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Alex JLR

Unapologetic Bitches
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    Alex JLR reacted to deathproof in Madame X Tour DVD   
    No, she did not.
  2. Haha
    Alex JLR reacted to Andreo in Madame X Tour DVD   
    "none of this is real" 
  3. Haha
    Alex JLR reacted to deathproof in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Madonna fans : Stop filtering and editing the photos!
    Ricardo : EAT A DICK!
  4. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to devilpray in Madame X Tour DVD   
    There are so many amazing things and details about this release but THE ADLIBS AND HARMONIES ON AMERICAN LIFE
  5. Haha
    Alex JLR reacted to Ali Khafaji in Madame X Tour DVD   

  6. Like
    Alex JLR got a reaction from VogueMusic in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I just watched the show, I loved it ! It's very different than her previous ones, and the edit is too. We don't have the epileptic cuts from MDNA or Rebel Heart, even with the clip cuts, it's kinda smooth. The light and the colors are great, no strange filters. The only things that bother me was the audio quality of the spoken parts and the hairdo she has during some shots of Vogue, but this is one is just a detail. 
    One of the highlight for me : Extreme Occident ! The scenography : brilliant ! You can add Frozen and I Rise to that list

    Now I have to find a super good audio rip from it to make my own version of the live album, some things needs to be cut (Breathwork I'm watching you) and some songs needs to be add. I hope we'll also get the whole show, with Sodade etc to create an even more perfect live album 
  7. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to MonsieurX in Live album on streaming Friday   
    I am glad we got a live album this time around. I gave it a listen and was mildly satisfied with the arrangement.
    I personally wasn’t fond of some of the weird edits between songs and the speeches made the show magical. I was able to work some magic in Logic Pro on my Mac and create a version for my personal iTunes library.
    (Per forum rules I WILL NOT be sharing for obvious copyright reasons. Respectfully, do not ask.)
  8. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Scottyx in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Good thing not everyone takes life serious
  9. Like
    Alex JLR got a reaction from New_Boy in Madame X Tour DVD   
    After ripping the audio I cut it to enhance the live album to my personal taste. I ended with a shorter one, without the long typewriter intro, some speeches or their LQ parts. I add the Batuka intro and deleted Breathwork. It may not be perfect but I can't wait to hear it again this way :P
  10. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Chris in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Batuka was anothe highlight, how could i forget
  11. Like
    Alex JLR got a reaction from Curtains in Madame X Tour DVD   
    After ripping the audio I cut it to enhance the live album to my personal taste. I ended with a shorter one, without the long typewriter intro, some speeches or their LQ parts. I add the Batuka intro and deleted Breathwork. It may not be perfect but I can't wait to hear it again this way :P
  12. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Eyzonme in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Calm down. 
  13. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to cosmic_system in Madame X Tour DVD   
    People moaning about fast edits are clearly blind. Just God and Vogue are very fast for a reason, the rest of the show is not like that at all. Maybe you all wanted just one angle? Well, screw you. 
    What a GREAT FILM.
  14. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Honestly...loved the chaotic edition during the first section. And yes, it completely calms down once Batuka starts. I don't get the comparison with the past 2 tours? Once the last section hits with Frozen it might just the the less edited thing she's ever done including The Confessions Tour, Drowned World etc She had some really lengthy takes during that last section and it looked amazing! Sometimes less is more and she knew it. She was extremely proud of the new footage shot this year and you could tell. 
    But that chaotic first section totally makes sense in context.
    Speaking of that section...I had no idea i was going to love it so much? I really don't remember liking it that much live. It's intense as hell! wow
    Loved one very specific part: When she screams "A new democracy!", throws the hat and the way the song stops for like 2 seconds. It's nice touches like this that to me made this film so great.
    Also...I Rise is a...great song now? wtf...i was shaking by the time Like a Prayer ends and I Rise starts. What a great ending to this show! Even the simple hands choreo was so fitting.
    Everything about this live release was on point. And dare i say it...her best release / promo campaign to the masses ever. This is all over MTV worldwide, Paramount+ did an exceptional job promoting this, Madonna herself even showed up at Jimmy Fallon to promote it. Hell the album is #2 on itunes worldwide and #1 in 14 countries. A live album that we didn't even knew existed a week ago.
    One last thing...Madonna didn't spend a year doing this to release a live show. It's clear as hell. She even calls this a movie or film for a reason. It IS cinematic as hell. You can also tell the biopic inspired her during that intro, the Italy speech, etc. Watching her embracing her career this way is honestly great to witness. Before this we got the occasional music video montage only, lmao.
    Cons of the show: Oddly the 3 best songs to me live...were the ones that were boring on film. I never imagined Vogue could be boring...but it was here. Add  IDSIF and Extreme Occident to the list for the other 2. They are still worth the watch...but they could've been done better because they were all great live.
    Anyway, exciting to be a fan of a woman this creative 40 years after her debut. She is nostalgic about her career but she is also doing 90% of new songs only. I thought that was an interesting contradiction and you can tell her mood shifted between planning this tour and actually editing this show. She's full on biopic mode right now, you love to see it!
  15. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to gafuller in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I like to think of them as Easter eggs like in games hahahaha
  16. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to milotjuh in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Just finished watching the full thing, and I thought it was truly sublime. An absolute career highlight for M; very well done. Worth the wait, I'd say. It works very well when you consider this a film, not a concert really. I came away with new appreciation for Future, which wasn't one of my favorites prior. Loved how colorful, sharp, and beautifully vibrant the film is. She seems in good spirits as well, and her jokes are actually funny.
    It's quite obviously a composite of different shows with many continuity errors, but those are easily forgiven due to how the whole thing is edited. As someone who didn't get to see the show live, the film did have a slightly truncated feel to me, like it's a tv edit--but this is offset by it never dragging.
  17. Like
    Alex JLR got a reaction from milotjuh in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I just watched the show, I loved it ! It's very different than her previous ones, and the edit is too. We don't have the epileptic cuts from MDNA or Rebel Heart, even with the clip cuts, it's kinda smooth. The light and the colors are great, no strange filters. The only things that bother me was the audio quality of the spoken parts and the hairdo she has during some shots of Vogue, but this is one is just a detail. 
    One of the highlight for me : Extreme Occident ! The scenography : brilliant ! You can add Frozen and I Rise to that list

