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Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman

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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Ayham in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    Because Missy is included that means this song gonna be totally different... ?
  2. Like
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to TwistedRope in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    Oh my god. I was so sure the rumours of a Dua collab were all BS. 
    And with missy too, this is genuinely insane! She’ll actually get played on Radio 1 in the UK ahaha. 
  3. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to RUADJAI in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I don't think they're slowing down... it seems pretty random.
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Andymad in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I’d let him peg me oooofffff
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Voguerista in Madame X Tour DVD   
    When are we going to get some word on this DVD or a stream release or something? it's almost August and nothing! Come on, Madonna! Let us know something? 
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna+Dua Lipa for Wonder Woman?   
    I used to say "Bring back Jellybean!!!1!" sarcastically, but it would probably be taken seriously in here.
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Redha DBL in Madonna+Dua Lipa for Wonder Woman?   
    I used to say "Bring back Jellybean!!!1!" sarcastically, but it would probably be taken seriously in here.
  8. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Andymad in Madonna+Dua Lipa for Wonder Woman?   
    I used to say "Bring back Jellybean!!!1!" sarcastically, but it would probably be taken seriously in here.
  9. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to Sultrysully in Madonna+Dua Lipa for Wonder Woman?   
    1984 was hardly the last year that Madonna was relevant by anyone's standards.  None if her monster hits had even happened. 
  10. Haha
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Shoful in Madonna+Dua Lipa for Wonder Woman?   
    I heard Madonna and Taylor Swift were doing a song for the Bambi live-action remake!
  11. Haha
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from RUADJAI in Madonna+Dua Lipa for Wonder Woman?   
    I heard Madonna and Taylor Swift were doing a song for the Bambi live-action remake!
  12. Haha
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from Ian in Madonna+Dua Lipa for Wonder Woman?   
    I heard Madonna and Taylor Swift were doing a song for the Bambi live-action remake!
  13. Like
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to wtg1987 in Will Madonna Ever Have A Hit Single Again?   
    I don’t think M has ever gone into the studio and thought “ let’s do a song that everyone is going to love  “ an artist can’t work like that as it’s a bit like going in with a straight jacket on - I’m just glad all her albums are different sonically even if her songwriting isn’t as good as it used to be
  14. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to EgoRod in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    I'm aware of Weber dodgy affair. We are not talking about him. We are talking about how male nudity is not depicted as sexual on those scenarios but female nudity is. So many of these photos were use for mainstream magazines and advertising with nobody even considering these guys were rubbing their dicks with a dog. My point is about nudity linked to sex and linked to perversion.
    If you see these images and think they are sweet, sexy, cute, strong..
    but then see Madonna on similar display and say she is pushing for bestialism, you have double standards.
    Same with that text. If you are not even bother about so many male singers reffering to their baby girls, 'almost a woman' 'virgin alike' and sexualizing teenager girls in videos and pop culture.
    But however get all disturb about the insinuation of a teenager having sex with an older woman in some made up erotic compendium. You have double standards.
  15. Like
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to FrozenRain in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    By today's standards that particular story is problematic and would not be published now, wether it be fantasy or not. In 1992 it was non issue. Just goes to show how we have changed as a society. SEX book is very much a product if its time.
  16. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to EgoRod in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    These are all fallacies and derailing of an argument with any valid points.
    I am not agreeing with so many of Madonna choices and opinions. I don't agree either with the demonization of women that are outspoken about sex. You'll think is a tactic used only by straight man, but in fact is huge in the gay world.
    When men are 'natural' to be familiar with sex .Their sexual behaviour is excused all the times, women are not.
    This book was an statement when it came out because a Pop artist who was used and criticized by the media, use it to speak out not just about her freedom to express herself but for women, queer, people with kinks and other underdogs.
    It was a big fuck you to an establishment and a mentality that look at this as deviant , dirty and unmentionable.
    I love the sex book, when it came out and still today. Not because I'm interested on any sexual fantasies that I can copy from it. Because of the message.
    You only see wrong in what you want to see wrong. But you are able to see more when you have an open mind.
    Dita talks about pain and  rape as experiences and people she talks to (Dominatrix etc..)
    She talks about learning to masturbate. She  doesnt shows any animal sex. A dog in a picture doesn't mean anything sexual at least you want to see that. then you need to question yourself.
    Everything in this life can be about sex. The issue is when you only see sex.
    An open minded and being less judgemental about others will make you care less about it and concentrate in your inner self.
  17. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to EgoRod in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    It's interesting reading about : What normal people do' what 'normal people think'
    Sex and sexual behaviour has been going since the origin of the times. And if there are sexual choices and preferences is because there is an audience and people that feel the need to have them.
    The idea that there's a 'normal' way to do things and the rest is deviant is ignorant.
    Based on a patriarchal, religious, archaic mentality designed to oppress and leave always everyone under control of the cis heterosexual man.
    I might confess that myself I'm not someone with kinks in particular or fetishes. In fact i dislike too many adornments and in general I find sex overrated. But I have friends and had met people with an array of fetishes and approaches to sex.
    And everytime I understand that something that it doesnt do for me is not less or aberrant.
    Bestialism, pederasty and any other of illegal and amoral practices I condone. Because sex suppose to be between people that consent.
    But the idea of ostracize people based on their sexual preferences and ideas is as a say before ignorant and a fuel of hate to a society that it means to evolve and be accepting.
  18. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to EgoRod in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Janet Jackson was pointed at so often for being over sexual, in her performances, live etc Playing with male domination and being on charge. Top it up with the fuckit game they did to her on Superbowl and she didnt got a job again.
    Meanwhile Justin was cashing up with no struggle.
    Don't even started with Xtina, Britney and all the oversexualized teen artist that nobody want to see anymore once they become mum.
    What's ridiculous is that gay men that had been and still treated like shit by the same system. Have the same mentality and still sticking by this patriarchal construction that only benefits straight men.
    They idea of 'normal' sex as dick/hole penetration is archaic and ridiculous. Sexuality is an spectrum and there so many layers and dimensions to it. And everyone has their own patterns.
    Some people are not even into sex, and that's sex too.
  19. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to kesiak in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Geez... Has anyone read "Lolita"? I mean, Madonna is no Nabokov by any stretch of imagination but SEX is also a piece of fiction, an exploration of sexual fantasies. That was the whole point. We all have fantasies and desires that others might find disturbing but that doesn't mean we would necessarily act on them. You can't police people's thoughts. 
  20. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to kesiak in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    Rape is a very common fantasy for both men and women (including those who have been victims of sexual violence), and there's been a lot of research done in that area:
  21. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to kesiak in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    I think a far more interesting question would be for you to ask yourself why it's bothering you so much and investigate that. Other people's thoughts and desires are none of your business. And no, fantasising about killing somebody is not a crime. We are not in charge of our thoughts, only our actions. 
  22. Thanks
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to kesiak in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    It's sad you feel this way. Repression of one's desires and needs is precisely what leads to deviant behaviour and usually increases the very fantasies one is trying to repress (source, source). The whole "Justify My Love" - SEX book era was Madonna fighting this very notion and it's truly depressing that her message was lost on some of her fans. Your thoughts aren't hurting anybody and to suggest they alone can lead to criminal behaviour is misguided and assumes one can't differentiate between right and wrong. Talking about these issues openly and honestly is the only way to process these things. Shame is always destructive. 
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    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from emanon in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    It is illegal. Statutory rape. Look it up.
  24. Like
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman reacted to deathproof in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Posted August 16 2018
  25. Like
    Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman got a reaction from PlayPause in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    The book is a fantasy. And yes, that part is about having sex with a minor.
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