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Madonna's Social Influence and Brand Assessment Post-Celebration Tour in Rio de Janeiro


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Dear Madonnainfinity Members,

I am reaching out to request your valuable assistance in pilot-testing a questionnaire for an upcoming research project. Your feedback, suggestions, and insights are crucial in ensuring the questionnaire's clarity and effectiveness.

This research aims to explore Madonna's influence on shaping social groups, as well as assess the value and equity of her brand following the remarkable finale of her Celebration Tour in Rio de Janeiro. Although these are two separate research objectives, this is a unique opportunity for people to respond to a questionnaire like this. I believe there is an advantage in hardcore and casual fans wanting to talk about Madonna.

I aim to bring Madonna back into the academic research arena, with the goal of publishing the findings of this research in scientific magazines in America and Europe.

Your participation in this pilot test will be instrumental in achieving this objective, and this phase will be mentioned in the final research report.

If there are any confusing parts, suggestions, or issues with the flow of the pilot test, please let me know. The final questionnaire will be distributed through Facebook fan pages with the intention of reaching a very wide audience, which could provide valuable insights to make this research more appealing to the scientific academic community.

Thank you in advance for your support and valuable input.


@Jackie@Enricoand @RUADJAIif this isnt the place to share this please move it. I think theres a big chance of getting published and mentioning Madonnainfinity as part of the reseach ;) 

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39 minutes ago, androiduser said:

Do you expect Madonna fans to give reasonably objective answers? Will you contact non-fans who attended the show? I think you need a much, much larger non-biased group of participants.

No, that would be the first mistake in a research.

I can’t reach non fans who attended the show, but I can reach people who has been exposed to social and traditional media

This is just the pilotage phase to check if the questionnaire is understood, doesn’t have a major problem, or needs any tweaks to be done before going into a larger scale, including fans and non fans  

if you could check it out and give me your feedback I would be eternally grateful 🙏🏼

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As an ex social anthropoloy student and still a big passionate supporter, I had so many problems with sociology cathegories :lol: It was such a tough experience man but I did it, I answered to all the 40 :Madonna009:

Anyway, I had problems with some questions from sections 1 and 2 but I was able to arrange for a plausible answer. In some cases of the third part I didn't find any possible option to flag so, I don't know if useful, but I try to share what I mean with some examples:

my answer at the 13th would have pointed out the creative and artistic qualities about how the show was conceived and the ability to represent such a long career with a single impactful performance (I looked for an answer that was centred on the artistic sides of the show, to get something close to my personal answer as I did on previous questions, but I did not  find it: there are options about the crowd, M's performance, the production or the energy); there was not a "NO" option on the 15th; I'm afraid I'm not sure I understood the request of the 26th (I answered anyway); about the 29th I think that it impacted differently for different kind of people, I didn't find my option, so I answered it had a neutral effect but you see how different it is.

Maybe just adding an "other" option could save desperate cases like mine :lol:


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6 minutes ago, stefo said:

As am ex social anthropoloy student and still a big passionate supporter, I had so many problems with sociology cathegories :lol: It was such a tough experience man but I did it, I answered to all the 40 :Madonna009:

Anyway, I had problems with some questions from sections 1 and 2 but I was able to arrange for a plausible answer. In some cases of the third part I didn't find any possible option to flag so, I don't know if useful, but I try to share what I mean with some examples:

my answer at the 13th would have pointed out the creative and artistic qualities about how the show was conceived and the ability to represent such a long career with an impactful performance (I looked for an answer that was centred on the artistic sides of the show, to get something close to my personal answer as I did on previous questions, but I did not  find it: there are options about the crowd, M's performance, the production or the energy); there was not a "NO" option on the 15th; I'm afraid I'm not sure I understood the request of the 26th (I answered anyway); about the 29th I think that it impacted differently for different kind of people, I didn't find my option, so I answered it had a neutral effect but you see how different it is.

Maybe just adding an "other" option could save desperate cases like mine :lol:


@stefothank you very much for the input, I’ll check all the the feedback, there seems to be a problem with question 26, I’ll get to work on the consolidation of answers of sections 1 and 2. And the other “bracket” suggestion is 💯👍🏼

Thank you again, it’s tough to get this phase consolidated but all this is part of the whole process 🙏🏼

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4 hours ago, steady75 said:

Gay is historically / still the umbrella term no ? A lot of the community have an issue with the word queer. 

you are right, I hate the Q word.  It brings up a lot of trauma for me from my youth.  People say to me, reclaim the word. Easy said. 

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10 hours ago, godonna said:

Why is there no option for "gay" without a load of other groups attached? She is a gay icon, and absolutely not a lesbian icon.

So you mean that where applies, there should be a bracket specifically for Gay men and another for the rest of the GBTQ+ community? 

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13 hours ago, Pedro Beltran said:

What do you mean @steady75?

Just mean that most people still use the word Gay to identify someone who is exclusively attracted and sexually active to someone of the same sex, rather than the word Queer which has lots of historical connotations of being odd or othered. I know the community has tried to reclaim it much like the N word but as with that slur some people still don’t wish for it to be used to refer to them even within the community. 

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1 hour ago, stefo said:

Reading the notes about and the use of the cathegories involved is so interesting actually: brand, slut, queer, gay, icon, community ... 

jajajaja I know. The thing is that I needed to do just one questionnaire for both of the research objectives. It would complicate things if I do two different ones 

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18 minutes ago, Pedro Beltran said:

jajajaja I know. The thing is that I needed to do just one questionnaire for both of the research objectives. It would complicate things if I do two different ones 

Of course of course, you are doing your job :cute:

It's mainly about the comments here in the thread, that open so many other layers, often not specifically M related. Interesting, thank you!

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