    Now I have to find a super good audio rip from it to make my own version of the live album, some things needs to be cut (Breathwork I'm watching you) and some songs needs to be add. I hope we'll also get the whole show, with Sodade etc to create an even more perfect live album 
  18. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to RebelHeart97 in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Surprise performance tonight!!!! 

  19. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Clark_Kent in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Finally the world can see this beautiful film 
  20. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Karma in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Wow, that was a brilliant film. My two cents:
    Pros: Easily the best cinematography of her career. Beautifully filmed - dare I say this would've been a worthy successor of Truth Or Dare in the big screen?. There's so much detail and thought put into the show, more than ever before. I highly recommend watching it in 1080p / 4k quality to grasp its beauty.
    I think the heavy editing made sense this time around and actually added to the experience. It was more of a conceptual art piece than your average rock show. That retrospective intro really highlights how she has always been coherent with her social message. The word "iconic" is overused nowadays, but she has totally earned it.
    Her jokes were surprisingly funny, and she was quite charming and charismatic, miles away from the aloof diva from that Graham Norton interview. She seemed more focused in enjoying herself and conveying her artistic message than being a technically perfect dancer, and at this point in her career, this is a welcomed change.
    Cons: The vocoder / autotune vocal effect will definitely turn off some people, although I perceived it as a deliberate stylistic choice.
    And I thought the lack of hits in the set list might have been disappointing for some of the casual fans in the audience. She's an artist, but she's also the Queen Of Pop. Many of her popular singles fit the spy theme very well ("Who's That Girl?", "Die Another Day", "Beautiful Stranger", etc.)
    That being said, wow. Brilliant show. I'll admit I had my reservations about the idea of Madonna directing her own biopic, but after this, I'll trust her judgement. Madame X is tardy, but she is well worth the wait.
  21. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Madant in Live album on streaming Friday   
    I'm on my second listen now, and all the tracks keep growing on me, even those that didn't sound "right" on my first listen.
    Surprisingly, I Rise sounds so much more impactful and powerful when performed live, if compared with the album version, that was quite a revelation. The ending gave me chills, twice.
    Extreme Occident is probably her best vocal performance of this release.
    American Life is another gem.
    The Rescue Me interlude is sheer bliss. Was the original vocal used? If it was, it sounds like it was slowed down.
    Some of the other highlights include: Come Alive, Vogue, Crazy & Welcome to My Fado Club.
  22. Haha
    Alex JLR reacted to Ali Khafaji in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I just finished watching I’m blown away!!! Really amazing, the editing is on point exactly how imagined it. I rise made me cry ? 

  23. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to Fighter in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Holy shit dudes....
    I just finally watched the show, not in 4k cos my stupid TV doesn't carry Paramount but I will eventually. Anyway, forget about the editing and quality which were great, but the show itself.... I kinda had an idea from pictures and stuff but I was blown away. IDK if it's because I just watched it but everything felt perfect, the setlist, the costumes, the stage elements. I love the concept of the typewriter and Madame X telling the story throughout the show. I love that we could see little details, and the slow motion shots in a few parts were truly breathtaking. I love how she edited bits of World of Madame X into the Come Alive performance. I liked the Rescue Me interlude.
    I can't point to a specific favorite moment but I love when she's singing Frozen and you can see Lola's face overlayed on top of her in the same pose, it's really beautiful. 
    Honestly didn't notice any problems with the audio or video editing, I wasn't distracted by it or bothered by fast paced cuts or little bits of "bootleg" audio. It just felt organic and Artsy. I haven't listened to the live album yet though.
    Anyways it was definitely worth the wait  Finally enough Love. 
  24. Like
    Alex JLR reacted to karlafalves in Madame X Tour DVD   
    For those who want, here is a 4000x4000 resolution image for the official cover (too big to simply attach it here...)

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    Alex JLR reacted to shakeyerdix in Madame X Tour DVD   
    My boyfriend won tickets for Paris MX screening tomorow's evening !
    Will be our come back to Grand Rex after having seen the show long time ago !
    So happy !!! Hope the screening is in the concert venue !
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