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I am madonna

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    I am madonna got a reaction from DoneGone in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    I'm really happy but at the same time I'm really upset that if Madonna's useless team had done everything in the time it would have been a way much higher on the charts!!
    Anyway, we were able to see this result thanks to you Prayer, me and many other enthusiastic, rational fans constantly pointing out how incompetent Madonna's useless team is.
  2. Thanks
    I am madonna reacted to DoneGone in Madonna's Spotify Progress   
    Her current Spotify Top 10 already reflects the "Like A Prayer" merging, meaning the album version becomes the main "LAP" version highlighted, instead of the "Celebration" version:

    Which feels just RIGHT.
  3. Thanks
    I am madonna reacted to DoneGone in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    Cool X post from the official UK charts account:
  4. Like
    I am madonna reacted to RUADJAI in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
  5. Thanks
    I am madonna reacted to DoneGone in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    UK Top 40 = more exposure; more exposure = more growth.
    This has the chance to keep steady next week.
  6. Thanks
    I am madonna got a reaction from Anapausis in Celebration Tour - Second leg?   
    Well, If her plan to make a her biopic fails again, then there's possiblitiy she will tour again. Or, on the contrary, she may tour again if she makes a good movie and the movie becomes a box office hit.
  7. Thanks
    I am madonna got a reaction from stefo in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    It's normal to feel that way. The reason you feel that way is because you've seen Madonna's face worse than that since then for a long time. There's a paper on excessive plastic surgery and psychiatry and I'll explain it to you.
    1.This is a normal face without plastic surgery.

    2.This is the face of the first stage of plastic surgery.

    3. Comparing the above two faces, most people think the first stage of plastic surgery is more beautiful than the one before plastic surgery.

    4. And this is the second stage of plastic surgery.

    5. Let's compare the first stage of plastic surgery with the second stage of plastic surgery. Here, people's opinions are divided according to taste. Some say the first stage is more beautiful, while others say the second stage is more beautiful. Because up to this point, it is not a very excessive plastic surgery, but an acceptable level of plastic surgery, so the evaluation is divided according to taste.

    6. And This is the third stage of plastic surgery. It has definitely started to cross the line now. People start to feel sorry for that look, saying, "Ewwww" "Why?" 

    7. Comparing the second stage of plastic surgery with third stage. Most people feel the second stage is more beautiful. And people say she had to stop plastic surgery at the second stage. And People say, "Why did she ruin that beautiful face herself!!"

    8. But that's not the end. Let's look at the fourth stage of plastic surgery. Yeah.. It looks like terrible and horrible photoshopped photos that Ricardo creates. People just sigh. "OH... MY... GOD...Why? Why? Ewwwww"

    9.And Here comes a very Very interesting point. Let's compare the third and fourth stages of plastic surgery.

     Until they saw the horrific images of stage four, people thought stage three would be the worst. But those who are accustomed to seeing stage four, which is even more dreadful than that, are now beginning to misthink that stage three face look normal and beautiful when they look at photos from stage three!
    You guys are So critical at that time but now that photo FEEL looks so beautiful? You may not want to admit it, but the reason you feel that way is Because you've gotten used to her much worse plastic surgery face (plus Useless Riacrdo's horrible photoshope photos) since that picture.
  8. Like
    I am madonna reacted to Drownedboy in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Totally. I prefer the first one. Period.
  9. Dead
    I am madonna reacted to DiegoLCL in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    WTF have this topic turned into? FFS............
  10. Wow
    I am madonna got a reaction from pawn_shop_blues in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    It's normal to feel that way. The reason you feel that way is because you've seen Madonna's face worse than that since then for a long time. There's a paper on excessive plastic surgery and psychiatry and I'll explain it to you.
    1.This is a normal face without plastic surgery.

    2.This is the face of the first stage of plastic surgery.

    3. Comparing the above two faces, most people think the first stage of plastic surgery is more beautiful than the one before plastic surgery.

    4. And this is the second stage of plastic surgery.

    5. Let's compare the first stage of plastic surgery with the second stage of plastic surgery. Here, people's opinions are divided according to taste. Some say the first stage is more beautiful, while others say the second stage is more beautiful. Because up to this point, it is not a very excessive plastic surgery, but an acceptable level of plastic surgery, so the evaluation is divided according to taste.

    6. And This is the third stage of plastic surgery. It has definitely started to cross the line now. People start to feel sorry for that look, saying, "Ewwww" "Why?" 

    7. Comparing the second stage of plastic surgery with third stage. Most people feel the second stage is more beautiful. And people say she had to stop plastic surgery at the second stage. And People say, "Why did she ruin that beautiful face herself!!"

    8. But that's not the end. Let's look at the fourth stage of plastic surgery. Yeah.. It looks like terrible and horrible photoshopped photos that Ricardo creates. People just sigh. "OH... MY... GOD...Why? Why? Ewwwww"

    9.And Here comes a very Very interesting point. Let's compare the third and fourth stages of plastic surgery.

     Until they saw the horrific images of stage four, people thought stage three would be the worst. But those who are accustomed to seeing stage four, which is even more dreadful than that, are now beginning to misthink that stage three face look normal and beautiful when they look at photos from stage three!
    You guys are So critical at that time but now that photo FEEL looks so beautiful? You may not want to admit it, but the reason you feel that way is Because you've gotten used to her much worse plastic surgery face (plus Useless Riacrdo's horrible photoshope photos) since that picture.
  11. Like
    I am madonna got a reaction from littlestartman in Celebration Tour - Second leg?   
    Well, If her plan to make a her biopic fails again, then there's possiblitiy she will tour again. Or, on the contrary, she may tour again if she makes a good movie and the movie becomes a box office hit.
  12. Like
    I am madonna reacted to DoneGone in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    That's the official UK charts website https://www.officialcharts.com/
    There's no logic to the use of the covers within their charts, sometimes they are the right single covers, others from the album, others random covers from the Internet, whatever. Don't think too much about it, they probably took whatever they found first.
  13. Like
    I am madonna reacted to DoneGone in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    Smal country? Who cares?
    UK is the third biggest music market in the world, only behind the US and Japan. Don't be ignorant.
    It is a huge achievement.
  14. Thanks
    I am madonna reacted to DoneGone in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    "Like A Prayer" up to #27 this week in the UK charts, thanks to the EP release:
    Again: we (the complainers) were right, obviously.

