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Unapologetic Bitches
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About Ayham

  • Birthday 06/08/1995

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  • Location
    LA / Dubai
  • M Fan Since

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  1. So what's next? Instagram? Horrible feeling... I had the same experience but with Twitter / X back in 2019... they suspended my M account with over 100k of followers without even sending me any warnings. Since then I stopped using all these shitty platforms except IG. Waste of time and effort for nothing.
  2. OK it's getting little creepy... she's trying hard to be something...
  3. Thank God she didn't fall!!! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_wjZ0pMrFO/?igsh=MXFiNnBpMW5rbnliMg==
  4. Please guys the face looks just fine, wayyyy better than the PUFF swollen years...
  5. Lol asking fans about a release that they suppose to know everything about. Simply a little dig in the archive, they suppose to post the pic with facts about it not asking random people how much it's worth so they can sell? 💀💀💀
  6. This account is a joke. Remember when they said M was not happy when fans mentioned the next release of a lame boring digital thing? I'm sure M doesn't know of their existence... I'm sure the one manging the account is either an early 20's guy who knows nothing about legacy artists or a grandpa. 🤣
  7. We can't deny the fact that M was the reason of making the halfshow interesting again.
  8. I'll be honest, yes she did why? Because pre M I didn't really care about this thing at all, to the point of not knowing of its existence. 😆😅 now after M show I started to watch it year after year and none of the headliners did something interesting... yes maybe JLO / SHAKIRA was great but the rest just boring, including Gaga / B / Katy and the lame one ass movement RiRii. Also the shows before M were soooo weak including MJ.
  9. I heard the lyrics includes this: to shine to shine TO SHINE ✨
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