's invitation. The information was given by journalist Lauro Jardim's column in the newspaper O Globo.

Madonna is one of the stars of the campaign to celebrate Itaú's 100th anniversary and starred in a commercial in which she talks about personality and longevity.



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9 minutes ago, Rosita The chihuahua said:

It's ironic to say the least when a person with a racist attitude tries to teach you how to feel after offending. Let's just say black people forget the word Nigger instead of trying to be a more decent person next time. How much ignorance.... it's no wonder they are the way they are....there's no point in replying any further, I don't discuss racism, racism is punishable.

He didn’t offend if you want to be offended it’s on you 

I would recommend X twitter is more fun for this kind of discourse 

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34 minutes ago, scallywally said:

Re edit the girlie show and cut out BIM from RHT! Im now flying the ultra woke flag. I do apologize. Cancel Madonna its easier. 

I was just thinking about that section on RHT during Unapologetic Bitch and she offers the banana to guest who goes on stage?  Did she offer it to any Brazilians who got on stage with her?  Did they get offended?  I don't recall anyone getting upset?  I know she didn't bring the show to Brazil, but people travel world-wide, but would people have gotten greatly upset if she did do a show there and continued to offer a banana?  To me, this is someone looking to be offended!  :eyes:

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4 hours ago, karlafalves said:

Hello dear.

First of all, I do believe that it was not your intention to be racist with your comment, so I'm not here to fight :)

But, as a Brazilian myself, I think it's better to explain to you (and to the rest of the people here in the forum who are not Brazilian) why the use of the word "banana(s)" in conversations where Brazil is in the context may sound racist to us, even if it is unintentionally :cute:

One of the most common ways to be racist against a Brazilian person is to call him/her "monkey", because we are both a tropical country and a country where more than half of the population is black. It's not difficult to see/hear/watch soccer fans from Europe, or even from other countries in South America, calling Brazilian soccer players "monkey" or even throwing bananas into the field towards them during the matches, for example. If you Google a bit, you will find news about such cases pretty easily. It's the way that racists found to be racist against us without using a word :sad:

When I read your comment, I realized that you were making a pun with the song "I'm Going Bananas" (am I right?), because I'm a Madonna's fan and I know the song. But if you were here in Brazil and used such pun outside the fanbase community, you would probably be accused of being racist :stare:

So I advise you to be more careful with the words "banana(s)", "monkey(s)" and similar ones when talking about Brazil and/or to Brazilian people, because it might sound racist to the person you're talking to, even if it was not your intention :angel:


I live in Argentina and we always shout “monkey!” at the Brazilian players in soccer games. It’s not meant to be racist to my knowledge.image.png.9b354bd0d0fdaa6d546d7332c7f412c5.png

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20 minutes ago, Andymad said:

So I haven't peeked at her schedule... how much time does she have in between the last show to the show in Brazil? And I wonder where exactly we'll have to tune into for the supposed live broadcast? Like will it be available through YouTube or a website?

Again, nothing has been stated officially. All we know it's supposedly happening. It seems there may be a week or so between the Mexico last date and this event.  Still, nothing has officially been confirmed. :)

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2 hours ago, Honey Little said:


Instead of making these misleading trolling posts, why not share FACTUAL info that backs up your claim. I'm open to info I may have missed but so far other than knowing she's got a gig in Brazil possibly in May, nothing else has been confirmed!!

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In several hours we will get a few more details from the press conference. Hoping someone from Madonna’s team comes. And if Madonna can join via video conference, that would be great to. The only thing I really need to know is if it will be May 4th or not. I arrive on May 3rd. If it’s on another day, I want to change my ticket and lodging ASAP.

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