    Now let's enjoy this B coming back to the UK Top 30 and celebrate!
  15. Like
    I am madonna reacted to JustinTimes in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    Like A Prayer is at number 27 in the UK charts 😮
  16. Like
    I am madonna got a reaction from Orko in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    This! This! This! Amen!!!!!!!
    Seriously!! I mean Seriously!!!
    Some moron would claim that Madonna is the boss and these useless team are Madonna's employees, so the reason they didn't merge the songs is because Madonna didn't want to merge the songs on spotiy.

  17. Like
    I am madonna got a reaction from Orko in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    Oh my god this version is such a fucking great! I'm dancing now!!!
  18. Like
    I am madonna got a reaction from Orko in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    It's too late but we won!!!
    Madonna's useless team fainally did it after two weeks later!!!
    This is on madonna's official youtube channel And I will not post the other one (choir version) because it's on random nobody's youtube channel.
  19. Like
    I am madonna got a reaction from Drownedboy in How Important Are Madonna’s Lyrics to Non-English Speakers?   
    This is a little different topic from this topic, but it is very interesting when my reaction is different from that of people who are native to English.
    For example I really like American Life rap part. But almost all native English speakers seem to hate the rap part.
    If English is my first language, I always wonder and really curious that I would hate that part like them.
  20. Like
    I am madonna got a reaction from Aiwa08 in How Important Are Madonna’s Lyrics to Non-English Speakers?   
    This is a little different topic from this topic, but it is very interesting when my reaction is different from that of people who are native to English.
    For example I really like American Life rap part. But almost all native English speakers seem to hate the rap part.
    If English is my first language, I always wonder and really curious that I would hate that part like them.
  21. Like
  22. Like
    I am madonna got a reaction from DoneGone in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    The underlying reason why Madonna's rational and intelligent fans are angry is NOT whether the song went higher in chart or not, or whether she can make more money or not.
    Madonna's rational, intelligent fans are angry because of Madonna's INCOMPETENT and USELESS team who didn't do anything right, even though they could have done enough if they had the will to do it.
    There is a fundamental huge difference between what you didn't do because you couldn't.
    And what you didn't do even though you could have done enough.
    Madonna's INCOMPETENT and USELESS team is the latter.
    Maybe some stupid morons claim that So many Madonna's music videos are still in 240p poor quality and 480p poor quality because Madonna is the boss and they're just the employee, And they did not change it to high quality video Because That's tha Boss Madonna's will.  And some morons insist that Madonna's USELESS team did not merge the songs from multiple versions on spotify into one is also because Madonna has ordered them not to do it.
    Are you fucking delusional? Madonna is old generation. She does not well know about how work thease stream site. That's why she hired employees. To Take care of that.  But it seems like Madonna's USELESS team also no idea about how work stream sites at all.
    Madonna needs to fire all of her INCOMPETENT and USELESS teams right now and hire people who know the new system very well.  Right now. Period. 
    The Queen of Pop deserves to have competent and Professional staff.
  23. Like
    I am madonna got a reaction from Cyber-Raga in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    This. Period. Thank you!
    seriously? Intentional? 
    So the Madonna's USELESS team "INTENTIONALLY" didn't turn the Like a prayer music video into a 1080p quality.
    And Madonna's USELESS team "INTENTIONALLY" refuse to put merge different versions of Like a prayer, so it causing Deadpool fans to give up and refuse to listen to the songs when they couldn't find the movie version.
    If their "INTENTIONAL" intentions were so successful, why did they rush to release a movie version of the EP until two weeks later? 
    If their "INTENTIONAL" intentions were so successful, They should NOT have released this Movie version EP. Right? Because That  Make people search for it in her catalog, according to that nonsence stupid idiotic useless theory. But in reality, no one did it and eventually Madonna's USELESS team rushed to release the Movie version EP after two weeks.

    If Madonna's USELESS team did this SABOTAGE INTETIONALLY, it would prove their incompetence, and they should all be fired immediately. Period.
  24. Like
    I am madonna got a reaction from DoneGone in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    This. Period. Thank you!
    seriously? Intentional? 
    So the Madonna's USELESS team "INTENTIONALLY" didn't turn the Like a prayer music video into a 1080p quality.
    And Madonna's USELESS team "INTENTIONALLY" refuse to put merge different versions of Like a prayer, so it causing Deadpool fans to give up and refuse to listen to the songs when they couldn't find the movie version.
    If their "INTENTIONAL" intentions were so successful, why did they rush to release a movie version of the EP until two weeks later? 
    If their "INTENTIONAL" intentions were so successful, They should NOT have released this Movie version EP. Right? Because That  Make people search for it in her catalog, according to that nonsence stupid idiotic useless theory. But in reality, no one did it and eventually Madonna's USELESS team rushed to release the Movie version EP after two weeks.

    If Madonna's USELESS team did this SABOTAGE INTETIONALLY, it would prove their incompetence, and they should all be fired immediately. Period.
  25. Thanks
    I am madonna got a reaction from pawn_shop_blues in Madonna LIKE A PRAYER (Deadpool) EP OUT NOW!!   
    Madonna's USELESS team and delusional people They both deserve this clapping.

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